Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 32

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189. 7s. M. *Montgomery.

The Liberty of the Sons of G.o.d.

1 G.o.d made all his creatures free; Life itself is liberty; G.o.d ordained no other bands Than united hearts and hands.

2 Sin the primal charter broke,-- Sin, itself earth's heaviest yoke; Tyranny with sin began, Man o'er brute, and man o'er man.

3 But a better day shall be, Life again be liberty, And the wide world's only bands Love-knit hearts and love-linked hands.

4 So shall every slavery cease, All G.o.d's children dwell in peace, And the new-born earth record Love, and Love alone, is Lord.

190. P. M. H. Ware.


1 Oppression shall not always reign; There comes a brighter day, When freedom, burst from every chain, Shall have triumphant way.

Then right shall over might prevail, And truth, like hero armed in mail, The hosts of tyrant wrong a.s.sail, And hold eternal sway.

2 What voice shall bid the progress stay Of truth's victorious car?

What arm arrest the growing day, Or quench the solar star?

What reckless soul, though stout and strong, Shall dare bring back the ancient wrong, Oppression's guilty night prolong, And freedom's morning bar?

191. C. M. *Whittier.

The Reformers.

1 O pure Reformers! not in vain Your trust in human kind; The good which bloodshed could not gain, Your peaceful zeal shall find.

2 The truths ye urge are borne abroad By every wind and tide; The voice of nature and of G.o.d Speaks out upon your side.

3 The weapons which your hands have found Are those which Heaven hath wrought, Light, Truth, and Love,--your battle-ground, The free, broad field of Thought.

4 O, may no selfish purpose break The beauty of your plan, Nor lie from throne or altar shake Your steady faith in man.

5 Press on! and if we may not share The glory of your fight, We'll ask at least, in earnest prayer, G.o.d's blessing on the Right.

192. 8 & 7s. M. Cowper.

The Kingdom of Heaven.

1 Hear what G.o.d, the Lord, hath spoken; O my people, faint and few, Comfortless, afflicted, broken, Fair abodes I build for you; Scenes of heartfelt tribulation Shall no more perplex your ways; You shall name your walls salvation, And your gates shall all be praise.

2 There, in undisturbed possession, Peace and righteousness shall reign; Never shall you feel oppression, Never hear of war again; G.o.d shall rise, and, s.h.i.+ning o'er you, Change to day the gloom of night; He, the Lord, shall be your glory, G.o.d your everlasting light.


193. P. M. Sp. of Psalms.

The Holy Spirit.

1 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed His tender, last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed, With us to dwell.

2 He came, in tongues of living flame, To teach, convince, subdue; All powerful as the wind he came, As viewless too.

3 He came sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing guest, While he can find one humble heart Wherein to rest.

4 And his that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks each fault, that calms each fear And speaks of heaven.

5 And every virtue we possess, And every victory won, And every thought of holiness, Are his alone.

6 Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness pitying see; O, make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And worthier Thee!

194. S. M. Anonymous.

The Spirit Saith "Come!"

1 The Spirit in our hearts Is whispering, "Wanderer, come!"

The Bride, the church of Christ, proclaims To all his children, "Come!"

2 Let him that heareth say To all about him, "Come!"

Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ, the fountain, come!

3 Yes, whosoever will, O, let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life; 'Tis Jesus bids you come.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 32 summary

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