Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 26

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1 Not in the name of pride Or selfishness we're met; From worldly paths we turn aside, And worldly thoughts forget.

2 Jesus, we look to thee, Thy promised presence claim!

Thou in the midst of us shalt be, a.s.sembled in thy name.

3 Present we know thou art; But, O, thyself reveal!

Now, Lord, let every bounding heart Thy peace and gladness feel!

4 O, may thy quickening voice The death of sin remove; And bid our inmost souls rejoice In hope of perfect love!

156. 10s. M. T. Parker.

Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life.

1 O Thou great Friend to all the sons of men, Who once appeared in humblest guise below, Sin to rebuke, to break the captive's chain, And call thy brethren forth from want and woe;

2 We look to thee! thy truth is still the Light, Which guides the nations, groping on their way, Stumbling and falling in disastrous night, Yet hoping ever for the perfect day.

3 Yes! thou art still the Life; thou art the way The holiest know;--Light, Life, and Way of heaven!

And they who dearest hope, and deepest pray, Toil by the light, life, way, which thou hast given.

157. C. M. Anonymous.

One in Christ.

1 A Holy air is breathing round, A fragrance from above; Be every soul from sense unbound, Be every spirit love.

2 O G.o.d, unite us heart to heart, In sympathy divine, That we be never drawn apart, And love not Thee nor Thine;

3 But, by the cross of Jesus taught, And all Thy gracious word, Be nearer to each other brought, And nearer to the Lord.

158. C. M. Emily Taylor.


1 O, here, if ever, G.o.d of love!

Let strife and hatred cease; And every thought harmonious move, And every heart be peace.

2 Not here, where met to think of him Whose latest thoughts were ours, Shall mortal pa.s.sions come to dim The prayer devotion pours.

3 No, gracious Master, not in vain Thy life of love hath been; The peace thou gav'st may yet remain, Though thou no more art seen.

4 Thy kingdom come! we watch, we wait, To hear thy cheering call; When heaven shall ope its glorious gate, And G.o.d be all in all.

159. 8 & 7s. M. Anonymous.


1 "Come who will," the voice from heaven, Like a silver trumpet, calls; "Come who will,"--the church hath given Back the echo from its walls.

2 Come, to rivers ever flowing From the high, eternal throne; Come, where G.o.d, his gifts bestowing, In the church on earth is known.

3 Heavenly music! he who listens, Longing for his spirit's home, While his eye with rapture glistens, Yearning says,--"I come, I come!"

160. 11 & 10s. M. Anonymous.

"Come unto Me."

1 Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather, When the sad heart is weary and distrest, Seeking for comfort from your Heavenly Father, Come unto me, and I will give you rest!

2 Ye who have mourned when the spring-flowers were taken, When the ripe fruit fell richly to the ground, When the loved slept, in brighter homes to waken, Where their pale brows with spirit-wreaths are crowned;

3 Large are the mansions in thy Father's dwelling, Glad are the homes that sorrows never dim; Sweet are the harps in holy music swelling, Soft are the tones which raise the heavenly hymn;

4 There, like an Eden blossoming in gladness, Bloom the fair flowers the earth too rudely pressed; Come unto me, all ye who droop in sadness, Come unto me, and I will give you rest.

161. 8, 7, & 4s. M. Anonymous.

The Weary and Heavy-Laden.

1 Come to Jesus, O my brothers, Come in this accepted hour; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power; He is able, He is willing,--doubt no more.

2 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him; This he gives you,-- 'Tis the spirit's struggling beam.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 26 summary

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