A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 27

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[598] Diod. x.x.xv. 26 [Greek: _ho Popillios meta dakruon hypo ton ochlon proepemphthae ekballomenos ek taes poleos_.] Cf. Plut. _C. Gracch_. 4.

[599] Vellei. ii. 7 Rupilium Popiliumque, qui consules asperrime in Tiberii Gracchi amicos saevierant, postea judiciorum publicorum merito oppressit invidia. It is a little difficult to harmonise Fannius's account of Rupilius's death (ap. Cic. _Tusc_. iv. 17.40) with this condemnation. Here Rupilius is said to have died of grief at his brother's failure to obtain the consuls.h.i.+p, and this failure happened before Scipio's death (Cic. _de Am_ 20.73). But his brother may have continued his unsuccessful efforts up to the time of Rupilius's condemnation.

[600] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 4 [Greek: _(nomon) eisephere ... ei tinos archontos aphaeraeto ton archaen ho daemos, ouk eonta touto deuteras archaes metousian einai_.] Cf. Diod. x.x.xv. 25. Magistrates who had been deposed, or compelled to abdicate, were known as _abacti_ (Festus p. 23 Abacti magistratus dicebantur, qui coacti deposuerant imperium).

[601] Plut. l.c.

[602] Diod. x.x.xv. 25 [Greek: _ho Grakchos daemaegoraesas peri tou katalysai aristokratian, daemokratian de systaesai, kai ephikomenos taes hapanton euchraestias ton meron, ouketi synagonistas alla kathaper authentas eiche toutous hyper taes idias tolmaes; dedekasmenos gar hekastos tais idiais elpisin hos hyper idion agathon ton eispheromenon nomon hetoimos haen panta kindynon hypomenein_.]

[603] Liv. _Ep_. xlviii (155 B.C.) c.u.m locatum a censoribus theatrum exstrueretur; P. Cornelio Nasica auctore, tanquam inutile et nociturum publicis moribus, ex senatus consulto destructum est, populusque aliquamdiu stans ludos spectavit.

[604] Liv. _Ep_. lx.; Oros. v. II; Nitzsch _Die Gracchen_ p. 393.

[605] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 5 [Greek: _ho de sitikos (nomos) epeuonizon tois penaesi taen agoran_.] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 21 [Greek: _sitaeresion hemmaenon horisas hekasto ton daemoton apo ton koinon chraematon, ou proteron eiothos diadidosthai_.] Vellei. ii. 6 Frumentum plebi dari inst.i.tuerat. Liv. _Ep_. lx Leges tulit, inter quas frumentariam, ut senis et triente frumentum plebi daretur. Schol. Bob.

p. 303 Ut senis aeris et trientibus modios singulos populus acciperet.

Cf. Mommsen _Die romischen Tribus_ pp. 179 and 182.

[606] Mommsen (_Hist. of Rome_ bk. iv. c. 3) considers it rather less than half. The average market-price of the _modius_ is difficult to fix.

A low price seems to have been about 12 the _modius_. See Smith and Wilkins in Smith _Dict. of _Antiq_. i. p. 877. For occasional sales below the market-price at an earlier period see Plin. _H.N_. xviii. 3.

17 M. Varro auctor est, c.u.m L. Metellus (cos. 251 B.C.) in triumpho plurimos duxit elephantos, a.s.sibus singulis farris modios fuisse.

[607] Cic. _Tusc. Disp_. iii. 20. 48 C. Gracchus, c.u.m largitiones maximas fecisset et effudisset aerarium, verbis ramen defendebat aerarium.

[608] Cic. _Tusc. Disp_. iii. 20. 48.

[609] Cic. _de Off_. ii. 21. 72 C. Gracchi frumentaria magna largitio; exhauriebat igitur aerarium: _pro Sest_. 48. 103 Frumentariam legem C.

Gracchus ferebat. Jucunda res plebei; victus enim suppeditabatur large sine labore. Cf. _Brut_. 62. 222. Diod. x.x.xv. 25 [Greek: _to koinon tamieion eis aischras kai akairous dapanas kai charitas a.n.a.liskon eis heauton pantas apoblepein epoiaese_.] Cf. Oros. v. 12.

[610] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 6 [Greek: _egrapse de kai ... kataskeuazesthai sitobolia_.] Festus p. 290 Semp.r.o.nia horrea qui locus dicitur, in eo fuerunt lege Gracchi, ad custodiam frumenti publici.

[611] This view is represented in a criticism preserved by Diodorus x.x.xv. 25 [Greek: _tois stratiotais dia ton nomon ta taes archaias agogaes austaera katacharisamenos apeithian kai anarchian eisaegagen eis taen politeian_].

[612] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 5 [Greek: _ho de stratiotikos (nomos) esthaeta te keleuon daemosia choraegeisthai kai maeden eis touto taes misthophoras hyphaireisthai ton stratenomenon_].

[613] [Greek: _kai neoteron eton heptakaideka mae katalegesthai stratiotaen_] (Plut. l.c.).

[614] Plut. l.c. [Greek: _ton de nomon ... ho men haen klaerouchikos hama nemon tois penaesi taen daemosian_.] Liv. _Ep_. lx Tulit ... legem agrariam, quam et frater ejus tulerat. Vellei. ii. 6 (C. Gracchus) dividebat agros, vetabat quemquam civem plus quingentis jugeribus habere, quod aliquando lege Licinia cautum erat. Cf. Cic. _de Leg. Agr_.

i. 7. 21; ii. 5. 10; Oros. v. 12; Florus ii. 3 (iii. 15).

[615] _Lex Agraria_ (C.I.L. i. n. 200; Bruns _Fontes_ 1. 3. 11) 1. 6.

See p. 113, note 2.

[616] In 125 B.C. the census had been 394, 726 (Liv. _Ep_. lx), in 115 it was 394, 336 (Liv. _Ep_. lxiii). See de Boor _Fasti Censorii_.

[617] Herzog _Staatsverf_. i. p. 466.

[618] In 142 B.C. (Cic. _de Fin_. ii. 16. 54).

[619] Polyb. vi. 14.

[620] Cic. _pro Mur_. 28. 58; _pro Font_. 13. 38; _Brut_. 21. 81; _Div.

in Caec_. 21. 69; Tac_. Ann_ 111. 66. Valerius Maximus (viii. 1. 11) can scarcely be correct in saying that the trial took place _apud populum_.

It seems to have been a trial for extortion.

[621] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 22. Cf. Cic. _Div. in Caec_. 21. 69 [Ascon.] in loc.; App. _Mithr_. 57.

[622] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 22 [Greek: _oi te presbeis oi kat auton eti parontes syn phthono tauta permontes ekekragesan_.]

[623] Plut, _C. Gracch_. 5 [Greek: _ho de dikastikos (nomos) ho to pleiston apekopse taes ton synklaetikon dynameos ... ho de priakosious ton hippeon proskatelexen antois ousi triakosiois kai tas kriseis koinas ton hexakosion epoiaese_]. Cf. _Compar_. 2. Liv. _Ep_. lx Tertiam (legem tulit) qua equestrem ordinem, tunc c.u.m senatu consentientem, corrumperet: "ut s.e.xcenti ex equitibus in curiam sublegerentur: et quia illis temporibus trecenti tantum senatores erant, s.e.xcenti equites trecentis senatoribus admiscerentur": id est, ut equester ordo bis tantum virium in senatu haberet.

[624] Vellei. ii. 6 C. Gracchus ... judicia a senatu transferebat ad equites. (Cf. ii. 13. 32). Tac. _Ann_. xii. 60 c.u.m Semp.r.o.niis rogationibus equester ordo in possessione judiciorum locaretur. Plin.

_H.N_. x.x.xiii. 34 Judic.u.m autem appellatione separare eum (equestrem) ordinem primi omnium inst.i.tuere Gracchi, discordi popularitate in contumeliam senatus. Cf. Diod. x.x.xv. 25; x.x.xvii. 9; App. _Bell.

Civ_. 1. 22.

[625] The qualifications of the Gracchan jurors were probably identical with those required for jurors under the extant _lex Repetundarum_ (C.I.

L. i. n. 198; Bruns _Fontes_ i. 3. 10) which is probably the _lex Acilia_ (Cic. _in Verr_. Act. i. 17. 51; cf. Mommsen in C.I.L. l.c.).

The conditions fixed by this law are as follows (ll. 12, l3):--Praetor quei inter peregrinos jous deicet, is in diebus x proxumeis, quibus h. l.

populus plebesve jouserit, facito utei CDL viros legat, quei in hac civit[ate ... dum nei quem eorum legat, quei tr. pl., q., iii vir cap., tr. mil. l. iv primis aliqua earum, iii vi]rum a. d. a. siet fueri[tve, queive mercede conductus depugnavit depugnaverit, queive quaestione joudicioque puplico conde]mnatus siet quod circa eum in senatum legei non liceat, queive minor anneis x.x.x majorve annos lx gnatus siet, queive in u[rbem Romam propiusve urbem Romam pa.s.sus M domicilium non habeat, queive ejus magistratus, quei supra scriptus est, pater frater filiusve siet, queive ejus, quei in senatu siet fueritve, pater frater filiusve siet, queive trans mar]e erit. (Cf. ll. 16, 17). Unfortunately the main qualification for the jurors, which was stated after the words "in hac civitate," has been lost.

[626] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 6 [Greek: _kakeino tous krinountas ek ton hippeon hedoken (ho daemos) katalexai_].

[627] The _lex Acilia_ says "within ten days of its becoming law" (p.

214, note 2). If Plutarch _(l.c.)_ is right about Gracchus selecting the original judices, the provision of this _lex_ shows that it cannot be, as some have thought, the law which first _created_ the Gracchan jurors.

It must have been pa.s.sed subsequently to Gracchus's own _lex judiciaria_.

[628] In the Ciceronian period we find a knight as a _judex_ in a civil case (Cic. _pro Rosc. Com_. 14. 42), but it is not probable that senators were ever excluded from the civil bench. See Greenidge _Legal Procedure of Cicero's Time_ p. 265.

[629] Cic. _in Verr_. Act. i. 13. 38.

[630] Cic. _pro Cluent_. 56. 154 Lege ... quae tum erat Semp.r.o.nia, nunc est Cornelia (i.e. the law mentioned in note 4) ... intellegebant ...

ea lege equestrem ordinem non teneri. Livius Drusus in 91 B.C. attempted to fix a retrospective liability on the equestrian jurors (Cic. _pro Rab. Post_ 7. 16). Cf. App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 35. Yet Appian elsewhere (_Bell. Civ_. i. 22) says that the equites obviated trials for bribery [Greek: _synistamenoi sphisin autois kai biazomenoi_]. It is possible that prosecutions for corruption before the _judicia populi_ are meant.

See Strachan-Davidson in loc.

[631] Cic. _pro Cluent_. 55. 151 Hanc ipsam legem NE QUIS JUDICIO CIRc.u.mVENIRETUR C. Gracchus tulit; eam legem pro plebe, non in plebem tulit. Postea L. Sulla ... c.u.m ejus rei quaestionem hac ipsa lege const.i.tueret, ... populum Romanum ... alligare novo quaestionis genere ausus non est. 56. 154 Illi non hoc recusabant, ea ne lege accusarentur ... quae tum erat Semp.r.o.nia, nunc est Cornelia ... intellegebant enim ea lege equestrem ordinem non teneri.

[632] Gell. 1. xx. 7; Justin. _Inst_. iv. 5. 2.

[633] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 22.

[634] App. l.c. [Greek: _kataegorous te enetous epi tois plousiois epaegonto_].

[635] C. Gracchus ap. Gell. xi. 10 Ego ipse, qui aput vos verba facio, uti vectigalia vestra augeatis, quo facilius vestra commoda et rem publicam administrare possitis, non gratis prodeo.

[636] Vellei. ii. 6. 3 Nova const.i.tuebat portoria.

[637] Cf. App. _Bell. Civ_. v. 4 (M. Antonius to the Asiatics) [Greek: _ous ... eteleite phorous Attalo, methaekamen hymin, mechri, daemokopon andron kai par' haemin genomenon, edeaese phoron, epei de edeaesen ...

merae pherein ton ekastote karpon epetazamen_].

[638] Fronto _ad Verum_ p. 125 (Naber) Gracchus locabat Asiam. Cic.

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