Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5933: Why Stay In This World

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Chapter 5933: Why Stay In This World

Chu Zhu stood above emperors and her sect was the current strongest in Sin. None in this region could stop an all-out effort from them.

Li Qiye who stood next to her smiled and shook his head: “Force is useless here. I can only say that this item is not meant to be with you.”

Chu Zhu stood there in a daze while the old woman finally opened her eyes to take a look at Li Qiye. Once she saw him, her eyes became wide open in disbelief.

A light erupted in her eyes, seemingly originating from the high heaven or the start of time. It could guide others through the darkness for an endless trek.

Chu Zhu took note of this and shuddered. Her first reaction was an awareness of not being able to defeat the old woman. That light could open a new world - something she couldn’t do.

The old woman was just as shocked. She couldn’t detect Li Qiye, meaning that the guy far surpa.s.sed her cultivation and perception.

Not to mention Sin, only a few in all of Three Immortals were higher than her. This young man was one of them.

When she took a closer look at Li Qiye’s face, she looked as if she was staring at a ghost. She immediately got up due to shock.

“We’ve met before?” Li Qiye smiled.

The old woman was stunned momentarily. After a few seconds, she grabbed the ten bracelets and tied them to Li Qiye’s wrist: “For you, Young n.o.ble.”

Her voice was grating and creepy like an owl hooting at night. However, it gave a special and indescribable feeling of tearing time apart when it echoed in the ears, capable of showing up again in the future.

“I don’t necessarily want this fate connection.” He raised his hand and took a look at them with a smile.

She bowed and disappeared into the night without responding.

“Grandma!” Chu Zhu shouted but the old woman was already gone.

She looked back at Li Qiye and had stronger suspicions.

“Young n.o.ble.” She bowed.

“What now, still want this thing?” Li Qiye said with a smile.

She shook her head and smiled wryly: “Seems like it is not meant for me but you, Young n.o.ble.”

Li Qiye looked at the bracelet and said: “That’s not the issue here. In my opinion, this is a pit.”

Chu Zhu opened her mouth but refrained from speaking, only letting out a sigh. These ten bracelets were pivotal but there was no sharing here.

“Do you recognize the woman, Young n.o.ble?” She focused on something else.

“No.” Li Qiye stroked his chin.

“But you surely know who she is.” Chu Zhu said softly.

Given the old woman’s reaction earlier, she definitely knew Li Qiye. It was a mix of astonishment and fear.

Chu Zhu couldn’t read her cultivation but she was clearly far stronger. She took a deep breath and thought about someone - Immortal Suppressor, the highest existence of a dynasty and potentially the only primal ancestor in Sin.

Chu Zhu was neither prideful nor unduly humble. The old woman never looked directly at her, clearly not viewing her as a threat. This was a hint behind their power disparity. On the other hand, she reacted strongly against Li Qiye - another hint.

Li Qiye gazed into the night without answering before letting out a sigh: “Looks like there’s still hope.”

The remark confused Chu Zhu but she didn’t let these thoughts bother her. She flipped her ponytail and regained her composure.

“Young n.o.ble, it’s rare to see a minor ghost market so let’s enjoy our time. Who knows, this might be my last visit.” She smiled.

“Indeed. The world might not capture your attention in the future.” Li Qiye nodded.

“Right, I might not return if it wasn’t for this trip.” She sighed and said. With her next emergence out of a cultivation session, she might leave Sin altogether.

This was her attempt to say goodbye to the past. The trip was worth it already to meet the old woman and the peerless treasure.

“Why is she staying here?” Another question popped up in her mind.

Given the old woman’s strength, she could stay in Old World instead of lingering in Sin’s frontier.

“Waiting.” Li Qiye responded.

“Waiting? Waiting for what?” She couldn’t help but ask due to an overwhelming curiosity.

Li Qiye chuckled and continued onward. As the darkness took over, the ghost market became livelier. Big shots from various kingdoms and sects joined the fun in the lawless area.

Li Qiye took a look at the stalls and saw a variety of merchandise - weapons, treasures, pills, and stolen goods.

A few sellers grossly mispriced their items, allowing potential lucky buyers to make a handsome profit. Alas, the current Li Qiye had no plan on purchasing and left them to the fateful ones.

After a long while, he stopped at a particular food stand. Chu Zhu stopped as well and took an interest in the female merchant.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5933: Why Stay In This World summary

You're reading Emperor’s Domination. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yan Bi Xiao Sheng,厌笔萧生. Already has 85 views.

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