Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life Part 24

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1. They are oft so weak and unable to resist temptation, or to go about any commanded duty, as if they were quite dead.

2. They are oft so borne down with discouragement, because of the strength of opposition which they meet with on all hands; and because of the manifold disappointments which they meet with, that they have neither heart nor hand; and they faint and set up in the ways of the Lord; and cannot go through difficulties, but oftentimes lie by.

3. Through daily fighting, and seeing no victory, they become weary and faint-hearted; so that they lie by as dead, Isa. xl. 29.

4. They oft fall sick and decay, and have need of restoration and quickening.

5. The want of the sense of G.o.d's favour, and of the comforts of the Holy Ghost, maketh them to dwine and droop, and look out as dead.

6. While under soul desertions upon one account or other, they look upon themselves as free among the dead, that is, as dead men, of the society of the dead, with Heman, Psalm lx.x.xviii.

7. Yea, many times they are as dead men, led captive in chains of unbelief and corruptions, as we see David was, when his heart panted, and his strength failed him, and the light of his eyes were gone from him, Psalm x.x.xviii. 10.

8. Many times the frequent changes, and ups and downs they meet with, take all courage and heart from them, that they become like men tossed at sea, so as they have no more strength.

And many such things befall them, which make them look as dead, and to stand in need of quickening, reviving and strengthening cordials from him who is the life. And thus the Lord thinketh good to dispense with his own people,

(1.) That they may be kept humble, and know themselves to be indigent creatures, needing influences of life daily.

(2.) That they may have many errands to him who is the life, and have much to do with him, and depend upon him continually.

(3.) That he may show himself wonderful, in and about them, giving proof of his skill in quickening the dead, and in bringing such through unto everlasting life, who were daily, as it were, giving up the ghost, and at the point of death.

(4.) That heaven may be heaven; that is, a place "where the weary are at rest," Job iii. 17; and the troubled rest, 2 Thes. i. 7; and where the inhabitants shall not say they are sick, Isa. x.x.xiii. 24.

(5.) That they may be taught more the life of faith and of dependence on him, and trained up in that way.

(6.) That he may be owned, acknowledged, and submitted unto as a sovereign G.o.d, doing what he will in heaven and in earth.

For all this, there is no cause that any should take up any prejudice at Christianity: for, for all this their life is sure, and the outgate is sure and safe. Nor would they think it strange, to see believers oft mourning and drooping, seeing their case will oft fall for new supplies of life. Their fits are not known to every one; nor doth every one know what lieth sometimes at their heart; nor would they think it such an easy matter to win to heaven as they imagine; and so deceive themselves.

The righteous are saved through many deaths.

And as for believers, they would not think it strange to meet with such fits of deadness; nor thence conclude, that all their former work was but delusion, and that they are still in the state of nature. But rather observe the wisdom, faithfulness, and power of G.o.d in bringing their broken s.h.i.+p through so much broken water, yea, and s.h.i.+pwrecks; and his goodness in ordering matters so as they shall be kept humble, watchful, diligent and constant in dependence upon him who is and must be their life, first and last. And hence learn a necessity of living always near to Christ, and depending constantly upon him by faith; for he being their life, they cannot be without him, but they must die and decay.

_Second._ We hence learn, that under all these fits of deadness to which his people are subject, nothing without Christ will help: Not,

1. All their pains in and about ordinary means, prayer, reading, hearing, meditation, conference, &c. They will all cry out, that help is not in them: for he is the life.

2. Nor extraordinary duties, such as fasting and prayer, and vows,--these will never revive and quicken a drooping or fainting sickly soul: for they are not Christ, nor the life.

3. Nor will a stout courageous spirit and resolution of heart avail. If he who is the Life, breathe not, all that will melt away and evanish.

4. Nor will the stock of habitual grace which remaineth in the soul, be sufficient to quicken and revive the sick soul, if the Life breathe not on these habits; and if new influences of life and strength flow not in upon the soul, and new rays come not down from this Sun of Righteousness to warm the frozen soul, the habits will lie by as dead.

5. Far less will their great gifts and endowments help them out of that dead condition; all their light and knowledge, without the influences of this Life, will prove weak and insufficient for this end and purpose.

6. Nor will sound, pure and lively-like ordinances work out this effect; for till he look down, all these ordinances may prove dead and deadening to them.

It were good if believers were living under the conviction of this daily, and by their practice and carriage declaring if they believe, that Christ only is the Life, and that they must live in him, and be quickened and revived through him alone.

_Third_. We see hence, that Christ is the Life, that is, one that sufficiently, yea, and abundantly can help the believer while under those fits of deadness which have been mentioned, and the like. There is in him a rich supply of things that tend to revive, encourage, strengthen and enliven a soul under spiritual deadness and fainting.

Therefore is he called the Life; as having in him all that which is necessary for and answerable to souls under spiritual sicknesses, distempers, desertions, fainting and swooning fits, &c., for with him "is the fountain of life," Psalm x.x.xvi. 9; "and he it is that upholdeth the soul in life," Psalm lxvi. 9; "and can command the blessing, even life for ever more," Psalm cx.x.xiii. 3.

For further clearing of this, we would consider those things,

1. That he is G.o.d, equal with the Father in power and glory, and thereby "hath life in himself," John v. 26; and can "quicken whom he will," ver.

21. By this he proveth his own G.o.dhead and equality with the Father; so, John i. 4, it is said, "that in him was life," and that life was the light of men, whereby also his G.o.dhead is confirmed. This should be firmly believed, and rooted in our hearts, as being the ground of all our hope, comfort, and life: For, were it not so, that our Mediator were the true G.o.d, all our hopes were gone, our comforts could not be long lived, and our life were extinct.

2. As Mediator G.o.d-man, he is fully and thoroughly furnished to quicken and enliven his members and followers, first and last; and all along their life must be hid with Christ in G.o.d; "for in him dwelleth the Fulness of the G.o.dhead bodily," Col. ii. 9; as Mediator, he is called "a tree of life," Prov. iii. 18; quickening and enlivening all that feed upon him; and "the bread of life," John vi. 35, 48. Yea, because of power and authority to command life to the dead soul, he is called "the Prince of life," Acts iii. 15; and as a living, quickening stone, he giveth life to all that are built upon him, 1 Pet. ii. 4. Yea, as being fully fitted and furnished for this work, he calleth himself "the resurrection and the life," John xi. 25. This should be riveted in our hearts, as a comfortable and encouraging truth.

3. Of this stock of life and quickening and reviving grace which he hath got, and is furnished withal as Mediator and Redeemer of his people, he is communicative,--"of his fulness do we receive, and grace for grace,"

John i. 16. He got it that he might give it out, and that from him as a head it might flow unto his members, and therefore he is the bread that came down from heaven, and giveth life to the world, John vi. 35. Yea, he giveth eternal life to all his sheep, John x. 28; and he is come for this end, that his sheep might have life, John x. 10. Therefore hath he taken on such relations, as may give ground of confirmation of this, as of a head, of a stock or root, and the like. This consideration is strengthening and reviving.

4. He communicateth of this stock of life, and of reviving strength, which he hath most sweetly and on most easy terms. So that,

(1.) Such as seek him shall find life by him, Psalm lxix. 32.

(2.) Yea, such as know him shall not miss life, John xvii. 3. 1 John v.


(3.) If we will believe on him and rest upon him, we have life first and last, John iii. 15, 16, 36; vi. 40, 47. 1 Tim. i. 16.

(4.) If we will come to him, John v. 40, and cast our dead soul upon him, we shall live.

(5.) If we will hear his voice, Isa. lv. 3, and receive his instructions, we shall live; for they are the instructions of life.

(6.) Nay, if the soul be so dead, that it can neither walk nor hear, if it can but look to him, he will give life, Isa. xlv. 22.

(7.) And if the soul be so weak, that it cannot look, nor lift up its eyes; yet if it be willing, he will come with life. Rev. xxii. 17.

Oh, if this were believed!

5. As he is communicative of that life which he hath gotten as head, and that upon easy terms; so he giveth out of that life liberally, largely, abundantly, yea, more abundantly, John x. 10. The water of life which he giveth, is "a well of water springing up to everlasting life," John iv.

14. Therefore he alloweth his friends to drink abundantly, Cant. v. 1.

6. Yet it would be remembered, that he is Lord and master thereof, and Prince of this life, and so may dispense it and give it out, in what measure he seeth fit; and he is wise to measure out best for his own glory, and to their advantage.

7. All this life is sure in him,--none of his shall be disappointed thereof. His offices, which he hath taken on; and his commission, which he hath of the Father, abundantly clear this; and love to his, will not suffer him to keep up any thing that is for their advantage. He is faithful in his house as a son, and will do all that was committed unto him to do. The whole transaction of the covenant of redemption, and suretys.h.i.+p, and all the promises of the new covenant of grace, confirm this to be a sure truth; so that they that have him have life, 1 John v.

12. Prov. viii. 35.

8. Yea, all that is in Christ contributeth to this life and quickening.

His words and doctrine are the words of eternal life, John vi. 63, 68.

Phil. ii. 16. His works and ways are the ways of life, Acts ii. 28. His natures, offices, sufferings, actings, all he did as Mediator, concur to the quickening and enlivening of a poor dead soul.

9. This fulness of life which he hath, is fully suited to the believer's condition, in all points, as we shall hear.

10. This life is eminently and transcendently in him, and exclusively of all others. It is in him, and in him alone; and it is in him in a most excellent manner: So that he is the life, in the abstract; not only a living head, and an enlivening head; but life itself, the life, the "resurrection and the life."

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Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life Part 24 summary

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