The Melting-Pot Part 17

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DAVID [_With prophetic pa.s.sion_]

But you shall not kill my dream! There shall come a fire round the Crucible that will melt you and your breed like wax in a blowpipe----

QUINCY [_Furiously, with clenched fist_]


DAVID America _shall_ make good...!

PAPPELMEISTER [_Who has sat down and remained imperturbably seated throughout all this scene, springs up and waves his umbrella hysterically_]

_Hoch Quixano! Hoch! Hoch! Es lebe Quixano! Hoch!_

QUINCY Poppy! You're dismissed!

PAPPELMEISTER [_Goes to DAVID with outstretched hand_]

_Danke._ [_They grip hands. PAPPELMEISTER turns to QUINCY DAVENPORT._]

Comic Opera! Ouf!

QUINCY [_Goes to street-door, at white heat._]

Are you coming, Miss Revendal?

[_He opens the door._]

VERA [_To QUINCY, but not moving_]

Pray, pray, accept my apologies--believe me, if I had known----

QUINCY [_Furiously_]

Then stop with your Jew!


MENDEL [_Frantically_]

But, Mr. Davenport--don't go! He is only a boy.

[_Exit after QUINCY DAVENPORT._]

You must consider----

DAVID Oh, Herr Pappelmeister, you have lost your place!

PAPPELMEISTER And saved my soul. Dollars are de devil. Now I must to an appointment.

_Auf baldiges Wiedersehen._ [_He shakes DAVID'S hand._]

Fraulein Revendal!

[_He takes her hand and kisses it. Exit. DAVID and VERA stand gazing at each other._]

VERA What have you done? What have you done?

DAVID What else could I do?

VERA I hate the smart set as much as you--but as your ladder and your trumpet----

DAVID I would not stand indebted to them. I know you meant it for my good, but what would these Europe-apers have understood of _my_ America--the America of my music? They look back on Europe as a pleasure ground, a palace of art--but I know [_Getting hysterical_]

it is sodden with blood, red with b.e.s.t.i.a.l ma.s.sacres----

VERA [_Alarmed, anxious_]

Let us talk no more about it.

[_She holds out her hand._]


DAVID [_Frozen, taking it, holding it_]

Ah, you are offended by my ingrat.i.tude--I shall never see you again.

VERA No, I am not offended. But I have failed to help you. We have nothing else to meet for.

[_She disengages her hand._]

DAVID Why will you punish me so? I have only hurt myself.

VERA It is not a _punishment_.

DAVID What else? When you are with me, all the air seems to tremble with fairy music played by some unseen fairy orchestra.

VERA [_Tremulous_]

And yet you wouldn't come in just now when I----

DAVID I was too frightened of the others....

VERA [_Smiling_]

Frightened indeed!

DAVID Yes, I know I became overbold--but to take all that magic sweetness out of my life for ever--you don't call that a punishment?

VERA [_Blus.h.i.+ng_]

How could I wish to punish you? I was proud of you!

[_Drops her eyes, murmurs_]

Besides it would be punis.h.i.+ng _myself_.

DAVID [_In pa.s.sionate amaze_]

Miss Revendal!... But no, it cannot be. It is too impossible.

VERA [_Frightened_]

Yes, too impossible. Good-bye.

[_She turns._]

DAVID But not for always?

[_VERA hangs her head. He comes nearer. Pa.s.sionately_]

Promise me that you--that I---- [_He takes her hand again._]

VERA [_Melting at his touch, breathes_]

Yes, yes, David.

DAVID Miss Revendal!

[_She falls into his arms._]

VERA My dear! my dear!

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The Melting-Pot Part 17 summary

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