Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 6

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Miss M.E. Robinson's Recipes


1 ounce or square of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1/8 a teaspoonful of salt, 1 pint of boiling water, 1 pint of milk.

Place the chocolate, sugar and salt in the agate chocolate-pot or saucepan, add the boiling water and boil three minutes, stirring once or twice, as the chocolate is not grated. Add the milk and allow it time to heat, being careful not to boil the milk, and keep it closely covered, as this prevents the sc.u.m from forming. When ready to serve turn in chocolate-pitcher and beat with Dover egg-beater until light and foamy.


One egg, one-half a cup of sugar, one-half a cup of milk, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, one-quarter teaspoonful of cinnamon extract (Burnett's), two cups of flour, one-quarter cup of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Mix in the order given, sifting the baking powder and cocoa with the flour. Roll to one-third an inch in thickness, cut and fry.


3 eggs, 1-1/2 cups of sugar, 1/2 a cup of cold water, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1-3/4 cups of flour, 1/4 a cup of Baker's Cocoa, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon.

Beat yolks of eggs light, add water, vanilla and sugar; beat again thoroughly; then add the flour, with which the baking powder, cocoa and cinnamon have been sifted. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in a rather quick oven for twenty-five or thirty minutes.


1/3 a cup of b.u.t.ter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, 1/2 a cup of milk, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 3 tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa.

Cream the b.u.t.ter, add sugar, vanilla and egg; beat thoroughly, then add flour (in which is mixed the baking powder) and milk, alternately, until all added. To one-third of the mixture add the cocoa, and drop the white and brown mixture in spoonfuls into small, deep pans, and bake about forty minutes in moderate oven.


2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1/3 a cup of sugar, 1 egg, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, 1 cup of scalded milk, 2 compressed yeast cakes softened in 1/2 a cup of warm water, 1/4 a teaspoonful of extract cinnamon, 1/2 a cup of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, 3-1/2 to 4 cups of flour.

Mix in order given, having dough as soft as can be handled, turn onto moulding board, roll into a square about an inch in thickness, sprinkle on one-half cup of currants, fold the sides to meet the centre, then each end to centre, and fold again. Roll as at first, using another one-half cup currants, fold, roll and fold again. Place in a bowl which is set in pan of warm water, let raise forty minutes. Shape, place in pan, let raise until doubled in size. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes. As you take from oven, brush the top with white of one egg beaten with one-half cup confectioners' sugar. Let stand five minutes. Then they are ready to serve.


2 ounces of chocolate, 4 eggs, 1/2 a cup of milk, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1/2 a cup of b.u.t.ter, 1-1/2 cups of sugar, 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, 1-3/4 cups of flour.

Dissolve the chocolate in five tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Beat the b.u.t.ter to a cream, add the yolks, beat again, then the milk, then the melted chocolate and flour. Give the whole a vigorous beating. Now beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and stir them carefully into the mixture; add the vanilla and baking powder. Mix quickly and lightly, turn into well-greased cake pan and bake in a moderate oven forty-five minutes.--_From Mrs. Rorer's Cook Book._


One cup of, half a cup of sugar, one-quarter of a pound of chocolate cut fine, half a cup of milk, and one heaping tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter. Boil all together, stirring all the time. When it hardens in cold water, pour it into shallow pans, and as it cools cut in small squares.--_From Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book._


1/4 a cup of b.u.t.ter, 1-1/2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of bread flour, 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla, 2 squares of chocolate, melted, 1/2 a cup of powdered sugar, 2/3 a cup of almonds blanched and shredded.

Cream the b.u.t.ter, add gradually one and one-half cups of sugar, and egg unbeaten; when well mixed, add two-thirds milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and vanilla. To melted chocolate add one-third a cup of powdered sugar, place on range, add gradually remaining milk, and cook until smooth. Cool slightly and add to cake mixture. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes in round layer-cake pans. Put between layers and on top of cake White Mountain Cream sprinkled with almonds.--_From Boston Cooking School Cook Book--Fannie Merritt Farmer._


Soften three cups of stale bread in an equal quant.i.ty of milk. Melt two squares of Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate over hot water and mix with half a cup of sugar, a little salt, three beaten eggs and half a teaspoonful of vanilla. Mix this thoroughly with the bread and place in well-b.u.t.tered custard-cups. Steam about half an hour (according to size) and serve in the cups or turned out on warm plate.--_Mrs. Helen Armstrong._


Soak a quarter of a package of gelatine in one-fourth of a cupful of cold water. Whip one pint of cream to a froth and put it in a bowl, which should be placed in a pan of ice water. Put an ounce of Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate in a small pan with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and one of boiling water, and stir over the hot fire until smooth and glossy. Add to this a gill of hot milk and the soaked gelatine, and stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Sprinkle a generous half cupful of powdered sugar over the cream. Now add the chocolate and gelatine mixture and stir gently until it begins to thicken. Line a quart charlotte mould with lady fingers, and when the cream is so thick that it will just pour, turn it gently into the mould. Place the charlotte in a cold place for an hour or more, and at serving time turn out on a flat dish.--_Mrs. Helen Armstrong._


Dissolve in a quart of water three tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate; let come to a boil; simmer ten minutes; add a cup of sugar and a box of gelatine (that has been softened in a cup of water) and strain through a jelly bag or two thicknesses of cheese-cloth. When almost cold, add a dessertspoonful of vanilla and a tablespoonful of brandy. Then whisk well; add half a pound of crystallized green gages cut into small pieces; pour into a pretty mould, and when cold serve with whipped cream.


Cream two tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter and one-half of a cupful of sugar; gradually add the beaten yolks of three eggs and one and one-half cupfuls more of sugar, one cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of vanilla, two ounces of chocolate grated and melted over hot water, one-third of a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in one-half of a teaspoonful of boiling water, the whites of the eggs whipped to a stiff froth, and sufficient sifted flour to make a soft dough. Roll out, cut into oblongs; divide each into three strips, leaving the dough united at one end. Braid loosely, pinch the ends together and cook until golden-brown in smoking-hot fat.--_Mrs. Cornelia C. Bedford._


Boil together one and one-half cupfuls of water and one cupful of sugar for two minutes; add one tablespoonful of arrowroot dissolved in a little cold water, stir for a moment, then boil until clear. Add two tablespoonfuls of cocoa which has been dissolved in a little hot water and a tiny pinch of salt and boil three minutes longer. Take from the fire and add one teaspoonful of vanilla.--_Mrs. Cornelia C. Bedford._


Grate one-quarter of a pound of chocolate and mix one-quarter of a pound of sifted powdered sugar and one-quarter of a pound of blanched and ground almonds. Add a pinch of cinnamon and mix to a soft paste with eggs beaten until thick. Drop in half-teaspoonfuls on slightly b.u.t.tered paper and bake in a moderate oven. Do not take from the paper until cold; then brush the under side with cold water, and the paper can be readily stripped off.--_Mrs. Cornelia C. Bedford._


Stir together in a saucepan half a cup of Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa, half a cup of flour, half a cup of granulated sugar and half a teaspoonful of salt. Add gradually one quart of boiling water and let the mixture boil five minutes, stirring it constantly. Remove from the fire, add a quart of boiling milk, and serve. If desired a spoonful of whipped cream may be put in each cup before filling with the cocoa.

The proportions given will make delicious, creamy cocoa, sufficient to serve twelve persons. The flour should be sifted before it is measured.--_By Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, author of "The Art of Cookery."_


Mix together half a cup of sifted flour, half a cup of granulated sugar and half a teaspoonful of salt. Put into a saucepan half a cup of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate, finely shaved. Add one quart of boiling water, stir until dissolved, add the flour, sugar and salt, and boil gently, stirring constantly, five minutes. Then stir in a quart of boiling milk, and serve with or without whipped cream.--_Mrs. Emma P.

Ewing, author of "The Art of Cookery."_

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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Part 6 summary

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