Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 5

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4 eggs, 1/4 a cup of sugar, Pinch of salt, 4 tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa, 1/2 a cup of sifted pastry flour, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Separate yolks from whites of eggs; beat yolks in a small bowl with the Dover egg-beater until very thick; add sugar, salt and vanilla, and beat again until very thick. Sift cocoa and the flour together and stir very lightly into the mixture; fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, and bake in a loaf in a moderate oven until done.

Do not b.u.t.ter the pan, but when cake is baked, invert the pan; and when cool, remove the cake.


1 square of Baker's Chocolate, Pinch of salt, 5 tablespoonfuls of boiling water, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, About three cups of sifted confectioners' sugar.

Melt chocolate in bowl over tea-kettle, add water, salt and vanilla, and when smooth add the sugar, and heat until very glossy. Make the frosting stiff enough to spread without using a wet knife. It will keep indefinitely.


5 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1-1/4 cups of sugar, 3-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, (melted), 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 3/4 a cup of milk, 3-1/2 level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1-1/2 cups of sifted pastry flour.

Cream the b.u.t.ter, add sugar and chocolate, then the unbeaten eggs and vanilla, and beat together until very smooth. Sift the baking powder with one-half a cup of the flour, and use first; then alternate the milk and the remaining flour, and make the mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Beat until very smooth and bake in loaf in moderate oven. For tests see Cocoa Cake recipe on page 25.


1 quart of milk, Pinch of salt, 3 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 3 level tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 3 eggs, 6 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, 3 teaspoonfuls of vanilla.

Put milk, salt and chocolate in double-boiler, and when milk is hot and chocolate has melted, stir in the flour, previously mixed in a little cold milk. Cook ten minutes, then pour this over the condensed milk, eggs and sugar mixed together; cook again for four minutes, stirring.

Strain, and when cool add vanilla, and freeze.


1 cup of milk, 1-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, Pinch of salt, 2 level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, 2 eggs (yolks), 6 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla, 5 eggs (whites).

Put milk, chocolate and salt in double-boiler; mix cornstarch in a small quant.i.ty of cold milk, and stir into the hot milk when the chocolate has been melted; stir until smooth, then cook twelve minutes. Mix together the yolks of the eggs and sugar, then pour the hot mixture over it; cook again one or two minutes, stirring. When very cold, just before serving, add the vanilla and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Pile lightly in a gla.s.s dish and serve with lady fingers. A meringue can be made of the whites of the eggs and sugar, then folded in the chocolate mixture, but it does not stand as long.


6 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 3/4 a cup of milk.

Three level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, about one and three-quarter cups of sifted flour, or flour enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Mix in the order given. Reserve one-third of this mixture and add to it four level tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa and to the other one cup of shredded cocoanut. Bake thirty-five or forty minutes according to size and shape of pan.


This is the same as the Cocoa Marble Cake. Add to one-third of the mixture one and one-half squares of Baker's Chocolate in place of the cocoa, and one cup of chopped walnuts to the other part in place of the shredded cocoanut.


1 pint of boiling water, 1/3 a package of gelatine, 2 pinches of salt, 2 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Put the water, salt and chocolate in a saucepan. Cook, stirring until the chocolate melts, then let it boil for three or five minutes. Soften the gelatine in a little cold water and pour the boiling mixture over it. Stir until dissolved, then add sugar and vanilla. Pour into a mould and set aside to harden, serve with cream and powdered sugar or sweetened whipped cream.


4 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 3/4 a cup of milk.

Two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one and three-quarter cups of sifted flour or enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Bake in b.u.t.tered gem pans in moderately hot oven twenty-three or twenty-five minutes. If the cake springs back after pressing a finger on the top, it shows that it is baked enough. To make a cocoa cottage pudding add to the above rule six level tablespoonfuls of cocoa. Serve with a vanilla sauce.


2 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1 cup of boiling water, 2 level tablespoonfuls of flour, 4 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, Pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Melt b.u.t.ter in saucepan, add flour and salt and mix until smooth; add slowly the boiling water, stirring and beating well. Add sugar and milk.


1 cup of milk, 1 pinch of salt, 3 level tablespoonfuls of flour, softened in a little cold milk.

2 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 4 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, Yolks of 4 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1 cup of shredded cocoanut, Whites of 4 eggs.

Heat milk, add salt and flour and cook ten minutes after it has thickened. Mix together, b.u.t.ter, sugar and yolks of eggs. Pour hot mixture over, stirring well and set aside to cool. Add vanilla and cocoanut. Lastly fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in b.u.t.tered pan, in moderate oven until firm. Serve hot with Chocolate Sauce.


2 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1 level tablespoonful of flour, Pinch of salt, 1 cup of boiling water, 1 square of Baker's Chocolate, 4 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Melt b.u.t.ter in saucepan, add dry flour and salt and mix until smooth, then add slowly the hot water, beating well. Add the square of chocolate and sugar and stir until melted. Add vanilla, just before serving.


2 cups or 1 pint of sifted flour, 3 level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1/2 a teaspoonful of salt, 2 level tablespoonfuls of sugar, 4 level tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa, 2 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter or lard, 2/3 a cup of milk or enough to make a firm but not a stiff dough.

Sift all the dry ingredients together, rub in the b.u.t.ter with the tips of the fingers. Stir in the required amount of milk. Turn out on slightly floured board, roll or pat out the desired thickness, place close together in pan and bake in very hot oven ten or fifteen minutes.


[Ill.u.s.tration: COCOA FUDGE.]

1/2 a cup of milk, 3 level tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 2-1/2 cups of powdered sugar, 6 tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa, Pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.

Mix all ingredients together but vanilla; cook, stirring constantly, until it begins to boil, then cook slowly, stirring occasionally, eight or ten minutes, or until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water. When cooked enough, add the vanilla and beat until it seems like very cold in winter. Pour into a b.u.t.tered pan; when firm, cut in squares. Great care must be taken not to beat too much, because it cannot be poured into the pan, and will not have a gloss on top.

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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 5 summary

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