Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 5

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"Give Us Our Daily Bread."

1 Day by day the manna fell; O, to learn this lesson well!

Still by constant mercy fed, Give us, Lord, our daily bread.

2 "Day by day," the promise reads; Daily strength for daily needs; Cast foreboding fears away; Take the manna of to-day.

3 Lord, our times are in Thy hand; All our sanguine hopes have planned To Thy wisdom we resign, And would mould our wills to Thine.

4 Thou our daily task shalt give; Day by day to Thee we live; So shall added years fulfil Not our own, our Father's will.

5 O, to live exempt from care, By the energy of prayer; Strong in faith, with mind subdued, Glowing yet with grat.i.tude!

31. C. M. *Montgomery.

A Prayer.

1 G.o.d of all grace, we come to Thee, With humble, prayerful hearts; Give what Thine eye delights to see, Truth in the inward parts:

2 Give deep humility; the sense Of holy sorrow give: A strong, desiring confidence, To hear Thy voice and live:

3 Patience, to watch, and wait, and weep, Though mercy long delay; Courage, our fainting souls to keep, And trust Thee, though Thou slay.

4 Give these,--and then Thy will be done!

Thus strengthened with all might, We, in the spirit of Thy Son, Shall pray, and pray aright.

32. C. M. Montgomery.

A Prayer.

1 What shall we ask of G.o.d in prayer?

Whatever good we want; Whatever man may seek to share, Or G.o.d in wisdom grant.

2 Father of all our mercies,--Thou In whom we move and live!

Hear us in heaven, Thy dwelling, now, And answer, and forgive.

3 When hara.s.sed by ten thousand foes, Our helplessness we feel, O, give the weary soul repose, The wounded spirit heal!

4 When dire temptations gather round, And threaten or allure, By storm or calm, in Thee be found A refuge strong and sure.

5 When age advances, may we grow In faith, in hope, and love; And walk in holiness below To holiness above.

33. 11 & 10s. M. *

For Divine Strength.

1 Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling, Fain would our souls feel all Thy kindling love; For we are weak, and need some deep revealing Of Trust and Strength and Calmness from above.

2 Lord, we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow, And Thou hast made each step an onward one; And we will ever trust each unknown morrow,-- Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done.

3 In the heart's depths a peace serene and holy Abides, and when pain seems to have her will, Or we despair,--O, may that peace rise slowly, Stronger than agony, and we be still!

4 Now, Father, now, in Thy dear presence kneeling, Our spirits yearn to feel Thy kindling love; Now make us strong, we need Thy deep revealing Of Trust and Strength and Calmness from above.

34. L. M. Gaskell.

Seeking Strength.

1 O G.o.d! who knowest how frail we are, How soon the thought of good departs; We pray that Thou wouldst feed the fount Of holy yearning in our hearts.

2 Let not the choking cares of earth The precious springs of life o'ergrow; But, ever guarded by Thy love, Still purer may their waters flow.

3 To Thee, with sweeter hope and trust, Be every day our spirits given; And may we, while we walk on earth, Walk more as citizens of heaven.

35. C. M. Anonymous.

Drawing Near to G.o.d.

1 From every fear and doubt, O Lord, In mercy set us free, While in the confidence of prayer Our hearts draw near to Thee!

2 In all our trials, struggles, joys, Teach us Thy love to see, Which by the discipline of life Would draw us unto Thee.

3 Our lives, devoted to Thy will, Our sacrifice shall be, And then will death, whene'er it come, But draw us nearer Thee.

36. L. M. W. Scott.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 5 summary

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