Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse Part 44

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FIVE WITS. Everyman, that is the best that ye can do: G.o.d will you to salvation bring, For good priesthood exceedeth all other thing.

To us holy scripture they do teach, And converteth man from sin, heaven to reach.

G.o.d hath to them more power given Than to any angel that is in heaven.

With five words he may consecrate, G.o.d's body in flesh and blood to make, And handleth his maker between his hands.

The priest bindeth and unbindeth all bands Both in earth and in heaven.

Thou ministers all the sacraments seven-- Though we kiss thy feet thou were worthy-- Thou art surgeon that cureth sin deadly.

No remedy we find under G.o.d But all only priesthood.

Everyman, G.o.d gave priests that dignity, And setteth them in his stead, among us to be; Thus be they above angels in degree.

KNOWLEDGE. If priests be good, it is so surely; But when Jesus hung on the cross with great smart, There he gave, out of his blessed heart, The same sacrament, in great torment; He sold them not to us, that Lord omnipotent: Therefore Saint Peter the Apostle doth say, That Jesus' curse hath all they Which G.o.d their Saviour do buy or sell, Or they for any money do take or tell.

Sinful priests giveth the sinners example bad; Their children sitteth by other men's fires, I have heard, And some haunteth women's company, With unclean life, as l.u.s.ts of lechery: These be with sin made blind.

FIVE WITS. I trust to G.o.d no such may we find!

Therefore let us priesthood honour, And follow their doctrine for our souls' succour.

We be their sheep, and they shepherds be, By whom we all be kept in surety.

Peace! for yonder I see Everyman come, Which hath made true satisfaction.

GOOD DEEDS. Me-thinketh it is he indeed.

EVERYMAN. Now Jesus Christ be your alder speed!

I have received the Sacrament for my redemption, And thou, mine Extreme Unction: Blessed be all they that counselled me to take it!

And now, friends, let us go without longer respite-- I thank G.o.d that ye have tarried so long-- Now set, each of you, on this rod your hand, And shortly follow me: I go before there I would be; G.o.d be our guide!

STRENGTH. Everyman, we will not from you go Till ye have gone this voyage long.

DISCRETION. I, Discretion, will bide by you also.

KNOWLEDGE. And though this pilgrimage be never so strong, I will never part you from.

Everyman, I will be as sure by thee As ever I did by Judas Macchabe.

EVERYMAN. Alas! I am so faint I may not stand!

My limbs under me do fold.

Friends, let us not turn again to this land, Not for all the worldes gold; For into this cave must I creep, And turn to the earth, and there to sleep.

BEAUTY. What! into this grave, alas!?

EVERYMAN. Yea, there shall you consume, more and less.

BEAUTY. And what! should I smother here?

EVERYMAN. Yea, by my faith, and never more appear.

In this world live no more we shall.

But in heaven, before the highest Lord of all.

BEAUTY. I cross out all this--adieu, by Saint John!

I take my cap in my lap and am gone.

EVERYMAN. What, Beauty! whither will ye?

BEAUTY. Peace! I am deaf! I look not behind me!

Not and thou would give me all the gold in thy chest.

EVERYMAN. Alas! whereto may I trust?

Beauty goeth fast away and from me; She promised with me to live and die.

STRENGTH. Everyman, I will thee also forsake and deny; Thy game liketh me not at all.

EVERYMAN. Why! then ye will forsake me all!

Sweet Strength, tarry a little s.p.a.ce.

STRENGTH. Nay, sir, by the Rood of Grace!

I will hie me from thee fast, Though thou weep till thy heart brast.

EVERYMAN. Ye would ever bide by me, ye said.

STRENGTH. Yea, I have you far enough conveyed: Ye be old enough, I understand, Your pilgrimage to take on hand-- I repent me that I hither came.

EVERYMAN. Strength, you to displease I am to blame; Will you break promise, that is debt?

STRENGTH. In faith I care not.

Thou art but a fool to complain-- You spend your speech and waste your brain-- Go, thrust thee into the ground!

EVERYMAN. I had weened surer I should you have, found: He that trusteth in his Strength, She him deceiveth at the length.

Both Strength and Beauty forsaketh me, Yet they promised me, fair and lovingly.

DISCRETION. Everyman, I will after Strength be gone; As for me, I will leave you alone.

EVERYMAN. Why Discretion, will ye forsake me?

DISCRETION. Yea, in faith, I will go from thee, For when Strength goeth before I follow after, evermore.

EVERYMAN. Yet I pray thee, for the love of the Trinity Look in my grave once piteously!

DISCRETION. Nay, so nigh I will not come!

Farewell, everyone!

EVERYMAN. Oh, all thing faileth save G.o.d alone-- Beauty, Strength, and Discretion-- For when Death bloweth his blast They all run from me full fast.

FIVE WITS. Everyman, of thee now my leave I take; I will follow the others, for here I thee forsake.

EVERYMAN. Alas! then may I wail and weep.

For I took you for my best friend!

FIVE WITS. I will no longer thee keep; Now farewell, and there an end!

EVERYMAN. Oh Jesus, help! all hath forsaken me.

GOOD DEEDS. Nay, Everyman, I will bide with thee; I will not forsake thee, indeed-- Thou shalt find me a good friend at need.

EVERYMAN. Gramercy, Good Deeds! now may I true friends see!

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Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse Part 44 summary

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