A Man of the People Part 4

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Read to me, son--I like to hear your voice----



All right--what----?



The Twenty-third Psalm.

[ABE _looks for the place._]

I love to hear you read, my boy. It means that you can do what any other man can--it means so much!



The Lord is my shepherd--I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake----


[_In a whisper._]

Yea, tho' I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me----

[ABE _stops, looks up at his mother in amazement._]




Remember always, my boy, that G.o.d _is_ with you! He is in the day and the night. He is in the sun and the wind, the trees and the gra.s.s--and not a sparrow falls to the ground without He knows. You recollect the year you put up those gourds there----

[_She points to the pole._]

for your martins----? You cried when they circled away in the fall----

[ABE _nods._]

I told you G.o.d would send them back in the spring, didn't I----?

[_She laughs softly._]

You said that He'd forget to tell them and they'd never find the way--but they came--didn't they----?


Yes, Ma, and I know now they'll come again next spring.


So--I want you never again to doubt G.o.d, my boy, and I want you never to doubt yourself. Your bare feet, your ragged clothes, how poor you are--this is nothing! It doesn't count here--it's what you feel, it's what you believe--it's what you see that counts! I've taught you to read and write, and now you can do anything! If G.o.d takes me----

[_She pauses exhausted._]


But you mustn't say that, Ma----!


"The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether!"


No! no, Ma! Don't talk that way! You'll give up if you do----!


If He calls, my son, then _my_ work is done--and _you_ can do all I've tried and failed to do----



Had she better talk so much, Pa----

[_Stoops to fix her feet._]


[_Feeling her hand._]



Just a minute more, Tom----! Don't let him know yet--_you_ know----!


[_With upward look of faith._]

Yes, I know----

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A Man of the People Part 4 summary

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