Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5934: Tiny Stand

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Chapter 5934: Tiny Stand

The food stand had many customers, enjoying their noodles while chatting. This was a popular place to take a break.

Several workers remained busy while the boss was an old man with weak cultivation. He chatted with the customers and collected money.

The smoke and steam from the pots made this place look more like an ordinary market, adding a touch of permanence. The person in charge of boiling noodles was a girl around eighteen with her hair tied up around a comb. The steam from the pot obscured her face.

Nevertheless, she captured Li Qiye’s attention. Chu Zhu took a look and her gaze became piercing.

Although she met two mightier cultivators recently, this didn’t mean that she was weak. She noticed something and commented: “A good seed indeed.”

The girl noticed her gaze and became uncomfortable, seemingly trying to avoid Chu Zhu. She didn’t think much of Li Qiye due to his ordinary appearance.

Just then, a commotion arose in the market as a team of soldiers rushed in.

“Inspectors!” Cultivators and merchants became startled, making way for them.

The minor ghost markets didn’t have any organizers and partic.i.p.ants naturally feared Immortal Suppression Dynasty.

Why did they appear here? Were they hunting sinners? Thus, most either left or kept a safe distance to observe.

Many of them were already hiding at the frontier for a variety of reasons. Some were enemies of Immortal Suppression so this was not the time to linger around.

It became a chaotic mess all around the markets as the inspectors made their way to the noodle stand. People stopped slurping their noodles and ran before paying the bill.

The boss turned pale and cowered before the inspectors: “Sirs, please let me know if I have offended you in any way. I humbly apologize.”

He trembled from fear, nearly kneeling and kowtowing to beg for forgiveness.

The leader of the inspection team looked young with a fiery glow. The chill emanating from his armor made others shudder. He looked like a tiger descending from the mountain, intimidating the vagabonds.

“Crimson Tiger Inspector.” Many whispered his t.i.tle.

Inspector teams were made up of elites from Immortal Suppression Dynasty. This young man stood out due to his young age, guaranteed to occupy a high position in the dynasty later on.

“Descendants of sinners, reveal yourselves!” The young inspector roared thunderously, releasing immense pressure and forcing others back.

“So strong already.” An expert whispered.

“We got sinners here?” More and more started to hide among the crowd since they had their own problems with the dynasties.

“Descendants of sinners” was a term coined by the dynasty starting from the era of Dingtian.

The criteria were unknown to the public. A few sects had existed for eras and then one day, they were branded as descendants of sinners, resulting in sect destruction.

Fear of this judgment pervaded Sin. Now, there were some in this noodle stand?

The boss turned pale and his legs trembled, unable to stand straight.

“S-sir, there must be a mistake. We’re just vagabonds trying to survive, there are no sinful descendants here, please check again.” He said.

Crimson Tiger had a chilling glare as he a.s.sessed the area. He found nothing strange but still uttered coldly: “If you won’t step out, I will kill everyone here.”

Other inspectors captured the workers like tigers surrounding sheep, placing their blades on the neck. The workers trembled in horror but didn’t dare to scream.

Meanwhile, spectators didn’t think there were remnant sinners here but it was useless to go against the behemoth. Only death awaited once branded by Immortal Suppression.

“Time is running out. No mercy will be shown.” Crimson Tiger repeated, scanning the stall’s workers and the remaining crowd.

His eyes narrowed once he saw Chu Zhu.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5934: Tiny Stand summary

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