Song-waves Part 8

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O patriot, ruler, leader great, Master of labor, builder of state, Man of the mart, and king of commerce, His lips have spoken--why longer wait?

One brotherhood, one family, And love its great economy!

The law of might is rule of evil--- The ethic lives in man's spirit free.

No borrowed laws of clay, nor brute, Can e'er the freeman's spirit suit!

He gave him choice!--Hark! how he thunders!

Through human strife--nor is deaf nor mute!


The sword and spear and savage knife, Wherewith the world is dowered of strife, Are but as flotsam on the current Of purpose vast of the Lord of Life.

His rising winds and swelling surge, And underflowing tidal-urge, Shall grind to dust these lethal spirits And chant in triumph their sounding dirge.

Break way, break way, Fell Evil, cease!

O soldiers of the King's increase!

O happy homes! O happy peoples!

O blessed wings of the s.h.i.+ps of peace!


Love's inspirations of the lyre Upsway the heart's intense desire, And rulers.h.i.+p and kingdoms n.o.ble Are seen within the revealing fire.

The frost of selfish blood gives place To breath of life, and salt of grace; New armor takes the cloistered spirit, And man becomes of a higher race.

Hark! 'Tis an angel's throbbing wing!

His messenger the age to bring, When, crown of brotherhood upon him, Each man shall be to his neighbor king!


Like oxeye daisies of the field, The stars their countless numbers yield In this pure sky of depth unfathomed, Wherein they lay, and so deep, concealed.

Gardens of light, environed fair With tremulous bloom of azure, where All-sweet star-buds unroll their glories In silent dews of etherial air!

O Tiller of the fields of heaven, Gardener of s.p.a.ce, by day and even The circling earth, a once fair garden, Lifts up its face for Thy promise given.


The sovereign law of human life That Love ordained for man and wife, For homes whence stream the generations To joyous service and not to strife--

This law gives rest and labor fit, G.o.d's air on surface and in pit, Wealth for the soul, and mind, and body, And fellows.h.i.+p with the race, close-knit.

O golden year, when law and life Incorporate are, as man and wife, And winged hosts of light are saying: "Peace and goodwill on the earth are rife!"


Break into flower, O garden fair!

Long hast thou known the Gardener's care; The rain and dew from heaven have fallen, And sunbeams warm on thy bosom bare.

The grains of seed all viewless fell Within the mellow soil to dwell,-- Silent the fall as that of pebbles Cast in oblivion's sunless well.

List, music ether-fine up-goes From swelling seed and life's keen throes!

O Earth, thy riven breast shall blossom In Heaven's own beauty, e'en as the rose!


Immortal Love, immortal ruth, Thorn-crowned, and crowned with deathless youth!

Source of pure faith and of right-reason, Thou art Authority and the Truth.

Blest Bond of Being, why and whence!

In realm of thought, in realm of sense, In world of human life and action, True Centre, Thou, and Circ.u.mference.

The sun and moon from s.p.a.cious height, And stars, may crumble into night!

Ongoing Lord! Eternal Order, And Fount of Beauty and Love and Light!



Shy bird of the silver arrows of song, That cleave our Northern air so clear, Thy notes prolong, prolong, I listen, I hear: "I--love--dear--Canada, Canada, Canada."

O plumes of the pointed dusky fir, Screen of a swelling patriot heart, The copse is all astir, And echoes thy part!...


Now willowy reeds tune their silver flutes As the noise of the day dies down; And silence strings her lutes, The Whitethroat to crown....

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Song-waves Part 8 summary

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