An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Part 12

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Col. IV.

To keep safe [the cedar forest], [Enlil has decreed for it] seven-fold terror."

Gish [opened] his mouth and spoke to [Enkidu]: "Whoever, my friend, overcomes (?) [terror(?)], it is well (for him) with Shamash for the length of [his days].

Mankind will speak of it at the gates.

Wherever terror is to be faced, Thou, forsooth, art in fear of death.

Thy prowess lacks strength.

I will go before thee.

Though thy mouth calls to me; "thou art afraid to approach."

If I fall, I will establish my name.

Gish, the corpse(?) of Huwawa, the terrible one, has s.n.a.t.c.hed (?) from the time that My offspring was born in ......

The lion restrained (?) thee, all of which thou knowest.

.............. thee and ................ open (?) ........ like a shepherd(?) .....

[When thou callest to me], thou afflictest my heart.

I am determined [to enter] the cedar forest.

I will, indeed, establish my name.

[The work(?)], my friend, to the artisans I will entrust.

[Weapons(?)] let them mould before us."

[The work(?)] to the artisans they entrusted.

A dwelling(?) they a.s.signed to the workmen.

Hatchets the masters moulded: Axes of 3 talents each they moulded.

Lances the masters moulded; Blades(?) of 2 talents each, A spear of 30 mina each attached to them.

The hilt of the lances of 30 mina in gold Gish and [Enki]du were equipped with 10 talents each .......... in Erech seven its ....

....... the people heard and ....

[proclaimed(?)] in the street of Erech of the plazas.

..... Gis [brought him out(?)]

[In the street (?)] of Erech of the plazas [Enkidu(?)] sat before him ..... [thus] he spoke: "........ [of Erech] of the plazas ............ [before him]

Col. V.

Gish of whom they speak, let me see!

whose name fills the lands.

I will lure him to the cedar forest, Like a strong offspring of Erech.

I will let the land hear (that) I am determined to lure (him) in the cedar (forest) [155].

A name I will establish."

The elders of Erech of the plazas brought word to Gish: "Thou art young, O Gish, and thy heart carries thee away.

Thou dost not know what thou proposest to do.

We hear that Huwawa is enraged.

Who has ever opposed his weapon?

To one [double hour] in the heart of the forest, Who has ever penetrated into it?

Huwawa, whose roar is a deluge, whose mouth is fire, whose breath is death.

Why dost thou desire to do this?

To advance towards the dwelling (?) of Huwawa?"

Gish heard the report of his counsellors.

He saw and cried out to [his] friend: "Now, my friend, thus [I speak].

I fear him, but [I will go to the cedar forest(?)]; I will go [with thee to the cedar forest].

(About five lines missing.)

May ................... thee Thy G.o.d may (?) ........ thee; On the road may he guide [thee in safety(?)].

At the rampart of [Erech of the plazas], Gish kneeled down [before Shamash(?)], A word then he spoke [to him]: "I will go, O Shamash, [thy] hands [I seize hold of].

When I shall have saved [my life], Bring me back to the rampart [in Erech].

Grant protection [to me ?]!"

Gish cried, "[my friend] ......

His oracle ..................

When (?)

(About two lines missing.)

Col. VI.

"[I(?)] Gish, the strong one (?) of the land.

...... A road which I have never [trodden]; ........ food ...... do not (?) know.

[When] I shall have succeeded, [I will praise] thee in the joy of my heart, [I will extol (?)] the superiority of thy power, [I will seat thee] on thrones."

.................. his vessel(?) The masters [brought the weapons (?)]; [bow] and quiver They placed in hand.

[He took] the hatchet.

................. his quiver.

..... [to] the G.o.d(?) a second time [With his lance(?)] in his girdle, ......... they took the road.

[Again] they approached Gis.h.!.+

"[How long] till thou returnest to Erech?"

[Again the elders] approached him.

[For] the road they counselled Gis: "Do [not] rely, O Gish, on thy strength!

Provide food and save thyself!

Let Enkidu go before thee.

He is acquainted with the way, he has trodden the road [to] the entrance of the forest.

of Huwawa all of them his ......

[He who goes] in advance will save the companion.

Provide for his [road] and [save thyself]!

(May) Shamash [carry out] thy endeavor!

May he make thy eyes see the prophecy of thy mouth.

May he track out (for thee) the closed path!

May he level the road for thy treading!

May he level the mountain for thy foot!

During thy night [156] the word that wilt rejoice may Lugal-banda convey, and stand by thee in thy endeavor!

Like a youth may he establish thy endeavor!

In the river of Huwawa as thou plannest, wash thy feet!

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An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Part 12 summary

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