Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 33

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4 Lo! Jesus, who invites, Declares, "I quickly come!"

Lord, even so! I wait thine hour; Jesus, my Saviour, come!

195. 7s. M. Anonymous.

The Prodigal.

1 Brother, hast thou wandered far From thy Father's happy home, With thyself and G.o.d at war?

Turn thee, brother, homeward come!

2 Hast thou wasted all the powers G.o.d for n.o.ble uses gave?

Squandered life's most golden hours?

Turn thee, brother, G.o.d can save!

3 Is a mighty famine now In thy heart and in thy soul?

Discontent upon thy brow?

Turn thee, G.o.d will make thee whole!

4 He can heal thy bitterest wound, He thy gentlest prayer can hear; Seek Him, for He may be found; Call upon Him; He is near.

196. L. M. Beard's Coll.

Turn, Child of Doubt.

1 Turn, child of doubt, estranged from G.o.d!

To error's joyless waste betrayed; No light will there illume thy road, No friendly voice will give thee aid.

2 O, turn, and leave that cheerless waste!

The shade of death,--the maze of woe!

There is a path that leads to rest, A fount of life is given below.

3 Thy friend, thy Lord, from heaven revealed, The lost, the erring, to recall, That sacred fountain hath unsealed; With voice of love he speaks to all.

4 He bids the dying wanderer turn, To walk in duty's way, and live; He speaks to wounded souls that mourn, He speaks,--to heal and to forgive.

197. 7s. M. Briggs' Coll.

Come Home!

1 Soul! celestial in thy birth, Dwelling yet in lowest earth, Panting, shrinking to be free, Hear G.o.d's spirit whisper thee.

2 Thus it saith; in accents mild,-- "Weary wanderer, wayward child, From thy Father's earnest love Still forever wilt thou rove?

3 "Turn to hope, and peace, and light, Freed from sin, and earth, and night; I have called, entreated thee, In my mercies gentle, free.

4 "Human soul, in love divine I have sought to make thee mine; Still for thee good angels yearn; Human soul, return, return!"

198. C. M. Whittier.

The Call.

1 O, not alone with outward sign Of fear, or voice from heaven, The message of a truth divine, The call of G.o.d, is given; Awakening in the human heart Love for the True and Right, Zeal for the Christian's better part, Strength for the Christian's fight.

2 Though heralded by naught of fear, Or outward sign, or show; Though only to the inward ear It whisper soft and low; Though dropping as the manna fell, Unseen, yet from above, Holy and gentle, heed it well,-- The call to Truth and Love.

199. 11s. M. Anonymous.

Acquaint Thee with G.o.d.

1 Acquaint thee, O spirit, acquaint thee with G.o.d, And joy, like the suns.h.i.+ne, shall beam on thy road; And peace, like the dew, shall descend round thy head, And sleep, like an angel, shall visit thy bed.

2 Acquaint thee, O spirit, acquaint thee with G.o.d, And he shall be with thee when fears are abroad; Thy safeguard in danger that threatens thy path, Thy joy in the valley and shadow of death.

200. S. M. Johns.

Thou Must Be Born Again.

1 Thou must be born again!

Such was the solemn word To him who came, not all in vain, By night to seek his Lord.

2 Thou must be born again!

But not the birth of clay; The immortal seed must thence obtain Deliverance into day.

3 Thou, in thy inmost mind, Must own the same control; The same regenerating wind Must move and guide thy soul.

4 Thou canst not choose but trace The steps the Master trod, If once thou feel his truth and grace, A conscious child of G.o.d.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 33 summary

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