Diadem - Shadow of the Warmaster Part 5

Diadem - Shadow of the Warmaster -

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"Huvved. No slaves or Hordar allowed."

"As my mother would say, sweet sweet."

"Go on with your lecture. What's the rest of it?"

"I forget."

"Don't be stupid."

"All right. You noticed that Hordar and Huvved are related closely enough to permit interbreeding?"

"I noticed."

"Probably no pureblood Huvved left; they didn't bring that many women with them when they skipped out. Let's see. Surge. Huvved/Hordar mixes don't seem to have the capacity for that melding, but they exhibit much the same reactions to the word. A lot of fear there. Pride. Rage. A whole witch's brew boiling away down deep. I suppose anything that intense is useful in your business."

He grunted, a noncommittal sound she took for a.s.sent.

"I came across the phenomenon when I was reading about the early years. Seems that the Imperator then was a bit gaga about Hordar, it was a band of Hordar rebels who came within a hair of removing his head. He and his happy band of sycophants had a fine old time running down and disposing of the locals. Got so bad the Hordar believed he was going to slaughter them all. There you have it, extreme stress involving the survival of a genetic group. The thing that tipped them over the edge was a sort of auto-da-fe he put together outside a Littoral city called Ayla gul Inci. The Incers were driven into a fenced enclosure and forced to watch their relatives burn. About ten minutes into thebarbeque they began melding into a Surge. About half of them were killed, but the Imperator barely got away with his skin intact. Not long after that his Security Chief took a look around at what was happening to his men and materiel and convinced the Imperator to abdicate in favor of his most competent nephew. That's what the histories say, you can draw your own conclusions. The Grand Sech worked out a schema that gave enough to everyone to keep them relatively contented and things settled down. Like I said, the Hordar those days weren't into ma.s.s suicide once the Surge was defused; they adapted and there was a fairly easy peace for the next two centuries. Then a free trader arrived; they don't have his name, but it seems he had connections with Bolodo Neyuregg. The Imperator before this one, he needed techs because his Warmaster was deteriorating and that threatened his power. He didn't want to hire anyone who'd give away Tairanna's location; he was charmed by the thought of, shall we say, hire-purchase of those techs. He didn't stop with them, slave holding seems to be addictive; hmm, either that or Bolodo reps are very persuasive, anyway, two transports a year for over fifty years, that adds up to a lot of slaves." She yawned. "That's about it, except the reason there's trouble now is simple enough when you consider the impact of cramming maybe a thousand years worth of technological development into fifty years and dumping this onto what was a stable, nearly unchanging society. Basic stupidity always makes trouble."

Parnalee pa.s.sed his handkerchief over his face again, wiping away the file of sweat and the trickles that were dripping into his eyes. "Surge," he said, "you can't make a n.o.ble icon out of a mob. I need stories of individuals.

Looks like you're telling me I'm not going to get them."

"Not from the Conquest," she said drowsily; she kept flapping her s.h.i.+rt ends, not putting much energy into this. "But you don't want those, do you? I mean I doubt that Tra Yarta would let you make Huvveds out as what? villains of the piece? no matter how much the Hordar might enjoy such a treat."

"There are ways. . . ." He brooded a moment. "I'm getting a feel for the Huvved, but I'll be depending on you and Churri to bring me something I can use for the Hordar. I don't see anything yet . . . after I think about it, maybe. . . ."

She dropped her arms over the edge of the narrow lounge chair, began playing with the short stiff gra.s.s. "Well, while you're thinking, what have you picked up about what happens when a transport's due?" She paused, but he lay like a sunstruck log, saying nothing. "I hope it's more than I've got. Any time I go near anything about the s.h.i.+p, I'm warned off, sometimes hard, sometimes subtle, but the end is, I know the twice-a-year thing and that's about it."

"Lock down."


He sucked in a long breath, trickled it slowly out. Finally, he said, "All techs, anyone they suspect might be able to fool around with the s.h.i.+p, they're locked into the Pens." He lifted heavy, reddened eyelids. "Means me and Churri. Probably not you." He spoke slowly, wearily, as if he were too fatigued to push the words out. "Tra Yarta aside, these clotheaded Huvveds have only one use for women." He pushed himself up, got heavily to his feet, stretched, slumped. "I'm going to get some sleep, Churri wants to talk to you, tomorrow he said . . ."He yawned.

"Didn't say why."

No spring in his step, with none of the ma.s.sive force that usually hung like an aura about him, he stumped off, wiping at his face and neck with the sodden handkerchief.

She frowned after him, wondering if he was going to crack up before they got out of here; she couldn't do much without his backing, might as well follow Xalloor's advice, find a way to live as well as possible within the limits allowed her. And maybe keep alive a shriveled, forlorn little hope that Mama Adelaar would come and get her out of this mess.

He was a proud man, his size and strength and, well, shrewdness had insulated him from the kicks and pratfalls that life delivered regularly to ordinaryfolk. One of these days he was going to explode and tell some home truths to whatever Huvved creep it was giving him a bad time. He didn't understand what it meant to be powerless; he didn't feel in his bones he was a slave. She had a strong impression that he'd never been in a situation he hadn't eventually dominated. He played with irrational emotions and used them to manipulate people, but he was essentially a rational man; despite his experience he kept expecting people, maybe she'd better say men, to act out of reasoned self-interest. That wasn't happening here. It didn't matter how strong, how skilled, how valuable he was; at any time, for any reason, no matter how absurd, he could be flogged or even killed. His lack of control over his life was beginning to eat into him. She frowned at the brilliant glitter of the water droplets leaping up to fall down and fall again from basin to basin, wondering if Churri was right. Maybe they should go over the wall and try hiding in the mountains.

Churn wanted to see her tomorrow, huh? Well, he was going to have to wait. She was getting out of here, Tra Yarta had set up a visit to a Sea Farm. She sighed, straightened her legs and lay with her eyes closed listening to the music of the falling water; after a while she dropped into a doze.

' The sea was a hard blue glitter reaching into a white glitter near the horizon where water merged with sky, the blue interrupted with undulant ribbons of what appeared to be s.h.i.+ny black-green plastic, the largest several meters long and a meter wide, leaves of the primary crop of the Sea Farm, the free-standing alga trees called yoss. Acres and acres of leaves, fans of supple strips rising and falling with the lift and drop of . the sea. Narrow blue lanes cut through the black, openways spread in a web about a large collection of broad-bottomed barges with low structures built on them, the living quarters of the Farm family and its affiliates, storage buildings, generator sheds, processing sheds and open areas filled with bales of yoss leaves and piles and piles of brownish egg-shaped pods with heavy nets tied down over them. Water areas and barge areas alike, the Farm seethed with activity, children busy at small tasks, adults moving continually in and out of the water, off the barges and out of small brightly-colored boats scattered through the leaf fans, others busy at exposed machinery, moving in and out of work structures, doing a.s.sorted housekeeping, hanging out wash, working around exterior ovens where heat rose in wavery lines, vertical mimicry of the leaf-lines on the water. A floating village, close to self-sufficient.

The small airs.h.i.+p droned in a wide circle about the perimeter of the farm. The inert and disapproving young Huvved seated beside Aslan came reluctantly awake (Zarkzar Efi Musvedd, though he discouraged her using his name with a lofty glare when she tried to start ud a conversation). "Yoss," he drawled. "Aver- age stem length, fifty fathoms, average diameter fifty feet. Leaf length, thirty to fifty feet. Valuable in bulk because they contain a fiber used in most areas of Hordar activity. Rope, the outer bags of airs.h.i.+ps . . ." He jerked a thumb upward toward the glistening ceiling of the gondola, a tightly woven, obviously very tough material. "One of the imported techs has developed a process to condition those fibers, fining the threads to produce a soft silky sheen." He pinched at the muted blue fabric draped over his arms. "The side stalks are harvested, mulched, macerated and the juices distilled into the fuel for the engines of this airs.h.i.+p and those runabouts." He pointed down at the small darting about like waterbugs. "The main stalks are home for edible parasites, animal and vegetable, you've eaten some of them, I'm sure. And tucktla. Tucktla are crushed to make red and purple dyes.

Also a very powerful glue. Hordar use it a lot in building. The chair you're sitting on is held together with tucktla. Near the surface, the subsidiary stalks produce large cl.u.s.ters of pods, egg-shaped, maybe three feet wide, five long, you can see piles of them down there, filled with hydrogen extracted from seawater. The farmers harvest those, slap glue over the stems to prevent leaks and sell them ash.o.r.e to the airs.h.i.+p companies. The lift in this s.h.i.+p is provided by yoss pods; having such a resource available when they arrived, the Hordar didn't bother developing any other transport." There was a casualcontempt in the Huvved's voice as he went through his guide's spiel.

Aslan glanced at him, decided there was more of her mother in her than she'd thought; she wanted to put a knee where it'd hurt most and wipe the smug off that painted face. She suppressed a smile at the thought and went back to looking out the window as the airs.h.i.+p spiraled in to a stubby pylon. She felt the small jolt as the noselock clicked home, a louder hum from the motors, then silence, then a few twitches; she could see small dark figures moving about below them, hauling on ropes, shoving home the levers of friction clamps. A moment later the pilot came from the c.o.c.k- pit door, walked past them and used a rodkey to open the exit door.

Efi Musvedd stalked from the lift, leaving Aslan to trot along behind like a pet on a leash which annoyed her again; the bottom of the situation she dredged up a spoonful of humor (dark and ropy). The man had a genius for destroying any possibility in ANY situation he pushed his nose into.

Three dignified gray-haired matrons (Ommars) and a silent man with a long white beard elaborately braided (an Ollan) had gathered about the base of the pylon. As the chief Ommar began a courteous (though nonenthusiastic setspeech, Efi Musvedd walked rudely past her, stopped at the narrow footbridge which joined the pylon barge to the much larger living barge next door. He didn't like Hordar, Aslan suspected he was afraid of them and overcompensating for that fear with an arrogance both ugly and all too familiar; he wasn't going to tolerate anything but meek compliance from-any of the Farmers no matter how senior. "You were informed," he said, "as to the purpose of this visit. I see no point in wasting time." He scowled over his shoulder at Aslan. "What are you waiting for, doctor?" The last word was packed with contempt and impatience. "Ask your questions."

Aslan rolled her eyes up, spread her hands, silently urging the Hordar officials to believe she had no part in his actions. There was no response, but she didn't quite despair; maybe the chance would come to push him overboard. Maintaining a dignified and respectful sobriety she explained to the Hordar elders that she was there to study their life patterns, that she wished to see how their limited living s.p.a.ce was organized, the different kinds of work needed to keep their settlement viable, how they educated their children, samples of artforms, poetry, music, that sort of thing. She didn't expect to note down all of that today, merely an overview. She smiled suddenly, finished, "And why your storage barges don't fly off on you, considering how many hydrogen pods you're storing under those nets."

There was no response to her attempt at humor. A feeble attempt at best, but she'd hoped for some reaction. None. Only the ancient everplayed story, conquered and conqueror, hating and fearing on both sides, shame on both sides, the shame of enduring humiliation, the equal but less recognized shame at inflicting it. She sighed and asked to be taken about the floating village.

Efi Musvedd strode along, moving ahead of them, opening any door that caught his fancy, ignoring protests.

The Ridaar unit which Aslan wore on her belt was flaking everything around her, including whispered conversations not meant to reach her ears. Or the Huvved's. She couldn't check it because she didn't want Huvved or Hordar to know what she was doing, but she was sure she wasn't getting much useful except the whispers and she'd have to erase those, she wasn't about to give the Grand Sech a handle on these people. The Farmers were focused exclusively on Efi Musvedd, vibrating with a resentment and loathing that blanked out all other body language. After about twenty minutes of this she grabbed hold of her temper's tail, disciplined her face and turned to the white-haired Ommar, the official greeter. Before she could say anything, Efi Musvedd jerked open a door and went through it. It was the bedroom of a young woman who had apparently given birth not long before; when he burst in she was lying half asleep with the baby in the curve of her arm; she gasped with alarm when the door slammed open, pulled the baby to her and struggled out of bed. The Ommarwas going to protest; Aslan took hold of her arm, closed her fingers tight about it. "If I may use your comset?"

The woman was hard with fury, but like Aslan she contained it. After a gesture that sent the other elders into the room to interpose themselves between the Huvved and the girl, she led Aslan rapidly toward one of the processing barges, opened a door and ushered her into a smallish office.

When she reached the Aide who handled her for the Grand Sech, she didn't waste time on tact. "Whoever a.s.signed that supercilious little cretin to me ought to have his brain scrubbed. He's generated so much hostility here it makes me wonder if someone planned it; there's no way I can accomplish anything with him in the same hemisphere."

The Aide was a fat old man with empty eyes. He'd supplied her needs without comment the several times she'd called on him, he seemed to be an efficient administrator, she never had to ask twice or reject any of the supplies he sent her and subjects for interviews were on time and forthcoming. Now he smiled at her, briefly amused. "You didn't object to him before you left."

"I hadn't been exposed to the full glory of his personality."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Get him away from me. Far away. You know what the sweet thing just did? He barged into a bedroom where a girl was with her new baby and nearly scared her into a heart attack. Terrific." She scowled at him. "Am I supposed to be some sort of agent provocateur?"

"No. I'm sure your energies will be fully engaged by the work Sech Tra Yarta has given you."

"Which brings me back ..."

A hand clamped on her shoulder and jerked her out of the chair. Eft Musvedd flung her at the floor, put a boot in her side, then panted and cursed as he swung his czadeg at her, that limber gray cane which guards used to herd slaves and Huvved used whenever they were annoyed with someone of lesser status. The beating went on and on as the Huvved gradually worked off his rage. Aslan huddled in a tight knot, rolling and wriggling, slipping some of the kicks and taking most of the whipping on her shoulders and b.u.t.tocks.

The Hordar elders watched, silent and impa.s.sive; Aslan caught glimpses of them standing in the doorway.

The Aide watched from the comscreen. When Efi Musvedd dropped his arm, he called him over.

"Zarkzar Efi Musvedd, return immediately to Gilisim Gillin," the Aide's voice was crisp, flat, "report to the Grand Sech as soon as you reach the Palace."

The wild energy drained from the young Huvved's face and body; he looked tired and there was a glint of fear in his narrowed eyes. "What about the woman?"

"Forget her; she's no business of yours." "I hear." He reached to click off the set. "No. Leave it. Start back now." Efi Musvedd slapped the czadeg into its clip, smoothed his hair down and stalked out the door, the watching Hordar melting like smoke before him. "Ommar Tirtky Presij come here." The elder walked to the comset, stood in front of it. "I am here, Seref." "The woman, what is her condition?" "With your permission, Seref." She stepped away, knelt beside Aslan and went carefully over her body, prodding at flesh and bone with strong, knowing fingers drawing groans and a film of sweat from- the injured woman. She stroked her fingers in a brief caress along the side of Aslan's face. "Nothing broken," she murmured; a last pat, then she went back to the comset. "She is badly bruised and bleeding from several cuts; there might be internal injuries. If you want her intact and reasonably healthy, you'll have to leave her with us for a while. If there's nothing seriously wrong, she can travel in three or four days." "I will want a report each evening." "I hear, Seref." The screen went dark.

Aslan woke late in the night, her body one ma.s.sive ache that disintegrated into dozens of agonies when she tried to turn over. Her throat was dry, one eye was swollen shut, her upper lip was sore and so thick it seemed to be pressing against her nose.A young Hordar woman sat in a rocking chair a short distance off. She was reading by the light from a dim lamp, her face in shadows, only her hands and arms lit clearly, the scars on them like broken wandering threads that started on the backs of her hands and wound along her forearms to trail out above her elbows, the white vividly clear against the bronze of her skin. When Aslan began moving about, she lowered the book to her lap and waited a moment before she spoke, making sure her patient was awake and aware. "Thirsty?"

Aslan's tongue rasped across dry lips. "Yes," she managed.

When the gla.s.s was empty, the young woman set it on the table and pulled the chair closer to the bed. "You haven't been a slave long, have you."

Aslan tried to smile, but her mouth felt like wood and the cut on her lip burned and broke apart. "No." She lay back, stared at the shadowy ceiling.

"No." "Are you angry at us for not trying to help you?" "No. You couldn't do anything." With her mouth in its parlous condition, her articulation was so mushy even she had a hard time understanding herself, but she wanted to talk.

She NEEDED to talk. "Do you know what touched him off?"

"You shamed him before Hordar. Sea Farmers. We are too valuable to the Imperator, he couldn't do what he wanted and wipe out the insult by killing us all. So he lessoned you."

Aslan nodded, grimaced as the movement sent dull pain bouncing between her temples. "I should have known that. I wasn't thinking. Too angry." She lay silent a moment, then lifted a hand and let it fall, a gesture of futility echoing the confusion in her mind. "The Grand Sech . . . You know he's the one who sent the slavers looking for someone like me? Out there ..." She tilted her hand up, waggled a finger at the ceiling. "He's no fool or he wouldn't be where he is ... or am I the fool. . . no, not this time . . . and I doubt he tolerates fools working for him. Why did they send that clown as my escort?

How could I possibly accomplish anything with him bulling about? Tra Yarta paid a hefty price for my skills, why why why did he undercut me like that?"

She stopped, blinked, then tried out a painful laugh. "Funny, not long ago I was thinking about an acquaintance, I was telling myself he didn't know what it was to be powerless, that he was going to run himself into trouble because of it, that he expected power to be rational and was he going to be surprised when he found out how irrational the powerful could be. I could have been describing myself."

"Sending that . . . um . . . person wasn't irrational." There was a quiet bitterness in the young woman's voice. "What?"

"Wasteful, maybe, not irrational." "How can. . . ?"

"We've had a long time to learn the convolutions of Huvved thinking." "And?"

"I don't understand what the Sech wants from you." A graceful flutter of scarred hands silenced Aslan. "It doesn't matter, whatever it is, it's trouble for Hordar. You see ..." She stopped talking, s.h.i.+fted position in the chair, folded one leg up so the foot was resting on the other knee, clasped her hands about the ankle. She was leaning forward, intense, filled with anger and need.

"You see, he doesn't trust you, he'll break you first. That's what this was. A start toward smas.h.i.+ng the part of you that won't submit to him; it's like breathing, not something you can control, you just do it. He wants you sane, he wants you healthy and he wants you co-opted." "Complicity, not competence."


"The reciprocal of something my acquaintance said. I think I see. I have to be his from the marrow out, not just from self-interest."

"Yes. The Huvved have done that to us. You saw what happened here and we're the most independent Hordar on Tairanna. Our first reaction was withdrawal. No one challenged that b.a.s.t.a.r.d's right to put his hands on anyone or anything he chose. One of the lessons of power, it is exercised everywhere, supported to excess everywhere, no matter how stupid or mindless or de- structive the act. No Hordar is ever allowed to triumph over a Huvved, not even in the smallest degree. The Huvved might be punished for his act by other Huvved, but no Hordar will ever be allowed to know it.""Why are you telling me these things? I could report you to the Sech."

The young woman laughed again, more anger than humor in the barking sound.

"Don't you understand? I'm the second act. I'm the voice of despair, the councillor of pa.s.sivity, the object lesson. How to survive and prosper under the rule of the Huvved."

"You don't seem to have learned the lesson all that well."

"Oh, don't fool yourself. I might talk a good fight, but that's empty air. I am Pittipat's footmat and that's all I'll ever be."

"Uh . . . Pittipat?"

"The Imperator. Word goes round that he's so woolly-headed he'd lose in a game of pittypat played with any healthy three year old. Makes us feel brave to call him that. Subversive. But it's smoke and nonsense."

"I can't believe. ..."

"Listen to me, doctor whatever your name is. Do you know what hangs over our heads right now? No. Don't bother answering, I'll tell you. A battles.h.i.+p called a Warmaster. If the Imperator or even the Grand Sech decided we were expendable and they needed an object lesson to enforce their demands on other Sea Farmers, thirty seconds on we'd be a cloud of steam. And there's not a single thing we could do to prevent it." Her hands closed into fists, then she forced them open, splayed her fingers across her thighs. "Apply that to yourself. If you defy him, if your capacity for giving him trouble begins to match the value of your skills, pouf!" She signed, s.h.i.+fted position again. "I suppose you and your acquaintance are planning to seize a Bolodo transport and escape. That's happened, you know. Or perhaps you don't. The year before I was born a band of determined slaves made it on board a transport, they even managed to take off. The Warmaster didn't bother leaving orbit, it ashed them and the hostages they took with them. Everyone who helped them, everyone in the families of those who helped them, everyone who could be accused of helping them by local enemies whether they were guilty or not, altogether more than a thousand people were hung in iron cages and left to die. No food, no water, no shelter from heat or cold. The strongest lasted fourteen days. No, whoever sent that lunatic with you knew what he was doing. And he'll do more." The young woman fell silent; she frowned thoughtfully as she inspected Aslan's face and body.

"I suspect you won't last more than six months." A quick brilliant smile, warm, amused, far from the despair in her words. "No, you won't give in, I don't think you can; poor baby, you'll be dead."

"Cheerful thought." .

"Um, dead isn't all that bad; when you come back, maybe the world will have changed. Any change will be an improvement, the way things are now."

Aslan made a small noncommittal sound; there was no point arguing the tenets of a religion she was unacquainted with. "My name is Aslan," she said. "Aslan aid Adlaar."

"Aslan." The young woman touched eyes, lips, spread her hands palm out. "I am the Dalliss Gerilli Presij."

"Dalliss . . . um . . . diver?"

"That's what the word means, yes."

"I'm missing something?"

Gerilli Presij stood. "Why don't you s.h.i.+ft onto your stomach and let me give you a back rub. We don't want you stiffening up." She glanced at a mechanical clock whose faint regular tick Aslan had dismissed as part of the noises endemic to barge life. "Not time yet for your next shot."

"Shot?" Aslan stiffened.

The Dalliss chuckled. "It won't hurt, I'm very good at this."

Aslan didn't answer, just began the painful, difficult process of rolling onto her stomach.

In the morning she was still sore and moving was difficult, but she was completely free of fever. Apparently the gel that Gerilli Presij used as a rubbing compound and those shots were effective against infection. She wasalso healing faster than she expected, her lip had deflated almost to normal and the other cuts on her face had closed over nicely. In one of the baths (hot and cold water, fresh and abundantly available, something she found rather remarkable in these conditions), she inspected her face and relaxed; though she hadn't protested Hordar attentions, the thought of that primitive goo in her veins had made her very nervous. Apparently it'd done a great deal more good than harm. She made a note to get a sample of those preparations to a friend of hers in the bio department at University.

Another girl brought Aslan her breakfast, younger, with a tendency to giggle.

She nudged the lamp aside and set the tray on the table. "You're looking pretty good, Hanifa," she whispered, put her hand over her mouth, startled at her own boldness.

"Thanks to the excellent nurse I had." Aslan lifted the cover off the platter.

"Looks good. Mind telling me what everything is?"

"Oh!" The girl thought that over, nodded. "I suppose they eat other things where you come from."

"A lot of other things." Aslan chuckled. "Very other."

"Ah. Well, these, they're krida, fried in batter. Crunchy, you'll like them.

These, they're havya, fisheggs. This is jatine, it's a sweet we make out of jata fruits, they grow on the yoss. This is fresh jata. Mmm, you'd better try a nibble first, it's kind of powerful for someone who's never had any. This is a fulla, a kind of bread roll, it's got nuts and bits of cheese in it; we get the milk and cheese and flour from the landfolk. And for drinking, this is cimenchi, it's an infusion of a kind of watergra.s.s. It . . ." "Grows on the yoss?" The girl grinned, much more at ease. "Doesn't ev- erything? There's some milk here and some water over here, for if you don't like the cimenchi. When you're finished, just leave the tray where it is, someone'll fetch it."

"I hear. Um, would it be possible to find me some clothes? Musvedd the creep just about ruined what I was wearing."

"You sure? You should maybe stay in bed a little longer, I can fetch some books or something if you don't want to sleep."

"I'd rather start working if that's all right?"

"Sure, it's all right. If you feel up to it. Oh! My name's Cinnal Samineh, I'm Geri's cousin and one of her isyas." She whisked to the door, turned. "I'll bring the clothes soon as I can find some that'll fit, you're kinda tall." She darted away.

Aslan listened to her sandals pattering lightly on the reed mats. Nice child.

She touched her lip, winced from the bare flesh where the skin was split.

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Diadem - Shadow of the Warmaster Part 5 summary

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