Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 6

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The Pillar and Cloud.

1 When Israel, of the Lord beloved, Out from the land of bondage came, Her fathers' G.o.d before her moved, An awful guide in smoke and flame.

2 By day, along the astonished lands The cloudy pillar glided slow; By night, Arabia's crimsoned sands Returned the fiery column's glow.

3 Thus present still, though now unseen, When brightly s.h.i.+nes the prosperous day, Be thoughts of Thee a cloudy screen, To temper the deceitful ray!

4 And, O, when gathers on our path In shade and storm the frequent night, Be Thou, long-suffering, slow to wrath, A burning and a s.h.i.+ning light!

37. C. M. Smart.

Prayer for Wisdom.

1 Father of light! conduct our feet Through life's dark, dangerous road; Let each advancing step still bring Us nearer to our G.o.d.

2 Let heaven-eyed prudence be our guide; And when we go astray, Recall our feet from folly's paths To wisdom's better way.

3 That heavenly wisdom from above Abundantly impart; And let it guard, and guide, and warm, And penetrate each heart;

4 Till it shall lead us to Thyself, Fountain of bliss and love!

And all our darkness be dispersed In endless light above.

38. L. M. Mrs. Cotterill.

Living to the Glory of G.o.d.

1 O Thou, who hast at Thy command The hearts of all men in Thy hand!

Our wayward, erring hearts incline To know no other will but Thine.

2 Our wishes, our desires, control; Mould every purpose of the soul; O'er all may we victorious be That stands between ourselves and Thee.

3 Thrice blest will all our blessings be, When we can look through them to Thee; When each glad heart its tribute pays Of love, and grat.i.tude, and praise.

4 And while we to Thy glory live, May we to Thee all glory give, Until the final summons come, That calls Thy willing servants home.

39. L. M. Anonymous.

The Peace of G.o.d.

1 O Father! lift our souls above, Till we find rest in Thy dear love; And still that Peace divine impart Which sanctifies the inmost heart, And makes each morn and setting sun But bring us nearer to Thy throne.

2 May we our daily duties meet, Tread sin each day beneath our feet, And win that strength which doth Thy will And seeth Thee, and so is still; And fixed on Thy sustaining arm, Find daily food and know no harm.

3 Help us with man in peace to live, Our brother's wrong in love forgive, And day and night the tempter flee Through strength which comes alone from Thee!

Thus will our spirits find their rest, In Thy deep Peace forever blest.

40. 6 & 10s. M. Mrs. Hemans.

The Heart's Inspiration.

1 Father, who art on high!

Weak is the melody Of harp or song to reach Thy gracious ear, Unless the heart be there, Winging the words of prayer With its own fervent faith, or suppliant tear.

2 O, let Thy spirit move O'er those who bend in love, Be Thou amidst them as a heavenly guest; So shall our cry have power To win from Thee a shower Of healing gifts for every wounded breast.

3 O, let Thy breath once more Within the soul restore Thine own first image, Holiest and Most High!

As a clear lake is filled With hues of heaven instilled, Down to the depths of its calm purity.

41. C. M. H. Ware, Jr.

For G.o.d's Presence.

1 Father in heaven, to whom our hearts Would lift themselves in prayer, Drive from our souls each earthly thought, And show Thy presence there.

2 Each moment of our lives renews The mercies of the Lord; Each moment is itself a gift To bear us on to G.o.d.

3 Help us to break the galling chains This world has round us thrown; Each pa.s.sion of our hearts subdue, Each cherished sin disown.

4 O Father! kindle in our souls A never-dying flame Of holy love, of grateful trust, In Thine almighty name.

42. C. M. Doddridge.

Doing All to G.o.d.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 6 summary

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