Life Howling Chapter 19

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Anyways, 750P disappeared just like that, and only 801P remained.

Now, what should I learn?

That reminds me, I recall seeing a skill that can be used for defense. Should I check that out?

"iron body technique search."

Reward search
Iron Body Technique - 500p
Lyfedearc's Divine Warrior Iron Body Technique - 500p
Angghalk Rigidity Skill - 1000p
Violt Vision Rigidity Skill - 10000p
Derahal iron body technique - 5000p
Viore iron body technique - 1500p
something… incredible showed up, didn't it?

"let's see.."

[Iron Body Technique]
A skill that uses mana by hardening the user's body through absorbing the energy from nature. It's called Rigidity Skill because it fortifies the body by expending mana. You will be able to gain physical enhancements through increased physical performances, but it will disappear if the mana is depleted.

The iron body technique was created by combining the ability to consume mana and to store it in one's body. Storing mana in one's body is also called Rigid Ability.

"It's sort of… like the stuff in martial art stories."

Is this it? Collecting ki and stuff. Basically, I'll need to collect as much ki in me as possible to make my body stronger. Isn't that what it is?

Then again… it's kind of different from typical martial arts…
Oh yeah. I wonder if there's such thing as a G.o.dly Arts?

"Search G.o.dly Arts."

Reward search
G.o.dly Arts - 10,000,000p

What the h.e.l.l?

[G.o.dly Arts]
A martial arts that's been pa.s.sed down the generations by the dark factions of the religion, Zoroaster, which began in Persia. It's official name is angra mainu abatiaz. Later on, a Zoroaster faction by the name of white lotus from China, contributed to finding a new nation after overthrowing the Mongol Yuan Empire.

The G.o.dly Arts are divided into three different parts: the G.o.dly Extreme Nihilism Breathing, G.o.dly Demon Foot Technique, and G.o.dly Demon Destruction Technique.
So they do have it.


Well this just confirmed everything, didn't it? f.u.c.k. Should I just try to learn martial arts?

No, wait. The very first skill I picked up was the Divine Arts. Which means that I've already set my skill tree to Divine category.

"Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Iron Body Technique."

[Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Iron Body Technique]

Life and death. The G.o.d of blood, Lyfedearc gifted a combat skill to the followers.

As it's a skill that requires using Divine Law on the body to enhance its properties, it is possible to learn this very skill from the G.o.d with Lyfedearc's order. It's much more effective than the normal Iron Body Technique.

It's powers will be in folds with Divine Law in use.

But, this skill will stress the body's speed, muscle regeneration, and enhancing the internals.

"This… is incredible too."

It's said that this is a skill for the apprentice warrior. Then, I should learn this. Of course, I should.
"Purchase Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Iron Body Technique."


A bright light took over me, and I knew everything about the Iron Body Technique. Now, all there's left is 310P.

Okay, now… what do I need.

"Divine Arts Lv 2 Lower Skill List."
Reward Search

Lyfedearc Divine Arts Lv 2Lower Skill List
1. Basic Wound Treatment (Learned)
2. Basic Disease Treatment - 50P
3. Basic Blessing - 50P
4. Basic Resistance - 50P
5. Basic Purification - 50P
6. Basic Physical Tolerance - 50P
7. Basic Divine Light (Learned)
8. Basic Divine Grant - 50P
9. Basic Physical Resistance - 50P
10. Basic Divine Body - 50P
11. Basic Blood Blessing - 50P
12. Basic Slaughter Sacrifice - 50P
13. Basic Divine Armor - 50P
14. Divine Bind - 50P
15. Divine Attack - 50P
16. Divine Recovery - 50P

The list changed up a bit. Resistance options have been combined, that goes for the physical buffs as well. What is bind and attack skills?

But, I thought… this was a system where I had to learn the Lv 1 skills in order to move onto the next on?

I'll need to test this theory out later. But, first… I have 301P left. So, does that mean they'll be gone once I learn 6 skills?


"I'll learn: Basic Divine Body. Basic Physical Tolerance. Basic Resistance. Basic Purification. Divine Attack. Divine Bind."


Another light consumed me. Same as always, nothing too different. Once the light disappeared, I knew everything.

Player : Yoon-Hwan Jung
Ability : Lyfedearc Divine Arts LV 2. Absorb LV 1. Steel Body LV. 1. Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Flail Mastery Lv 2. Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior s.h.i.+eld Mastery Lv 1. Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Armor Mastery Lv 1. Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Steed Body Skill Lv 1.
Weapon : Flail
Accessory - Necklace : Lyfedearc's Apprentices.h.i.+p Warrior Necklace
Accessory - Bracelet : Lyfedearc's Apprentices.h.i.+p Warrior Bracelet.
Tool : Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Holy Bag.
Status : Third Test Pa.s.sed
Point : 1P

It was a warrior's set. On my neck was a necklace made of silver, and a bracelet was on my right wrist.

They both had a circular shape.

I guess this is the mark of the Divine. That's not all. The Divine Power that flowed inside me was different than before.

I felt energized. Or, should I say I had more than enough energy radiating from me?

What I know for sure is that I was stronger than before.

Even the amount of Divine Power that was flowing into me was at least 5 times more now. Is it okay for me to be this strong so fast?

Just how I could read information about the items before buying them, I had their information flooding in my head after purchase as well.


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Life Howling Chapter 19 summary

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