Life Howling Chapter 20

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****This release was sponsored by SteveO89 ****
And~~~ a personal apology to Steve for being late on my release!!!

It was a warrior's set. On my neck was a necklace made of silver, and a bracelet was on my right wrist.

They both had a circular shape. I guess this is the mark of the Divine. That's not all. The Divine Power that flowed inside me was different than before.

I felt energized. Or, should I say I had more than enough energy radiating from me?

What I know for sure is that I was stronger than before.

Even the amount of Divine Power that was flowing into me was at least 5 times more now. Is it okay for me to be this strong so fast?

Just how I could read information about the items before buying them, I had their information flooding in my head after purchase as well.

For an example, both the bracelet and the necklace will provide additional 5% Divine Power to its wearer when that person happens to have Divine Arts Lv. 1.

Which means its effects will be boosted by 20% when I wear both of them. If I was to learn the Divine Body, the Divine Powers at Lv. 1 will skyrocket to 50%.

Basically, it'll be as if I'm getting an increase of 70% in Divine Power through the items and skill. And, when the Divine Arts turn Lv 2, the effects will triple from when it was Lv 1. The amount of Divine Power that flows into my body is just increasing that's all.

Each item will equally increase by 5%. Once I learn Basic Divine Body Skills, that'll be another 50%. It'll be like increasing the Divine Power 5 times over compared to Lv. 1.

What is this.

It's dangerous.

Sadly, Divine Power is mainly used for treating wounds and such. Or, enhancing the body, but… how can I complain about that?

Especially, Lyfedearc's Apprentice Warrior Iron Body Technique. Thank G.o.d I learned this. Because with this, I'll be able to use the ground works of this skill.

I have all the information regarding the Iron Body Technique in my head. No. It's all in my instincts.

The Apprentice Warrior's Iron Body Technique is much better and effective than the regular Iron Body.


I receive the Divine Power from G.o.d through my heart.

The Divine Power continuously flows out from my body, but it stops once I use a certain amount of it.

Shall I say it's like a faucet shutting off the water? Like, stopping the water from over filling the bucket.

I think the regular Iron Body skill will require its user to recuperate once they've used up all their power. They have to. But, unlike them, my power just recovers all the consumed energy on its own. So, I don't need to waste my time recuperating. And, that alone makes it worthwhile. Another thing is that the Holy Bag, itself, is a very special item.

It's a gift that G.o.d gives to his followers. The bracelet and the necklace are both gifts but the Holy Bag itself is more special than the other items.

I'm now able to put any item in this Holy Bag regardless of its size. I believe I can put about 200kg worth of times in the bag. And, no matter what I put in, the size and weight of the bag won't change. That's not all. Once you're the owner of the Holy Bag, you can summon it to your right hand whenever you please. I can summon to my right hand just by calling it to me.

Should I relate this a game's inventory chart of some sorts? More and more, I'm beginning to think that all this had been thought out very carefully by someone.

But, it's not like it mattered anyway.

While I thought about everything, I saw texts appear before me on the white wall.

Test complete.

Player Jung-Yoon Hwan


So they're sending me home now?

I saw a light. I was back to where I originally was before getting pulled into the game.

"Whew… I survived."

I was sitting back in my room in same clothes with everything just where I had left it.

Backpack, hockey plates… they were all there. I took everything off and tossed it over to the corner.

I sat down like a dead-tired dog, laying on the bed afterwards. I closed my eyes and opened them again. yeah, I'm back in my room now.

"yeah, I'm alive…"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again. My body was exhausted, and I couldn't feel anything. I could feel the dead tiredness closing in on me.



I don't know how much time had pa.s.sed, but I'm awake now. It was already dark outside. I stretched out my hand, searching for the phone, and looked at the time. It was only 6. I came back at 2 and it's only 6?

"This… is probably because of the Divine Body."

Divine Body. A pa.s.sive skill that circulates the Divine Power all throughout the body. Thanks to it, the Divine Power flows within me.

Stamina recovery, fatigue recovery, increased recovery rate, disease resistance, poison resistance. This is just an all-rounded skill. What I like best about is that it doesn't consume Divine Power just because this skill is active.

By the way, I had no idea that I'd feel this rejuvenated just from 4 hours of sleep…

"Today… is my resting day."

6 day working hours are insane. I need to rest on the 7th day. I'm not superman. I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to go home and rest.


I have no money. that's why.

"Wait…can I… purchase money using points? There's nothing wrong with purchasing money using points, but how am I supposed to bring that back here with me? It's possible for me to carry stuff over there, but I don't think it's possible for me to bring items from there to here…."

I thought about the Apprentice Warrior set for an example. That goes for the Holy Bag as well.

"OH, wait… the Holy Bag. I can… call it…"

I can summon it.

Summon. I can summon it.

"If I can use Divine Power in this world, that means…"

I took my right hand and looked at it had. Can I do it? can i?

"Summon Holy Bag."

The Divine Power becomes active with my conscious. Part of the Divine Power that was flowing inside me migrates towards my hand, making a light that brightened my eyes

After the light disappeared, something was left behind.

It was the Holy Bag that I purchased earlier.


It works. Yeah, It worked. With this… I can bring back items from that world! Everything from this world can be taken with me, and I can bring stuff back from that world with this! All I have to do is use this Holy Bag!

I placed my hand in the bag.


I felt something when I don't remember putting anything inside it yet. What's this? Is this… a wire? no? what is this?

I put my hand deep inside to pull it out. What was inside surprised me.

"is this… the necklace I had?"

It was the necklace that I purchased.


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Life Howling Chapter 20 summary

You're reading Life Howling. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Sung Sang-young,고렘. Already has 1572 views.

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