Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 25

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149. C. M. Gaskell.

Following After Jesus.

1 In vain we thus recall to mind The cross our Master bore, Unless a holier strength we find, And love his spirit more.

2 May we, like him, though thanked with ill; Insulted, and withstood, In hope and patience labor still To do our brethren good.

3 Like him may we, unmurmuring, go Our heaven-appointed way, And learn, 'midst gathering storms of woe, "G.o.d's will be done!" to say.

150. 11s. M. Whittier.

Christ Present in the Spirit.

1 O, What though our feet may not tread where Christ trod, Nor our ears hear the das.h.i.+ng of Galilee's flood, Nor our eyes see the cross that he bowed him to bear, Nor our knees press Gethsemane's garden of prayer!

2 Yet, Loved of the Father! thy spirit is near To the meek and the lowly and penitent here; And the voice of thy love is the same, even now, As at Bethany's tomb, or on Olivet's brow.

3 O, the Outward has gone, but in glory and power The Spirit surviveth the things of an hour; Unchanged, undecaying, its Pentecost flame On the heart's secret altar is burning, the same.

151. C. M. Emily Taylor.

"I Pray Not for These Alone."

1 "O, Not for these alone I pray,"

The dying Saviour said; Though on his breast that moment lay The loved disciple's head;

2 Though to his eye that moment sprung The kind, the pitying tear For those that eager round him hung, His words of love to hear.

3 No, not for them alone he prayed;-- For all of mortal race, Whene'er their fervent prayer is made, Where'er their dwelling-place.

4 Sweet is the thought, when here we meet, His feast of love to share; And, 'mid the toils of life, how sweet The memory of his prayer!

152. L. M. Gaskell.

Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus.

1 Not in this simple rite alone May Calvary's cross to us be shown; But may we turn, in many an hour, To feel its soul-constraining power.

2 When indolence would have its will, And selfish ease would keep us still, Then to the Saviour may we look, And meet his eye's serene rebuke.

3 When men have done us cruel wrong, And angry thoughts are rising strong, May we with softened hearts turn there, And learn the Lord's forgiving prayer.

4 When sin looks tempting in our eyes, May Jesus on the cross arise, And ask if we will him forsake, And wear the chains he died to break.

5 When pain, or sickness, or distress, Our fainting souls would overpress, To him on Calvary looking still, May we find strength to bear G.o.d's will.

153. 7s. M. Pratt's Coll.

Bread of Heaven.

1 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, For thy flesh is meat indeed; Ever let our souls be fed With this true and living bread.

2 Vine of heaven, thy blood supplies This blest cup of sacrifice; Lord, thy wounds our healing give; To thy cross we look and live.

3 Day by day with strength supplied, Through the life of him who died, Lord of life, O, let us be Rooted, grafted, built on thee!

154. L. M. Anonymous.

The Presence of Jesus.

1 When, blest Redeemer, thou art near, The soul enjoys a sacred peace: Thy presence calms our every fear, And gives from every doubt release.

2 Be with us now, in truth and love, In strength that conquers every sin; O, cleanse, and bless, and lift above, And may thy cross our hearts still win.

3 In suffering may we strength receive From memory of thy victory won; In doubt our drooping hopes revive;-- Thus be thy presence with us shown!

4 Be ever near our spirits, Lord; And, drawn by sympathy, may we Still, through thy cross, thy life, thy word, In faith and love come near to thee!

155. S. M. C. Wesley.

Presence of Jesus.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 25 summary

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