Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse Part 43

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Receive my prayers, of thy benignity!

Though I be a sinner most abominable, Yet let my name be written in Moses' table!

Oh Mary! pray to the Maker of all thing, Me for to help at my ending!

And save me from the power of my enemy, For death a.s.saileth me strongly; And, Lady, that I may by means of thy prayer, Of thy Son's glory to be partaker, By the means of His Pa.s.sion, I it crave: I beseech you, help my soul to save!

Knowledge, give me the scourge of penance; My flesh therewith shall give a quittance-- I will now begin, if G.o.d give me grace.

KNOWLEDGE. Everyman, G.o.d give you time and s.p.a.ce!

Thus I bequeath you in the hands of our Saviour; Thus may you make your reckoning sure.

EVERYMAN. In the name of the Holy Trinity, My body sore punished shall be!

Take this, body, for the sin of the flesh, Also thou delightest to go gay and fresh, And in way of d.a.m.nation thou did me bring, Therefore suffer now strokes and punis.h.i.+ng!

Now of penance I will wade the water clear, To save me from h.e.l.l and from the fire.

GOOD DEEDS. I thank G.o.d, now I can walk and go!

I am delivered of my sickness and woe; Therefore with Everyman I will go, and not spare; His good works I will help him to declare.

KNOWLEDGE. Now, Everyman, be merry and glad!

Your Good Deeds do come, ye may not be sad.

Now is your Good Deeds whole and sound, Going upright upon the ground.

EVERYMAN. My heart is light, and shall be evermore: Now will I smite faster than I did before.

GOOD DEEDS. Everyman, pilgrim, my special friend, Blessed be thou without end!

For thee is prepared the eternal glory.

Ye have me made whole and sound, Therefore I will abide with thee in every stound.

EVERYMAN. Welcome, my Good Deeds! now I hear thy voice I weep for very sweetness of love.

KNOWLEDGE. Be no more sad, but ever more rejoice; G.o.d seeth thy living in His throne above.

Put on this garment to thy behove, Which with your tears is now all wet, Lest before G.o.d it be unsweet When you to your journey's end come shall.

EVERYMAN. Gentle Knowledge, what do ye it call?

KNOWLEDGE. It is the garment of sorrow-- From pain it will you borrow-- Contrition it is, That getteth forgiveness, It pleaseth G.o.d pa.s.sing well.

GOOD DEEDS. Everyman, will you wear it for your heal?

EVERYMAN. Now blessed be Jesu, Mary's Son!

For now have I on true contrition; And let us go now without tarrying.

Good Deeds, have we clear our reckoning?

GOOD DEEDS. Yea, indeed, I have it here.

EVERYMAN. Then I trust we need not fear.

Now friends, let us not part in twain.

KINDRED. Nay, Everyman, that will we not, certain!

GOOD DEEDS. Yet must thou lead with thee Three persons of great might.

EVERYMAN. Who should they be?

GOOD DEEDS. Discretion and Strength they hight, And thy Beauty may not abide behind.

KNOWLEDGE. Also ye must call to mind Your five wits, as for your councillors.

GOOD DEEDS. You must have them ready at all hours.

EVERYMAN. How shall I get them hither?

KINDRED. You must call them all together, And they will hear you, incontinent.

EVERYMAN. My friends, come hither and be present!

Discretion, Strength, my Five Wits, and Beauty!

BEAUTY. Here are your will me be ready; What would ye that we should do?

GOOD DEEDS. That ye would with Everyman go, And help him in his pilgrimage.

Advise you--will ye with him or not, in that voyage?

STRENGTH. We will bring him all thither, To his help and comfort, ye may believe me.

DISCRETION. So will we go with him all together.

EVERYMAN. Almighty G.o.d, loved may thou be!

I give thee laud that I have hither brought Strength, Discretion, Beauty, and Five Wits,--lack I nought-- And my Good Deeds, with Knowledge clear, All be in company at my will here; I desire no more to my business.

STRENGTH. And I, Strength, will stand by you in distress, Though thou wouldest in battle fight on the ground.

FIVE WITS. And though it were through the world round, We will not depart, for sweet nor sour.

BEAUTY. No more will I, unto death's hour, Whatsoever thereof befall.

DISCRETION. Everyman, advise you first of all; Go with a good advis.e.m.e.nt and deliberation.

We all give you virtuous monition.

EVERYMAN. That all shall be well.

My friendes, hearken what I will tell: I pray G.o.d reward you in His heavenly sphere!

Now hearken, all that be here, For I will make my testament Here before you all present.

In alms half my goods I will give with my handes twain In the way of charity, with good intent; And the other half still shall remain In quiet, to be returned there it ought to be.

This I do in despite of the fiend of h.e.l.l, To go quite out of his peril, Ever after and this day.

KNOWLEDGE. Everyman, hearken what I say: Go to priesthood, I you advise, And receive of him, in any wise, The Holy Sacrament and ointment together; Then shortly see ye turn again hither: We will all abide you here.

FIVE WITS. Yea, Everyman, hie you that ye ready were There is no emperor, king, duke, ne baron, That of G.o.d hath commission, As hath the least priest in the world being; For of the Blessed Sacraments, pure and benign, He beareth the keys and thereof hath he cure; For man's redemption it is ever sure, Which G.o.d, for our soul's medicine, Gave us out of his heart with great pain.

Here in this transitory life, for thee and me, The Blessed Sacraments Seven there be; Baptism, Confirmation, with Priesthood good, And the Sacrament of G.o.d's precious flesh and blood; Marriage, the Holy Extreme Unction, and Penance.

These seven be good to have in remembrance, Gracious sacraments of high divinity.

EVERYMAN. Fain would I receive that Holy Body, And meekly to my ghostly father I will go.

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Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse Part 43 summary

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