Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 62

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Evening Hymn.

1 Source of light and life divine!

Thou didst cause the light to s.h.i.+ne; Thou didst bring Thy sunbeams forth O'er Thy new-created earth.

2 Shade of night and morning ray Took from Thee the name of day: Now again the shades are nigh, Listen to Thy children's cry!

3 May we ne'er, by guilt depressed, Lose the way to endless rest; May no thoughts, corrupt and vain, Draw our souls to earth again.

4 Rather help them still to rise Where our dearest treasure lies; Help us in our daily strife, Make us struggle into life!

369. L. M. *Wordsworth.

Sunset Hymn.

1 Up to the throne of G.o.d is borne The voice of praise at early morn, And He accepts the reverent hymn Sung as the light of day grows dim.

2 Look up to heaven! the obedient sun Already through his course hath run; He cannot halt or go astray, But our immortal spirits may.

3 Lord, since his rising in the east, If we have faltered or transgressed, Guide, from Thy love's abundant source, What yet remains of this day's course.

4 Help with Thy grace, through all life's day, Our upward and our downward way; And glorify for us the west, When we shall sink into our rest.

370. P. M. Anonymous.


1 Fading, still fading, the last beam is s.h.i.+ning; Father in heaven! the day is declining; Safety and innocence flee with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth with the night; From the fall of the shade till the morning bells chime, s.h.i.+eld us from danger and keep us from crime!

Father! have mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!

2 Father in heaven! O, hear, when we call, Through Jesus Christ, who is Saviour of all!

Fainting and feeble, we trust in Thy might; In doubting and darkness Thy love be our light!

Let us sleep on Thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in Thy arms when the morning returns.

Father! have mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!

371. 7s. M. *Furness.

The Light of Stars.

1 Slowly, by G.o.d's hand unfurled, Down around the weary world Falls the darkness; O, how still Is the working of His will!

2 Mighty spirit, ever nigh!

Work in me as silently; Veil the day's distracting sights, Show me heaven's eternal lights.

3 Living stars to view be brought In the boundless realms of thought; High and infinite desires, Flaming like those upper fires!

4 Holy Truth, Eternal Right, Let them break upon my sight; Let them s.h.i.+ne serene and still, And with light my being fill.

372. L. M. Pierpont.

Evening Hymn for a Child.

1 Another day its course hath run, And still, O G.o.d! Thy child is blest; For Thou hast been by day my sun, And Thou wilt be by night my rest.

2 Sweet sleep descends, mine eyes to close; And now, while all the world is still, I give my body to repose, My spirit to my Father's will.

373. L. M. Doddridge.

The Eternal Sabbath.

1 Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows, On this Thy day, in this Thy house; And own, as grateful sacrifice, The songs which from Thy churches rise.

2 Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love; But there's a n.o.bler rest above; To that our longing souls aspire, With earnest hope and strong desire.

3 No more fatigue, no more distress; Nor sin nor death shall reach the place; No groans to mingle with the songs Which warble from immortal tongues.

4 No rude alarms of raging foes; No cares to break the long repose; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon.

5 O long expected day, begin; Dawn on these realms of woe and sin!

Fain would we leave this weary road, And pa.s.s through death, to rest with G.o.d.

374. C. M. Christian Hymns.

Sabbath Morning.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 62 summary

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