A Short History of the 6th Division Part 11

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4. Two officers and forty other ranks of 1st K.S.L.I. raided same trenches and got in, but no prisoners taken.

6. Small raid 2nd D.L.I. (2 officers and 50 other ranks) unsuccessful--enemy's barrage too heavy.

8. Enemy small raid on 9th Suffolks at Newport Sap repulsed--four enemy dead left on our wire.

10. 9th Suffolks (3 officers and 94 other ranks) raided as far as enemy support trenches, but found no one.

12-13. 9th Norfolks (1 officer and 35 other ranks) attempted raid on Merthyr Sap, but could not get in.

15. 14th D.L.I. successful daylight raid (3 officers and 80 other ranks) in vicinity of Nash Alley--a good many enemy killed and seven prisoners taken.

23-24. Enemy entered post of 11th Ess.e.x and did some damage, but was driven out by counter-attack.

24. Raid by 1st Buffs (two companies under Capt. Jacob) near Halifax Alley--remained in trenches three and a half hours and captured fifteen prisoners and two aerial-dart machines.

Lieuts. Harrington and Buss (both killed) greatly distinguished themselves.

27-28. Very gallant raid by 2nd D.L.I. (2 officers and 84 other ranks under Capt. Fawcett) and 11th Ess.e.x (3 officers and 67 other ranks under Capt. Silver) in connection with operations of 46th Division--though antic.i.p.ated the raiders got into the enemy's trenches and remained there one hour, repelling all counter-attacks--one prisoner taken.

July 1-2. Small enemy raid on Novel Alley unsuccessful--left one dead in our trench.

3. Small enemy raid on 1st West Yorks in Novel Alley unsuccessful --two prisoners taken and one enemy left dead in trench.

7-8. Brilliant repulse of strong enemy raid near Boyau 70 by 1st The Buffs and 1st K.S.L.I.--two prisoners taken by us.

9-10. 14th D.L.I. raid (1 officer and 30 other ranks)--trenches entered but enemy fled--enemy small raid on Novel Alley driven off.

12. Patrol raid (3 patrols of 12) by 8th Bedfords in Hulluch Sector--one prisoner.

16. Surprise raid by 9th Norfolks (2 officers and 36 other ranks)--stiff fighting but no identification obtained.

20. Three patrols (3 officers and 55 other ranks) of 2nd York and Lancasters raided enemy's posts but only partly successful.

23. Raid by 1st Leicesters (8 officers and 291 other ranks under Capt. Mosse) in Quarries Sector--enemy bolted into dug-outs --remained one and a half hours in enemy's trenches--one prisoner taken.

Division relieved by 46th Division--D.H.Q. to Ourton-- troops to area Ourton-Monchy Breton.

31. 9th Norfolks and 1st Leicesters went by bus to Bac St. Maur to come under orders G.O.C., 57th Division.

Aug. 5. 9th Norfolks and 1st Leicesters returned.

24-27. Into line on Hill 70 front.

Sept. 9. 2nd Sherwood Foresters raided enemy Hill 70 Sector unsuccessfully--enemy had bombarded trenches all day and blown in many, and had antic.i.p.ated the raid.

13. 8th Bedfords (2 officers and 85 other ranks) raided enemy and bombed his crowded trenches, but failed to get in.

20-21. Enemy's raid on 11th Ess.e.x failed.

24. Side-stepped with a view to attack on Cite St. Auguste.

29. Enemy raided York and Lancasters, but was repulsed and left an unwounded prisoner in our hands.

Oct. 4. Preparations for attack. Enemy raid (about half battalion) on 18th Infantry Brigade repulsed.

Oct. 19. Raid with heavy bombardment on 14th D.L.I. unsuccessful.

20-23. Relieved by 11th Division--to St. Hilaire area.

29. Marched south to join Third Army. Training with tanks.

Nov. 15-19. Commenced march to Cambrai front.

20. _Battle of Cambrai._

16th Infantry Brigade on right, 71st Infantry Brigade on left, 18th pa.s.sed through--broke both systems of Hindenburg Line, capturing Ribecourt and Premy Chapel Ridge--first company into Marcoing--over 1,100 prisoners and 23 guns.

All objectives gained with few casualties by 12 noon.

Congratulatory message from Corps Commander.

21. Action of 14th D.L.I. supporting cavalry in advance to Cantaing.

26-27. 18th Infantry Brigade extended front to Cantaing. 1st The Buffs cleared and occupied Noyelles.

30. _Enemy counter-attack in force on Third Army._

16th Infantry Brigade moved from Divisional Reserve to near Beaucamps and ordered to counter-attack on Gouzeaucourt-- found Guards already in possession.

Arranged to attack by night on La Vacquerie-Gonnelieu-- attack unsuccessful.

Gallant action of 18th Infantry Brigade transport under Shea, Q.M., 2nd D.L.I., and Paul, Transport officer, 1st West Yorks --both died of wounds.

Congratulatory message on this action received from G.O.C., 29th Division.

Night Dec. 2/3. 16th Infantry Brigade relieved part of 29th Division north of St. Quentin Ca.n.a.l.

3. Enemy attacked K.S.L.I. and 14th D.L.I. north of ca.n.a.l. Three counter-attacks by D.L.I., but finally driven back.

Bedfords and York and Lancasters put in to restore situation --partially successful.

Front withdrawn to line of ca.n.a.l night of 3rd/4th.

4. General withdrawal of British line to Support System of Hindenburg Line ordered.

Dec. 10. Relieved by 19th Division.

11. 16th Infantry Brigade to VI Corps.

12. 18th Infantry Brigade to VI Corps.

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A Short History of the 6th Division Part 11 summary

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