Songs from Books Part 4

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_Tod's Amendment._

Not though you die to-night, O Sweet, and wail, A spectre at my door, Shall mortal Fear make Love immortal fail-- I shall but love you more, Who, from Death's House returning, give me still One moment's comfort in my matchless ill.

_By Word of Mouth._

They burnt a corpse upon the sand-- The light shone out afar; It guided home the plunging boats That beat from Zanzibar.

Spirit of Fire, where'er Thy altars rise, Thou art the Light of Guidance to our eyes!

_In Error._

Ride with an idle whip, ride with an unused heel.

But, once in a way, there will come a day When the colt must be taught to feel The lash that falls, and the curb that galls, and the sting of the rowelled steel.

_The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin._

It was not in the open fight We threw away the sword, But in the lonely watching In the darkness by the ford.

The waters lapped, the night-wind blew, Full-armed the Fear was born and grew, From panic in the night.

_The Rout of the White Hussars._

In the daytime, when she moved about me, In the night, when she was sleeping at my side,-- I was wearied, I was wearied of her presence.

Day by day and night by night I grew to hate her-- Would G.o.d that she or I had died!

_The Bronckhorst Divorce Case._

A stone's throw out on either hand From that well-ordered road we tread, And all the world is wild and strange; Churel and ghoul and Djinn and sprite Shall bear us company to-night, For we have reached the Oldest Land Wherein the powers of Darkness range.

_In the House of Suddhoo._

To-night, G.o.d knows what thing shall tide, The Earth is racked and fain-- Expectant, sleepless, open-eyed; And we, who from the Earth were made, Thrill with our Mother's pain.

_False Dawn._

Pit where the buffalo cooled his hide, By the hot sun emptied, and blistered and dried; Log in the reh-gra.s.s, hidden and lone; Bund where the earth-rat's mounds are strown; Cave in the bank where the sly stream steals; Aloe that stabs at the belly and heels, Jump if you dare on a steed untried-- Safer it is to go wide--go wide!

_Hark, from in front where the best men ride;--_ _'Pull to the off, boys! Wide! Go wide!'_

_Cupid's Arrows._

He drank strong waters and his speech was coa.r.s.e; He purchased raiment and forbore to pay; He stuck a trusting junior with a horse, And won gymkhanas in a doubtful way.

Then, 'twixt a vice and folly, turned aside To do good deeds and straight to cloak them, lied.

_A Bank Fraud._


_'Gold is for the mistress--silver for the maid-- Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.'_ 'Good!' said the Baron, sitting in his hall, 'But Iron--Cold Iron--is master of them all.'

So he made rebellion 'gainst the King his liege, Camped before his citadel and summoned it to siege.

'Nay!' said the cannoneer on the castle wall, 'But Iron--Cold Iron--shall be master of you all!'

Woe for the Baron and his knights so strong, When the cruel cannon-b.a.l.l.s laid 'em all along!

He was taken prisoner, he was cast in thrall, And Iron--Cold Iron--was master of it all.

Yet his King spake kindly (Ah, how kind a Lord!) 'What if I release thee now and give thee back thy sword?'

'Nay!' said the Baron, 'mock not at my fall, For Iron--Cold Iron--is master of men all.'

_'Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown-- Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.'_ 'As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small, For Iron--Cold Iron--must be master of men all!'

Yet his King made answer (few such Kings there be!) 'Here is Bread and here is Wine--sit and sup with me.

Eat and drink in Mary's Name, the whiles I do recall How Iron--Cold Iron--can be master of men all!'

He took the Wine and blessed It. He blessed and brake the Bread.

With His own Hands He served Them, and presently He said: 'See! These Hands they pierced with nails, outside My city wall, Show Iron--Cold Iron--to be master of men all!

'Wounds are for the desperate, blows are for the strong, Balm and oil for weary hearts all cut and bruised with wrong.

I forgive thy treason--I redeem thy fall-- For Iron--Cold Iron--must be master of men all!'

_'Crowns are for the valiant--sceptres for the bold!

Thrones and powers for mighty men who dare to take and hold.'_ 'Nay!' said the Baron, kneeling in his hall, 'But Iron--Cold Iron--is master of man all!

Iron out of Calvary is master of men all!'


Oh, light was the world that he weighed in his hands!

Oh, heavy the tale of his fiefs and his lands!

He has gone from the _guddee_ and put on the shroud, And departed in guise of _bairagi_ avowed!

Now the white road to Delhi is mat for his feet.

The _sal_ and the _kikar_ must guard him from heat.

His home is the camp, and the waste, and the crowd-- He is seeking the Way as _bairagi_ avowed!

He has looked upon Man, and his eyeb.a.l.l.s are clear-- (There was One; there is One, and but One, saith Kabir); The Red Mist of Doing has thinned to a cloud-- He has taken the Path for _bairagi_ avowed!

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Songs from Books Part 4 summary

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