From Farm to Fortune Part 17

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On Sunday the country boy attended a church in the vicinity of his boarding house, and in the afternoon he took a walk to Central Park. In the evening he stayed at home and read a paper which d.i.c.k brought in.

As was natural Nat read over the want advertis.e.m.e.nts very carefully. It was not long before he came to one which excited his curiosity. The advertis.e.m.e.nt was as follows:

"WANTED--A clerk, to whom a liberal salary will be paid. One preferred who comes from the country and is not too old. References expected. Must deposit $100 as security, for which interest will be paid. Inquire Room 24, Dallax Building, Broadway."

"That ought to strike me," mused Nat, as he laid down the paper. "Just the thing, and no mistake. I'll go and see about it."

Our hero had acquired sufficient knowledge of New York to find the place indicated in the advertis.e.m.e.nt without much trouble. It was a four-story stone building, and he walked up two flights of stairs until he reached Room 24. On the door was the sign:


Entering the office he found it plainly but neatly furnished with two desks and several chairs. In front of one of the desks sat a middle-aged man, well dressed, and smoking a cigar.

"Is this Mr. Dart?" questioned Nat, taking off his hat.

"That is my name," responded Hamilton Dart, with a keen glance at our hero.

"Did you advertise for a clerk. I saw an advertis.e.m.e.nt----"

"Oh, yes!" interrupted the man. "Pray be seated," and he motioned to one of the chairs. "You came to see about the place, did you?"

"Yes, sir. You advertised that you would like somebody from the country, and that hits me."

"You came from the country to try your luck?"

"Yes, sir. I got tired of the farm."

Hamilton Dart smiled good-naturedly, and blew a cloud of smoke toward the ceiling of his office.

"I don't blame you. I got tired of the farm myself when I was about your age, and came here with less than a hundred dollars in my pocket."

"Well, I came with just a little more than that," answered Nat, innocently.

"Indeed! Then you are better off than I was. But I shan't complain, for I have made money right along. But what do you think I am worth now?"

"I don't know, I am sure--five or ten thousand dollars maybe."

"Nearly fifty thousand dollars," and Hamilton Dart looked at Nat, coolly and innocently.

"Fifty thousand!" cried the boy. "You've certainly been lucky. I wish I could make that much."

"You have the same opportunities that I had. Let me see, what did you say your name was?"

"I didn't say. It is Nat Nason."

"I am glad to know you. You have a bright and honest face, and faces count a good deal with me."

This was gratifying to Nat, and he could not help but think that Mr.

Dart was a pleasant gentleman with whom to deal.

"I advertised for a country young man because I was that myself once, and I like to help country young men along," continued Hamilton Dart.

"You are out of work at present?"

"Yes, sir. I worked for a firm, but they sold out to another firm."

"I see. Have you any recommendations? Not that they are strictly necessary from one who looks so honest."

"I can refer you to the firm I worked for."

"That will be satisfactory, although I don't mind telling you that I am very particular in the selection of my clerks. So far I have rejected seventeen who applied."

"I should try my best to do what was right," answered Nat, modestly.

"That is the way I like to hear a person talk."

"Then you will take me?"

"We haven't agreed on terms yet. What do you expect in the way of salary?"

"I guess I'll leave that to you," answered Nat, after some hesitation.

"What did you get at your last place?"

"Seven dollars a week."

"Humph! Your employer was not very liberal. A clerk that is worth anything to me is worth ten dollars a week at least."

The mentioning of ten dollars made Nat's heart jump.

"If you'll pay me ten dollars a week, Mr. Dart, I'll do my level best to earn it."

"Do you write a fair hand?"

"Here is my handwriting," answered the boy, and wrote his name on a piece of paper.

"That is quite good--for a boy. I think you will improve by practice.

Here you will have quite some writing to do, and bills to sort out. But the work will not be difficult, for the summer is our dull season."

"I see."

"By the way, I suppose you know I require a deposit of one hundred dollars from each of my clerks," went on Hamilton Dart, with a.s.sumed carelessness. "Sometimes my clerks have quite some money to handle for me."

"I can make that deposit," answered Nat. "Will I get a receipt for it?"

"To be sure, and I will also pay you six per cent. interest on the money. You can have it back whenever you leave my service. When can you make the deposit?"

"Right now, if you say so."

"Very well; I'll make out the receipt."

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From Farm to Fortune Part 17 summary

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