A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 26

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[551] For the evidence as to the islands, see Waddington _Fastes l. c_.

[552] Regni attalici opes (Justin. x.x.xviii. 7. 7); Attalicae conditiones (Hor, _Od_. i. 1. 12); Attalicae vestes (Prop. iii. 18. 19) etc. (from Ihne _Rom. Gesch_. v., p. 76).

[553] Liv. _Ep_. lix; App. _Illyr_. 10, _Bell. Civ_. i. 19; Plin. _H.N_.

iii. 19. 129; _Fasti triumph_. C. Semp.r.o.nius C.F.C.N. Tuditan. a. dcxxiv cos. de Iapudibus k. Oct.

[554] Liv. _Ep_. lx; Florus i. 37 (iii. 2); Obsequens 90 (28); Ammian.

xv. 12. 5.

[555] Liv. _Ep_. lx; Plut. _C. Gracch_. 1. 2.

[556] _Fasti Triumph_. L. Aurelius L.F.L.N. Orestes pro an. dcxxi cos.

ex Sardinia vi Idus Dec. (123 B.C.)

[557] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 2.

[558] Diod. v. 17, 2.

[559] Besides Mago (Mahon), Bocchori and Guiuntum on Majorca, Iamo on Minorca are supposed to be Punic names. See Hubner in Pauly-Wissowa _Real. Enc_. p. 2823. On the islands generally (Baliares, later Baleares of the Romans, [Greek: _Gymnaesiai, Baliareis_] of the Greeks) see the same author's _Romische Heerschaft in Westeuropa_ 208 ff.

[560] Strabo iii. v. 1.

[561] Diod. v. 17. 4.

[562] Hubner in Pauly-Wissowa _Real. Enc. l. c_.

[563] They also purchased wine. They were so [Greek: _philogynai_] that they would give pirates three or four men as a ransom for one woman (Diod. v. 17).

[564] Strabo l.c. [Greek: _oi katoikountes eiraenaioi ... kakourgon de tinon oligon koinonias systaesamenon pros tous en tois pelagesi laestas, dieblaethaesan hapantes, kai diebae Metellos ep' autous ho Baliarikos prosagoreutheis_.]

[565] Strabo l.c.

[566] Strabo l.c. [Greek: _eisaegage de (Metellos) epoikous trischilious ton ek taes Ibaerias Rhomaion_.]

[567] _Fasti Triumph_. (121 B.C.) Q. Caecilius Q.F.Q.N. Metellus a. dcx.x.xii Baliaric. procos. de Baliarib.

[568] Plut. _Ti. Gracch_. 2.

[569] Quae sic ab illo acta esse constabat oculis, voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent (Cic. _de Or_, iii. 56. 214).

[570] Plut. l.c.

[571] Plut. l.c.

[572] Cic. _Brut_, 33. 125 Sed ecce in manibus vir et praestantissimo ingenio et flagranti studio et doctus a puero, C. Gracchus.... Grandis est verbis, sapiens sententiis, genere toto gravis. His "impetus" is dwelt on in Tac. _de Orat_. 26.

[573] Cic. _Brut_. 33. 126 Ma.n.u.s extrema non accessit operibus ejus: praeclare inchoata multa, perfecta non plane. Cf. Tac. _de Orat_. 18 Sic Catoni seni comparatus C. Gracchus plenior et uberior; sic Graccho politior et ornatior Cra.s.sus.

[574] Cic, _de Or_. iii. 56. 214.

[575] P. 127

[576] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 1.

[577] C. Gracchus ap. Charis. ii. p. 177 Qui sapientem eum faciet? Qui et vobis et rei publicae et sibi communiter prospiciat, non qui pro suilla humanam trucidet.

[578] Plut. l.c.

[579] Ibid. Cf. [Victor] _de Vir. Ill_. 65 Pestilentem Sardiniam quaestor sort.i.tus.

[580] Plut. l.c.

[581] Cic. _de Div_. i. 26. 56 C. vero Gracchus multis dixit, ut scriptum apud eundem Coelium est, sibi in somniis quaesturam petere dubitanti Ti. fratrem visum esse dicere, quam vellet cunctaretur, tamen eodem sibi leto quo ipse interisset esse pereundum. Hoc, ante quam tribunus plebi C. Gracchus factus esset, et se audisse scribit Coelius et dixisse eum multis. Cf. Plut. l.c.

[582] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 2.

[583] Plut. l.c.

[584] Plut. l.c.

[585] Ibid. [Greek: _alla kai pollois allokotom edokei to tamian onta proapostaenai tou archontos_].

[586] Cic. _Div. in Caec_. 19. 61 Sic enim a majoribus nostris accepimus praetorem quaestori suo parentis loco esse oportere: nullam neque justiorem neque graviorem causam necessitudinis posse reperiri quam conjunctionem sortis, quam provinciae, quam officii, quam publici muneris societatem.

[587] A pa.s.sage from Caius's speech "apud censores" is quoted by Cicero _Orat_. 70.233.

[588] Plutarch says (C. _Gracch_. 2) that Caius [Greek: _aitaesamenos logon outo metestaese tas gnomes ton akousanton, hos apelthein haedikaesthai ta megista doxas_]. The pa.s.sage seems to imply acquittal by the censors, although [Greek: _ton akousanton_] suggests the larger audience. The arguments cited by Plutarch as developed by Caius appeared, or were repeated, in the speech that he subsequently made before the people.

[589] Gell. xv. 12.

[590] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 3; [Victor] _de Vir. Ill_. 65.

[591] Plut. l.c.

[592] Plut. l.c.

[593] Cic. _pro Rab_. 4. 12 C. Gracchus legem tulit ne de capite civium Romanorum injussu vestro (sc. populi) judicaretur. Plut. _C. Gracch. 4 [Greek: _(nomon eisepheren) ei tis archon akriton ekpekaerychoi politaen, kat' auton didonta krisin to daemo_.] Schol. Ambros. p. 370 Quia sententiam tulerat Gracchus, ut ne quis in civem Romanum capitalem sententiam diceret. Cic. _in Cat_. iv. 5. 10; _in Verr_. v. 63. 163.

Cf. Cic. _pro Sest_. 28. 61; Dio Ca.s.s. x.x.xviii. 14.

[594] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 4.

[595] Schol. Ambros. p. 370. Cf. Cic. _pro Sest_. 28, 61 Consule me, c.u.m esset designatus (Cato) tribunus plebis (63 B.C.), obtulit in discrimen vitam suam: dixit eam sententiam cujus invidiam capitis periculo sibi praestandam videbat. Dio Ca.s.s. x.x.xviii. 14.

[596] Cic. _pro Domo_ 31. 82 Ubi enim tuleras ut mihi aqua et igni interdiceretur? quod C. Gracchus de P. Popilio ... tulit. _de Leg_.

iii. 11. 26 Si nos mult.i.tudinis furentis inflammata invidia pepulisset tribuniciaque vis in me populum, sicut Gracchus in Laenatem ...

incita.s.set, ferremus. Cf. _pro Cluent_. 35. 95; _de Rep_. i. 3.6. For the speeches of Caius Gracchus on Popillius see Gell. 1.7.7; xi. 13.1.5.

[597] Cic. _post Red. in Sen_. 15. 37 Pro me non ut pro P. Popilio, n.o.bilissimo homine, adulescentes filii, non propinquorum mult.i.tudo populum Romanum est deprecata.

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A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 26 summary

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