A Short History of the 6th Division Part 12

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Above brigades placed at disposal of 3rd Division, and went into line to relieve two of their brigades on Bullecourt front for a few days.

Dec. 14 to } In rest--Ba.s.seux area.

Jan. 17, 1918. }


Jan. 17. Commenced move up to Fremicourt.

Feb. 4. Enemy's silent raid on three posts of Boursies area and captured one prisoner.

13. Side-stepped into Lagnicourt Sector.

Mar. 3. 1st K.S.L.I. (2 officers and 50 other ranks, B Company) raided Magpie's Nest and captured one machine-gun--enemy fled.

16. 1st Leicesters (2 officers and 50 other ranks) repeated raid-- post empty.

21. _Great German offensive commenced._ Fighting all day--heavy casualties--71st and 18th Infantry Brigades holding out in Reserve line till dark.

22. Fighting all day on Corps line.

Remnants of Division relieved at night--to Achiet and Logeast Wood.

25. By train to Second Army.

30. King's visit to Steenvoorde.

April 3-4. Into line in Ypres Salient on high ground between Menin and Zonnebeke Roads--came under XXII Corps.

13. 71st Infantry Brigade left to join 49th Division on Neuve Eglise front.

16. Line withdrawn to battle zone--enemy followed up in the afternoon and a good many casualties were inflicted on him-- one party of twenty-five annihilated.

18. Enemy raided post unsuccessfully and lost an officer killed--identification obtained by us.

25. Capture of Kemmel by enemy from the French.

26. 71st Infantry Brigade returned to Division.

Night 26-27. Further withdrawal to west end of Zillebeke Lake-White Chateau.

29. Heavy attacks against Division on our right.

May 8. Unsuccessful enemy attack on Ridgewood.

11-14. Side-slipped to south and came into II Corps.

19. 11th Ess.e.x raided Manor Farm successfully but no prisoners taken.

May 22. 2nd D.L.I. (A and C Companies) raided pill-boxes Bedford front and took sixteen prisoners.

28-29. Attack by 11th Ess.e.x in conjunction with French 46th Division.

June 5. 2nd York and Lancasters raided (3 officers and 68 other ranks) Lankhoff Farm unsuccessfully.

7-8. Division relieved--to Dirty Bucket Camp and Jan ter Biezen area.

71st T.M.B. co-operated in 46th French Division operation.

19. 18th T.M.B. lent to 7th French Division for a raid.

27-28. Relieved 46th French Division in d.i.c.kebusch front.

July 6. Enemy's raid on Scottish Wood repulsed.

9. Patrol of 2nd Sherwood Foresters rushed a post near Ridgewood by day--captured a machine-gun and killed the garrison.

14. _Attack by 18th Infantry Brigade on Ridgewood._ 1st West Yorks and 2nd D.L.I. a.s.sisted by two companies 1st Middles.e.x of 33rd Division--enemy surprised--most successful-- captures, 7 officers, 341 other ranks, 23 machine-guns, 1 H.T.M., 2 L.T.Ms.

Aug. 2. 1st The Buffs daylight raid on the Bra.s.serie--successful-- three prisoners.

6. H.M. The King saw some of the troops at Winnezeele.

8. Minor operation by 18th Infantry Brigade in connection with 41st Division's operation--company West Yorks unsuccessful --company 2nd D.L.I. on right co-operating with 41st Division entirely successful.

In August. Attachment of units of 27th American Division.

21-24. Relieved by 27th American Division--to Wizernes area.

31. Division marched to Arques.

Sept. 1. Entrained for Fourth Army.

2-4. Detrained and billeted in area Heilly-Ribemont-Franvillers.

13-14. Relieved 32nd Division at head of IX Corps by bus.

18th Infantry Brigade took over front in Holnon Wood with 11th Ess.e.x.

16th Infantry Brigade in support in Trefcon area.

71st Infantry Brigade in reserve in Monchy-Lagache area.

Sept. 15. 11th Ess.e.x attacked and captured trenches just clear of Holnon Wood, taking forty-six prisoners.

15-16. Divisional front re-organized with West Yorks on right and Ess.e.x on left.

17. West Yorks attacked Holnon Village and Ess.e.x Badger Copse to establish starting line for general attack on 18th September --fighting all day--Ess.e.x eventually successful--West Yorks unsuccessful.

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