Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 63

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1 How sweet, how calm, this Sabbath morn!

How pure the air that breathes!

How soft the sounds upon it borne!

How light its vapor wreathes!

2 It seems as if the Christian's prayer, For peace and joy and love, Were answered by the very air That wafts its strain above.

3 Let each unholy pa.s.sion cease, Each evil thought be crushed, And every care that mars our peace In Faith and Love be hushed.

375. L. M. *Montgomery.

Sabbath Evening.

1 Within Thy courts have millions met, Millions this day before Thee bowed; Their faces heavenward were set, Their vows to Thee, O G.o.d! they vowed.

2 Still as the light of morning broke O'er island, continent, and deep, Thy far-spread family awoke, Sabbath all round the world to keep.

3 From east to west the sun surveyed, From north to south, adoring throngs; And still where evening stretched her shade The stars came forth to hear their songs.

4 And not a prayer, a tear, a sigh, Hath failed this day some suit to gain; To hearts that sought Thee Thou wast nigh Nor hath one sought Thy face in vain.

5 The poor in spirit Thou hast fed, The feeble soul hath strengthened been.

The mourner Thou hast comforted, The pure in heart their G.o.d have seen.

6 And Thou, soul-searching G.o.d! hast known The hearts of all that bent the knee, And all their prayers have reached Thy throne, In soul and truth who wors.h.i.+pped Thee.

376. C. M. *


1 When from the Jordan's gleaming wave Came forth the Sinless One, A voice athwart the heavens flashed, "Lo! my beloved son!"

2 The Baptist, gazing on his face, With the soul's radiance bright, Beheld upon his sacred head A snow-white dove alight.

3 Now with baptismal waters touched, Thy children, Father, see!

While heart and soul, and mind and strength, They consecrate to Thee.

4 Send down on them Thy holy dove, Thy spirit undefiled; Be each in purity and faith Thy well-beloved child!

5 O help them in the wilderness To conquer doubt and sin; To see above them still Thy Peace, And hear Thy voice within!

377. L. M. W. Boston Coll.

Baptism of a Child.

1 This child we dedicate to Thee, O G.o.d of grace and purity!

s.h.i.+eld it from sin and threatening wrong, And let Thy love its life prolong.

2 O, may Thy spirit gently draw Its willing soul to keep Thy law; May virtue, piety, and truth, Dawn even with its dawning youth!

3 We, too, before Thy gracious sight, Once shared the blest baptismal rite, And would renew its solemn vow, With love, and thanks, and praises, now.

4 Grant that, with true and faithful heart, We still may act the Christian's part, Cheered by each promise Thou hast given, And laboring for the prize in heaven.

378. S. M. Disciples' H. B.

Baptism of a Child.

1 To Thee, O G.o.d in heaven, This little one we bring, Giving to Thee what Thou hast given, Our dearest offering.

2 Into a world of toil These little feet will roam, Where sin its purity may soil, Where care and grief may come.

3 O, then, let Thy pure love, With influence serene, Come down, like water, from above, To comfort and make clean!

379. S. M. Disciples' H. B.

Baptism of Children.

1 To Him who children blest, And suffered them to come, To Him who took them to his breast, We bring these children home.

2 To Thee, O G.o.d, whose face Their spirits still behold, We bring them, praying that Thy grace May keep, Thine arms enfold.

3 And as this water falls On each unconscious brow, Thy holy spirit grant, O Lord, To keep them pure as now!

380. C. M. Gaskell.

Marriage Hymn.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 63 summary

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