Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 2

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12. S. M. Anonymous.

The Place of Prayer.

1 Here, in this place of prayer, Father! Thy face we seek: Grant us that blessed peace to share, Known to the pure and meek.

2 Come then to holy prayer, Souls that seem lost in night; Leave to the Lord your heavy care, Who giveth life and light.

3 Come with a trusting prayer, Though fears press down your souls; The Saviour's promise, "I am there,"

Each saddening fear controls.

4 Here, in this place of prayer, Let hearts in union meet: Come, cast the load you cannot bear Low at the Saviour's feet.

5 Then from this house of prayer Shall mingling praise be given, And angels, 'mid the holy air, Shall bear the notes to heaven.

13. L. M. Anonymous.

The Lord is in His Holy Temple.

1 Lo! G.o.d is here; let us adore, And humbly bow before His face; Let all within us feel His power, Let all within us seek His peace.

2 Lo! G.o.d is here; Him day and night United choirs of angels sing; To Him, enthroned above all height, Heaven's host their n.o.blest praises bring.

3 Being of beings! may our praise Thy courts with grateful incense fill: Still may we stand before thy face, Still hear and do thy sovereign will.

4 More of Thy presence, Lord! impart; More of Thine image may we bear: O, fix Thy throne in every heart, And reign without a rival there.

14. 7s. M. Bowring.

The Temple.

1 In Thy courts let peace be found, Be Thy temple full of love; Here we tread on holy ground, All serene, around, above.

2 While the knee in prayer is bent, While with praise the heart o'erflows, Tranquillize the turbulent!

Give the weary one repose!

3 Be the place for wors.h.i.+p meet, Meet the wors.h.i.+p for the place; Contemplation's blest retreat, Shrine of guilelessness and grace!

4 As an infant knows its home, Lord! may we Thy temples know; Hither for instruction come, Hence by Thee instructed go.

15. 7s. M. Gray.


1 Suppliant, lo! Thy children bend, Father, for Thy blessing now; Thou canst teach us, guide, defend; We are weak, almighty Thou!

2 With the peace Thy word imparts Be the taught and teacher blessed; In our lives, and in our hearts, Father! be Thy laws impressed.

3 Pour into each longing mind, Light and knowledge from above: Charity for all mankind, Trusting faith, enduring love.

16. H. M. *Watts.

How Amiable are Thy Tabernacles.

1 Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of Thy love, Thine earthly temples are!

To Thine abode My heart aspires, With warm desires To see my G.o.d.

2 The sparrow for her young With pleasure seeks a nest, And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest: My spirit faints, With equal zeal To rise and dwell Among Thy saints.

3 O happy souls that pray To Him that heareth prayer!

O happy men that pay Their constant service there!

They praise Thee still; And happy they Who love the way To Zion's hill.

4 They go from strength to strength, Though oft through pain and tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears: O glorious seat!

Our G.o.d and King Shall thither bring Our willing feet.

17. 7s. M. J. Taylor.


1 Lord, before Thy presence come, Bow we down with holy fear; Call our erring footsteps home, Let us feel that Thou art near.

2 Wandering thoughts and languid powers Come not where devotion kneels; Let the soul expand her stores, Glowing with the joy she feels.

3 At the portals of Thine house, We resign our earth-born cares; n.o.bler thoughts our souls engross, Songs of praise and fervent prayers.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 2 summary

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