Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 64

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1 We join to pray, with wishes kind, A blessing, Lord, from Thee, On those who now the bands have twined, Which ne'er may broken be.

2 We know that scenes not always bright Must unto them be given; But let there s.h.i.+ne o'er all the light Of love, and truth, and heaven.

3 Still hand in hand, their journey through, Meek pilgrims may they go; Mingling their joys as helpers true, And sharing every woe.

4 In faith, and trust, and heart, the same, The same their home above; May each in each still feed the flame Of pure and holy love.

381. 7s. M. Anonymous.

Marriage Hymn.

1 Father, in Thy presence now Has been pledged the nuptial vow; Heart to heart, as hand in hand, Linked in one Thy children stand.

2 G.o.d of love! this union bless, Not with earth's low happiness; But with joys whose heavenly spring Shall diviner raptures bring.

3 May these blended souls be found Firm in duty's active round; Daily every burden share, Nightly seek Thy shadowing care.

4 When against their trembling forms Shoot the arrows of life's storms; Or when age and sickness wait Heralds at life's parting gate;--

5 In the fulness of belief, May they look beyond the grief; And together fearless tread In the path where Thou shall lead.

382. L. M. Norton.

Dedication of a Church.

1 Where ancient forests widely spread, Where bends the cataract's ocean-fall; On the lone mountain's silent head, There are Thy temples, G.o.d of all!

2 The tombs Thine altars are; for there, When earthly loves and hopes have fled, To Thee ascends the spirit's prayer, Thou G.o.d of the immortal dead!

3 All s.p.a.ce is holy, for all s.p.a.ce Is filled by Thee;--but human thought Burns clearer in some chosen place, Where Thine own words of love are taught.

4 Here be they taught; and may we know That faith Thy servants knew of old, Which onward bears, through weal or woe, Till death the gates of heaven unfold.

5 Nor we alone; may those whose brow Shows yet no trace of human cares Hereafter stand where we do now, And raise to Thee still holier prayers.

383. C. M. Bryant.

Dedication Hymns.

1 O Thou, whose own vast temple stands Built over earth and sea, Accept the walls that human hands Have raised to wors.h.i.+p Thee!

2 Lord, from Thine inmost glory send, Within these courts to bide, The peace that dwelleth, without end, Serenely by Thy side!

3 May erring minds that wors.h.i.+p here Be taught the better way; And they who mourn, and they who fear, Be strengthened as they pray.

4 May faith grow firm, and love grow warm, And pure devotion rise, While round these hallowed walls the storm Of earth-born pa.s.sion dies.

384. C. M. *

Ordination Hymn.

1 O G.o.d! Thy children, gathered here, Thy blessing now we wait; Thy servant, girded for his work, Stands at the temple's gate.

2 A holy purpose in his heart Has deepened calm and still; Now from his childhood's Nazareth He comes, to do Thy will.

3 O Father! keep his soul alive To every hope of good; And may his life of love proclaim Man's truest brotherhood!

4 O Father! keep his spirit quick To every form of wrong; And in the ear of sin and self May his rebuke be strong!

5 And as he doth Christ's footsteps press, If e'er his faith grow dim, Then, in the dreary wilderness, Thine angels strengthen him!

6 And give him in Thy holy work Patience to wait Thy time, And, toiling still with man, to breathe The soul's serener clime.

7 O grant him many hearts to lead Into Thy perfect rest; Bless Thou him, Father, and his flock: Bless! and they shall be blest!

385. C. M. *


1 Go, preach the gospel in my name, Said he of Bethlehem: Teach of a crown more glorious Than earthly diadem.

2 Teach ye as I have taught, in love; Be hate unthought, unspoken; Bind up the bleeding heart, nor let The bruised reed be broken.

3 If any scorn you for the truth Which ye shall publish free, Think of the lonely midnight hour In dark Gethsemane:

4 Think of my prayers on Olivet, My musings by the sea; And though the heavy chain may bind, That truth shall make you free.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 64 summary

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