Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 31

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184. S. M. Johns.

Human Brotherhood.

1 Hush the loud cannon's roar, The frantic warrior's call!

Why should the earth be drenched with gore?

Are we not brothers all?

2 Want, from the wretch depart!

Chains, from the captive fall!

Sweet mercy, melt the oppressor's heart,-- Sufferers are brothers all.

3 Churches and sects, strike down Each mean part.i.tion-wall!

Let love each harsher feeling drown,-- Christians are brothers all.

4 Let love and truth alone Hold human hearts in thrall, That heaven its work at length may own, And men be brothers all.

185. C. M. Gaskell.


1 How long, O Lord, his brother's blood Shall man in battle spill?

How long that mandate be withstood, Which cries, "Thou shalt not kill?"

2 How long shall glory still be found In scenes of cruel strife, Where misery walks, a giant crowned, Crus.h.i.+ng the flowers of life?

3 O, hush, great G.o.d! the sounds of war, And make Thy children feel That he, with Thee, is n.o.blest far, Who toils for human weal;--

4 And though forgotten, he alone Can be a Christian true Who would his foes as brethren own, And still their good pursue.

186. 7s. M. Milman.

He Rebuked the Wind and the Sea.

1 Lord! thou didst arise and say To the troubled waters, Peace!

And the tempest died away; Down they sank, the foaming seas, And a calm and heaving sleep Spread o'er all the deep; All the azure lake serene Like another heaven was seen.

2 Lord! thy gracious word repeat To the billows of the proud!

Quell the tyrant's martial heat, Quell the fierce and changing crowd!

Then the earth shall find repose From oppressions, and from woes; And an imaged heaven appear In the world of darkness here.

187. L. M. *

The Hope of Man.

1 The Past is dark with sin and shame, The Future dim with doubt and fear; But, Father, yet we praise Thy name, Whose guardian love is always near.

2 For man has striven, ages long, With faltering steps to come to Thee, And in each purpose high and strong The influence of Thy grace could see.

3 He could not breathe an earnest prayer, But Thou wast kinder than he dreamed, As age by age brought hopes more fair, And nearer still Thy kingdom seemed.

4 But never rose within his breast A trust so calm and deep as now;-- Shall not the weary find a rest?

Father, Preserver, answer Thou!

5 'Tis dark around, 'tis dark above, But through the shadow streams the sun; We cannot doubt Thy certain love; And Man's true aim shall yet be won!

188. 6s. M. Anonymous.

Behold, He Cometh.

1 Hark! through the waking earth, Hark! through the echoing sky, Herald of freedom's birth, There comes a glorious cry.

2 The triple chains that bind Fall from the weary limb, And from the down-crushed mind, As soundeth that high hymn.

3 Unto man's waiting heart It saith,--"Arise, be strong!

Bear thou an earnest part Against all forms of wrong.

4 "Wouldst live in earth as lives The glorious One above?

He for thy model gives Himself, and he is Love.

5 "Love in each brother man The G.o.d who loveth him; Revere the stamp of heaven, However marred and dim.

6 "Bid fear give place to love; Bid doubt and pa.s.sion cease; Be every word of hate Forever hushed in peace."

7 Sound, sound through all the earth!

Sound through the echoing sky!

Proclaim the world's new birth; Proclaim the Lord is nigh!

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 31 summary

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