Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index Part 21

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Exclusion of Chinese (United States and Australia). Askew, 1906, p. 41: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 39: Briefs.

Has Chinese immigration thus far been on the whole rather a benefit than an injury to the country? Should it be the policy of the national government to impose stringent restrictions on Chinese immigration?

Matson, p. 175: Briefs and references.

The policy excluding Chinese laborers from the United States should be maintained and rigorously enforced. Brookings, p. 73: Briefs and references.

The policy of the United States with respect to Chinese immigration should be continued. Ringwalt, p. 42: Briefs and references.

Should Chinese immigration be restricted? C. L. of P. Reference lists.

The time has come when the United States should modify its present policy of excluding Chinese immigration. Thomas, p. 176: Briefs.

=Immigration, German.=

The Germans are the most desirable present day immigrants. C. L. of P.

Reference lists.


Should immorality be a bar to public life? Askew, 1906, p. 108: Briefs and references.

_See also_ Morality.


Can the immortality of the human soul be established from the light of nature? Matson, p. 492: Briefs and references.

Immortality of the individual; its value. Askew, 1906, p. 108: Briefs.


Are colonies advantageous to the mother country? Rowton, p. 216: References.

=Imperialism= (England).

Askew, 1906, p. 110: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 106: Briefs.

=Imperialism= (United States).

American imperialism. Speaker, v. 4, p. 114: References.

Imperialistic policy of the United States. C. L. of P. Reference lists.

The interests of the United States are opposed to the permanent acquisition of territory in the eastern hemisphere except so much as may be needed for naval stations. Alden, p. 221: Speech (affirmative).

_See also_ Cuba. Annexation to the United States.--Hawaii. Annexation to the United States.--Philippine islands.

=In camera proceedings.=

Askew, 1906, p. 113; Askew, 1911, p. 110: Briefs.

=Income tax.=

Denney, p. 369: Speeches.

Can an income tax be framed which shall be equitable in principle and efficient in administration? Is a graduated income tax just or expedient? Matson, p. 209: Briefs and references.

The const.i.tution should be so amended as to vest in Congress the power to impose a general income tax in the United States. Speaker, v. 3, p.

296: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P. Debates: Briefs and references.

The federal government should adopt a graduated income tax, const.i.tutionality granted. Robbins, p. 109: Briefs and references.

The federal government should have the power to impose an income tax, not apportioned among the states according to population. Speaker, v. 5, p. 376: Speeches and references.

Federal income tax. Pearson, p. 93: Summing up of arguments, and references.

A graduated income tax is a desirable feature of a taxation system.

Wisconsin University, no. 329: Arguments and references.

In the United States an income tax is practicable and desirable. Thomas, p. 180: Briefs.--C. L. of P. Reference lists.

An income tax is a desirable part of a scheme of taxation. Brookings, p.

117: Briefs and references.

Income tax, with special reference to graduation and exemption.

Debaters' handbook ser., no. 10: References and selected articles.

Progressive income tax. Askew, 1906, p. 113: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 110: Briefs.

=Independent Labour party and Liberal party.=

Askew, 1906, p. 115: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 112: Briefs.

=Indeterminate sentence.=

Indeterminate sentences for the professional criminal. Askew, 1911, p.

113: Briefs.

=India.= Civil service. _See_ =Civil service.= India.

=India.= English rule.

Indian defence--a forward policy. Askew, 1906, p. 118: Briefs and references.

Is English rule in India, considered as to its character and results, capable of vindication? Has English rule been a benefit to India?

Matson, p. 191: Briefs and references.

Ought we to govern India solely for its natives? Gibson, p. 117: Briefs and references.

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