Traditional Nursery Songs of England Part 5

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_s.h.i.+lling Series._

1. Jack the Giant Killer. With 4 Pictures by Townshend.

2. Little Red Riding-Hood. With 4 Pictures by Webster.

3. Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. With 4 Pictures by Absolon.

4. Beauty and the Beast. With 4 Pictures by Horsley.

5. Jack and the Bean Stalk. With 4 Pictures by Cope.

6. Cinderella. With 4 Pictures by Absolon.

7. The Ballads of Chevy Chase. With 4 Pictures by F. Tayler.

8. Sir Hornbook. A Ballad. With 4 Pictures by H. Corbould.

9. The Sisters, and Golden Locks. With 3 Pictures by Redgrave, &c.

10. Grumble and Cheery. With 3 Pictures by Cope, &c.

11. The Life of Christ. With 4 Pictures by Albert Durer.

12. Bible Events. First Series. With 8 Pictures by Holbein.

13. Bible Events. Second Series. With 6 Pictures by Raffaelle.

Each of these Books is handsomely done up in a gold-paper cover, price _1s._ or with coloured Plates _2s. 6d._

_Bound Series._

1. The Traditional Nursery Songs of England.

With 4 Pictures by Eminent Artists. Price _2s. 6d._, coloured _3s. 6d._

2. Tales from the Faerie Queen.

With 4 Pictures by Townshend. Price _3s. 6d._, coloured _4s. 6d._

3. The Delectable History of Reynard the Fox.

With 24 Pictures by Everdingen. Price _4s. 6d._, coloured _7s. 6d._

4. An Alphabet of Quadrupeds.

With 24 Pictures from the Old Masters. _4s. 6d._, coloured _7s. 6d._

5. Tales of the Heroes of Greece.

With 4 Pictures by Townshend. Price _3s. 6d._, coloured _4s. 6d._

6. Faery Tales and Ballads.

With 14 Pictures by Eminent Artists. _4s. 6d._, coloured _7s. 6d._

7. Traditional Faery Tales.

With 12 Pictures by Eminent Artists. _3s. 6d._, coloured _5s. 6d._

8. Popular Faery Tales.

With 12 Pictures by Eminent Artists. _3s. 6d._, coloured _5s. 6d._

9. Summerly's Sacred History.

With 18 Pictures by Albert Durer, &c. _4s. 6d._, coloured _7s. 6d._



Gammer Gurton's Story Books.



_The Praise of Guy Earl of Warwick, and how he fell in Love with Fair Felice._

In the blessed time when Athelstan wore the crown of the English nation, Sir Guy, Warwick's mirror, and the wonder of all the world, was the chief hero of the age, who in prowess surpa.s.sed all his predecessors, and the trump of whose fame so loudly sounded, that Jews, Turks, and Infidels became acquainted with his name.

But as Mars, the G.o.d of Battle, was inspired with the beauty of Venus, so our Guy, by no arms conquered, was conquered by love for Felice the Fair; whose beauty and virtue were so inestimable, and shone with such heavenly l.u.s.tre, that Helen, the pride of all Greece, might seem as a Black-a-moor compared to her.


Guy resolving not to stand doting at a distance, went to Warwick Castle where Felice dwelt, she being daughter and heiress to Roband Earl of Warwick. The Earl, her father, hearing of Guy's coming, bade him heartily welcome, and prepared to entertain him with a match of hunting, but he to that lent an unwilling ear, and to prevent it feigned himself sick. The Earl, troubled for his friend, sent his own physician to him.

The doctor told Guy his disease was dangerous, and without letting blood there was no remedy. Guy replied, "I know my body is distempered; but you want skill to cure the inward inflammation of my heart: Galen's Herbal cannot quote the flower I like for my remedy. There is a flower which if I might but touch would heal me. It is called by a pretty pleasing name, and I think Phaelix soundeth something like it." "I know it not," replied the doctor, "nor is there in the Herbal any flower that beareth such a name, as I remember."

So saying he departed, and left Guy to cast his eyes on the heavenly face of his Felice, as she was walking in a garden full of roses and other flowers.



_Guy courts Fair Felice; she at first denies, but after grants his Suit on Conditions, which he accepts._

Guy immediately advanced to fair Felice, who was reposing herself in an arbour, and saluted her with bended knees. "All hail, fair Felice, flower of beauty, and jewel of virtue! I know, great princes seek to win thy love, whose exquisite perfections might grace the mightiest monarch in the world; yet may they come short of Guy's real affection, in whom love is pictured with naked truth and honesty. Disdain me not for being a steward's son, one of thy father's servants." Felice interrupted him saying, "Cease, bold youth, leave off this pa.s.sionate address; you are but young and meanly born, and unfit for my degree: I would not my father should know this." With this answer she departed from him.

Guy thus discomfited, lived for some time like one distracted, wringing his hands, resolving to travel through the world to gain the love of Felice, or death to end his misery.

Though Dame Fortune long may frown; when her course is run, she sends a smile to cure the hearts that have been wounded by her frowns: so Cupid sent from his bow a golden headed shaft and wounded Felice; and to her sight presented an armed Knight saying, "This Knight shall become so famous in the world that Kings and Princes shall his friends.h.i.+p court."

When Felice found herself wounded, she cried, "O pity me, gentle Cupid, solicit for me to thy mother, and I will offer myself up at thy shrine."

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Traditional Nursery Songs of England Part 5 summary

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