The Little Book of the Flag Part 6

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Blue and crimson and white it s.h.i.+nes, Over the steel-tipped, ordered lines.

Hats off!

The colors before us fly; But more than the flag is pa.s.sing by.

Sea-fights and land-fights, grim and great, Fought to make and to save the State: Weary marches and sinking s.h.i.+ps; Cheers of victory on dying lips;

Days of plenty and years of peace; March of a strong land's swift increase; Equal justice, right and law, Stately honor and reverent awe;

Sign of a nation, great and strong To ward her people from foreign wrong: Pride and glory and honor,--all Live in the colors to stand or fall.

Hats off!

Along the street there comes A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums; And loyal hearts are beating high: Hats off!

The flag is pa.s.sing by!



The flag stands for all that we hold dear--freedom, democracy, government of the people, by the people, and for the people. These are the great principles for which the flag stands, and when that democracy and that freedom and that government of the people are in danger, then it is our duty to defend the flag which stands for them all, and in order to defend the flag and keep it soaring as it soars here to-day, undimmed, unsullied, victorious over the years, we must be ready to defend it, and like the men of '76 and '61, pledge to it our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.



Flag of the heroes who left us their glory, Borne through their battle-fields' thunder and flame, Blazoned in song and illumined in story, Wave o'er us all who inherit their fame!

Up with our banner bright, Sprinkled with starry light, Spread its fair emblems from mountain to sh.o.r.e, While through the sounding sky Loud rings the Nation's cry,-- UNION AND LIBERTY! ONE EVERMORE!

Light of our firmament, guide of our Nation, Pride of her children, and honored afar, Let the wide beams of thy full constellation Scatter each cloud that would darken a star!

Up with our banner bright, etc.

Empire unsceptred! What foe shall a.s.sail thee, Bearing the standard of Liberty's van?

Think not the G.o.d of thy fathers shall fail thee, Striving with men for the birthright of man.

Up with our banner bright, etc.

Yet if, by madness and treachery blighted, Dawns the dark hour when the sword thou must draw, Then with the arms of thy millions united, Smite the bold traitors to Freedom and Law!

Up with our banner bright, etc.

Lord of the Universe: s.h.i.+eld us and guide us, Trusting thee always, through shadow and sun!

Thou hast united us, who shall divide us?

Keep us, oh keep us the MANY IN ONE!

Up with =our= banner bright, Sprinkled with starry light, Spread its fair emblems from mountain to sh.o.r.e, While through the sounding sky Loud rings the nation's cry,-- UNION AND LIBERTY! ONE EVERMORE!



"If you are ever tempted to say a word or to do a thing that shall put a bar between you and your country, pray G.o.d in His mercy to take you that instant home to His own heaven. Stick by your family, boy; forget you have a self, while you do everything for them. Think of your home, boy; write and send, and talk about it. Let it be nearer and nearer to your thoughts, the farther you have to travel from it; and rush back to it when you are free. And for your country, boy,"--and the words rattled in his throat,--"and for that flag,"--and he pointed to the s.h.i.+p,--"never dream a dream but of serving her as she bids you, though the service carry you through a thousand No matter what happens to you, no matter who flatters you or who abuses you, never look to another flag, never let a night pa.s.s but you pray G.o.d to bless that flag. Remember, boy, that behind all these men you have to do with, behind officers, and government, and people even, there is the Country Herself, your Country, and that you belong to Her as you belong to your own mother. Stand by Her, boy, as you would stand by your mother."



And at the masthead, White, blue, and red, A flag unrolls the stripes and stars.

Ah! when the wanderer, lonely, friendless, In foreign harbors shall behold That flag unrolled, 'T will be as a friendly hand Stretched out from his native land, Filling his heart with memories sweet and endless!



What shall I say to you, Old Flag?

You are so grand in every fold, So linked with mighty deeds of old, So steeped in blood where heroes fell, So torn and pierced by shot and sh.e.l.l, So calm, so still, so firm, so true, My throat swells at the sight of you, Old Flag.

What of the men who lifted you, Old Flag, Upon the top of Bunker's Hill, Who crushed the Briton's cruel will, 'Mid shock and roar and crash and scream, Who crossed the Delaware's frozen stream, Who starved, who fought, who bled, who died, That you might float in glorious pride, Old Flag?

Who of the women brave and true, Old Flag, Who, while the cannon thundered wild, Sent forth a husband, lover, child.

Who labored in the field by day, Who, all the night long, knelt to pray, And thought that G.o.d great mercy gave, If only freely you might wave, Old Flag?

What is your mission now, Old Flag?

What but to set all people free, To rid the world of misery, To guard the right, avenge the wrong, And gather in one joyful throng Beneath your folds in close embrace All burdened ones of every race, Old Flag?

Right n.o.bly do you lead the way, Old Flag, Your stars s.h.i.+ne out for liberty.

Your white stripes stand for purity, Your crimson claims that courage high For Honor's sake to fight and die.

Lead on against the alien sh.o.r.e!

We'll follow you e'en to Death's door, Old Flag!



What is the voice I hear On the winds of the western sea?

Sentinel, listen from out Cape Clear And say what the voice may be.

'Tis a proud free people calling loud to a people proud and free.

And it says to them: "Kinsmen, hail; We severed have been too long.

Now let us have done with a worn-out tale-- The tale of an ancient wrong-- And our friends.h.i.+p last long as love doth last and be stronger than death is strong."

Answer them, sons of the self-same race, And blood of the self-same clan; Let us speak with each other face to face And answer as man to man, And loyally love and trust each other as none but free men can.

Now fling them out to the breeze, Shamrock, Thistle, and Rose, And the Star-Spangled Banner unfurl with these-- A message of friends and foes Wherever the sails of peace are seen and wherever the war wind blows--

A message to bond and thrall to wake, For wherever we come, we twain, The throne of the tyrant shall rock and quake, And his menace be void and vain, For you are lords of a strong young land and we are lords of the main.

Yes, this is the voice on the bluff March gale; We severed have been too long, But now we are done with a worn-out tale-- The tale of an ancient wrong-- And our friends.h.i.+p shall last long as love doth last and be stronger than death is strong.

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The Little Book of the Flag Part 6 summary

You're reading The Little Book of the Flag. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Eva March Tappan. Already has 621 views.

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