A Man of the People Part 52

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Not another minute!


[_Waving a telegram._]

The matter is too urgent!


All right--John--let 'em in--I'm ready.


We have just heard a most painful and startling piece of news from the War Department----



War Department----

[_Low voice._]

--What is it, Stanton?


Something I didn't believe and wouldn't repeat to you.


[_Whispering to_ OPERATOR.]

Pull for me, boy, pull for me--keep picking at that thing!



You were advised to withhold the new draft of men until after the election! Well, read that copy of a telegram from New York, just received by General Halleck, sir!

[_Offers telegram to_ LINCOLN _and he refuses to take it._]


I don't want to read it, Stevens. Your face is enough for me. It must be bad, or you wouldn't be so happy. You're almost smiling!


Read it!


[_Ignoring the proffered telegram._]

You know, Stevens, you remind of an old farmer I knew in Illinois----

[_The committee gather around_ LINCOLN _eager for the story, glancing at_ STEVENS.]


Go on, give 'em the joke. It's your funeral--not mine!


[_Facing the committee._]

This old farmer raised the biggest hog ever seen in the county. He was so fat the news of his size spread over the country and people came from far and near to see this wonder in pork. A stranger came up one day and asked the farmer to see him. The old man said: "Wal I've got sech a animal an' he's the biggest one I ever seed. I'll say that. But so many folks are comin' here pesterin' me to look at him, I've decided to charge a s.h.i.+llin' a look." The stranger put his hand in his pocket, pulled out the money, paid the s.h.i.+lling, stared at the old man, turned and walked away. The farmer called after him--"Hi--there--ain't yer goin' ter see the hog?" "No"--the fellow answered--"I've seen you! I've got my money's worth."

[_All laugh except_ STEVENS. _During the laugh_ LINCOLN _bends over the telegraph instrument--in low tones._]

How goes it, boy? How goes it?

[_The_ OPERATOR _shakes his head._]

Not a click----?

[_Operator_ _shakes his head again--and_ LINCOLN'S _face contracts in suffering._]


Just a minute, Mr. President,--I'll give you the telegram if you won't read it.


Fire away, Stevens, if it makes you happy.



"New York, Sept. 3, 1864.

"The Federal authorities have just discovered a nation-wide conspiracy to resist by force of arms the new draft. It will be necessary for General Grant to detach half his army from Lee's front immediately to put down this counter revolution. Send these soldiers without delay to our great cities."

The signature is in code.


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A Man of the People Part 52 summary

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