The City Bride (1696) Part 12

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_Omn._ Hoora! Hoora! Exeunt omnes.

_The End of the Third ACT._

ACT the Fourth.

_A Tavern._

[2 Tables, three Chairs to each.]

_Enter_, Peg, _and_ Pettifog.

_A Drawer Meets them._

_Drawer._ Welcome Gentlemen. Please to walk into a Room? Aye Boy. Come Mr. _Pettifog_, please you sit.

_Pettifog:_ With all my Heart; Come Mistress.

_Draw._ What Wine will you be pleased to drink, Gentlemen?

_Pett._ Ask the good Woman: speak Mistress.

_Com._ Canary for her; I know what relishes her Palat best. A Quart of brisk Canary, Boy.

_Draw._ Ye shall have the best in _England_.--Coming, Coming, Sir.


_Com._ What call you this same Tavern, Mr. Attorney?

_Pett._ The King's Head, Sir.

_Com._ The King's Head: Marry, it has a good Neighbour of _Guild-hall_.

It takes many a fair Pound upon that 'n Account, I warrant you.

_Draw._ (within) A Quart of Canary in the King's-head, score.

_Enter Drawer, fills a Gla.s.s, and gives it_

_Draw._ Sir, Here's a Gla.s.s of the richest Canary that ever came over, the very Quintessence of the Grape I a.s.sure you.

_Com._ Say'st thou so? Why then there's a Tester for thee, and so leave us--. Come, Mr. _Pettifog_, [_Exit Drawer_] and 't please you my Service to you.


_Pett._ I thank you kindly, Sir.--Mrs. my Service to you, your Husband's good Health.


_Peg._ With all my Heart indeed, Here my dear black ey'd Rogue, thy n'own good Health.


_Com._ Thank you _Peg_, thank you, so now let's mind our Business.

_Enter Mr._ Ventere, _his Wife, and_ Dodge, _to another Table in the same Room._

Mr. _Ven._ Show a Room, Drawer.

_Draw._ Here Sir.

Mr. _Ven._ Ne're a private Room?

_Draw._ No Sir, the House is full.

_Com._ Ods fish, whom have we here, my Wife's Merchant, with his Lawyer?

_Pett._ Ye know we promised to give him a Meeting here.

_Comp._ 'Tis true we did so,--but come to the Business in hand.

[_Pettifog_ and _Compa.s.se_ talk privately.

Mr. _Ven._ Well, bring us a Bottle of your best Red.

_Draw._ You shall have it, Sir.

[_Exit_ Drawer.

Mr. _Ven._ And what do you think of my Cause, Mr. _Dodge_?

_Dodge._ O we shall carry it most certainly: You have Money to go through with the Business; and ne're fear but we'll trounce them swingingly.

Mr. _Ven._ I warrant you think it very strange, Mr. _Dodge_, that I am at this Charge and Expence to bring a farther Charge upon me.

_Dodge._ Not I, I a.s.sure you, Sir, for I know you are a wise Man, and know very well what you do; besides you have Money, Money enough, Sir.

Mr. _Ven._ Why the short and the long of the Business is this; I made a Purchase lately, and in that I did estate the Child (about which I'm sued) Joint-Purchaser with me in all the Land I bought.

Mrs. _Ven._ Right Husband; and you know 'twas I that advised you to make the Purchase, and therefore I'll never give my Consent to have the Child brought up by such a stinking Tar-barrel as now sues for him; he'd only bring him up to be a Swabber; no, no, he was born a Merchant and a Gentleman, and he shall live and die so.

_Dodge._ You are a worthy Gentlewoman upon my word; there are but few of such a n.o.ble Temper: But what makes the Fool of the Husband then so troublesome; does he not know when he's well?

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The City Bride (1696) Part 12 summary

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