Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 1

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion.

by Various.


Among the Hymns in the following collection will be found many which are not of the commonly recognized metres. Some of these are already set to music of their own. Others can readily be adapted by the choir-leader to the simple chants which are now generally found in our collections of Sacred Music.

An asterisk prefixed to the author's name indicates that some change has been made in the hymn by the present compilers.

The t.i.tles of the Supplementary Hymns in the present edition have been introduced _within_ the original table of contents, instead of forming a separate series at the end.

Boston, April 22, 1848.


I. PUBLIC WORs.h.i.+P.

1. S. M. *Emily Taylor.


1 Come to the house of prayer, O ye afflicted, come!

The G.o.d of peace shall meet you there, He makes that house His home.

2 Come to the house of praise, Ye who are happy now; In sweet accord your voices raise, In kindred homage bow.

3 Ye aged, hither come, For ye have felt His love; Soon shall ye lift a holier song In fairer courts above.

4 Ye young, before His throne, Come, bow; your voices raise; Let not your hearts His praise disown, Who gives the power to praise.

5 Thou, whose benignant eye In mercy looks on all; Who seest the tear of misery, And hear'st the mourner's call;

6 Up to Thy dwelling-place Bear our frail spirits on, Till they outstrip time's tardy pace, And heaven on earth be won.

2. P. M. H. Ware.

Call to Prayer.

1 To prayer, to prayer!--for the morning breaks, And earth in her Maker's smile awakes; His light is on all below and above, The light of gladness, and life, and love: O, then, on the breath of this early air, Send upward the incense of grateful prayer.

2 To prayer!--for the day that G.o.d has blest Comes tranquilly on with its solemn rest; It speaks of creation's early bloom,-- It speaks of the Prince who burst the tomb: Then summon the spirit's exalted powers, And devote to heaven the hallowed hours.

3 Awake, awake, and gird up thy strength, To join Christ's holy band at length; To Him who unceasing love displays, Whom the powers of nature unceasingly praise; To Him thy heart and thy hours be given, For a life of prayer is the life of heaven.

3. S. M. *Watts.

Cheerful Wors.h.i.+p.

1 Come, ye who love the Lord!

And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround His throne.

2 The sorrows of the mind Be banished from this place!

Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less.

3 The sons of G.o.d have found That heaven begins below: Celestial fruits, on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow.

4 Then let our sorrows cease, And every tear be dry; We're travelling through the paths of peace To fairer worlds on high.

4. L. M. Anonymous.

The House of G.o.d.

1 Be still! be still! for all around, On either hand, is holy ground: Here in His house, the Lord to-day Will listen, while His people pray.

2 Thou, tost upon the waves of care, Ready to sink with deep despair, Here ask relief, with heart sincere, And thou shalt find that G.o.d is here.

3 Thou who hast laid within the grave Those whom thou hadst no power to save, Believe their spirits now are near, For angels wait while G.o.d is here.

4 Thou who hast dear ones far away, In foreign lands, 'mid ocean's spray, Pray for them now, and dry the tear, And trust the G.o.d who listens here.

5 Thou who art mourning o'er thy sin, Deploring guilt that reigns within, The G.o.d of peace is ever near; The troubled spirit meets Him here.

5. 7s. M.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 1 summary

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