Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 27

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3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden; Wait not,--'tis your Saviour's call; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all.

Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call.

162. P. M. Moore.

Come, Ye Disconsolate.

1 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish; Come, at the shrine of G.o.d fervently kneel!

Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope, when all others die, fadeless and pure, Here speaks the Comforter, in G.o.d's name saying, Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure.

3 Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of G.o.d, living and pure; Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure.

163. C. M. Anonymous.

Parting Hymn.

1 Through thee as we together came, In singleness of heart, And met, O Jesus! in thy name, So in thy name we part.

2 Nearer to thee our spirits lead, And still thy love bestow, Till thou hast made us free indeed, And spotless, here below.

3 When to the right or left we stray, Leave us not comfortless, But guide our feet into the way Of everlasting peace.

164. 6 & 10s. M. Briggs' Coll.


1 The peace which G.o.d bestows Through him who died and rose, The peace the Father giveth through the Son, Be known in every mind, The broken heart to bind, And bless each traveller as he journeys on.

2 Ye who have known to weep, Where your beloved sleep; Ye who have raised the deep, the bitter cry-- G.o.d's blessing be as balm, The fevered heart to calm, And wondrous peace the troubled mind supply.

3 Ere daily strifes begin The war without, within, The G.o.d of love, with spirit and with power, Now on each bended head His deepest blessing shed, And keep us all through every troubled hour.


165. C. M. Gaskell.

The Heralds of the Cross.

1 Forth went the heralds of the cross, No dangers made them pause; They counted all the world but loss, For their great Master's cause.

2 Through looks of fire, and words of scorn, Serene their path they trod; And to the dreary dungeon borne, Sang praises unto G.o.d.

3 Friends dropped the hand they clasped before, Love changed to cruel hate; And home to them was home no more; Yet mourned they not their fate.

4 In all his dark and dread array, Death rose upon their sight; But calmly still they kept their way, And shrank not from the fight.

5 They knew to whom their trust was given, They could not doubt His word; Before them beamed the light of heaven, The presence of their Lord.

6 O, may a faith as true be ours, And shed as pure a light Of peace across the darkest hours, And make the last one bright!

166. 7s. M. *Johns.

The Preachers of the Word.

1 Thanks to G.o.d for those who came In the Saviour's glorious name; Who upon the green earth trod But to teach the truth of G.o.d.

2 For the great Apostles, first, Who from life's endearments burst, Going from the Cross, and then Leading to the Cross again:

3 For the next, who meekly poured Willing blood to serve the Lord; Fearless bore the racks of pain, Felon's death, or captive's chain;

4 And for all, from sh.o.r.e to sh.o.r.e, Who the blessed tidings bore; All who wrought for liberty When 'twas treason to be free.

5 Ye, who now, in better days, Live to spread your Maker's praise, Shedding, each man's home around, Light that consecrates the ground;

6 Teachers of the word of light, Go forth in your Master's might!

Speed your where'er Life has grief, or death has fear!

167. S. M. Ancient Hymns.

Thanks for all Saints.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 27 summary

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