Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 26

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DAN: No.

BELSIZE: Your s.h.i.+rt's wet through.

DAN (_after a pause_): I've been sawin' some wood.

BELSIZE: Why didn't you tell us you were having an affair with the deceased woman?

DAN: Affair? What's that?

BELSIZE: Come along, old chap, I'll use a straighter word if it'll help you. But you're stalling. She was seen by two of the maids talking to you in the shrubbery. Well?

_A pause._ DAN _bursts into tears, but with a difference. His breakdown a few minutes ago was genuine; this is a good performance, very slightly exaggerated._ BELSIZE _watches him dispa.s.sionately, his brows knit._

DAN: Oh, sir ... it's been on my conscience ... ever since ...

BELSIZE: So you did have an affair with her?

DAN: Oh, no, sir, not that! I avoided her ever after that day she stopped me, sir!... You see, sir, a lady stayin' where I was workin', and for all I knew married, and all the other fellers she'd been after, and the brazen way she went on at me.... You're only human, aren't you, sir, and when they asked me about her, I got frightened to tell about her stopping me.... But now you know about it, sir, it's a weight off my mind, you wouldn't believe!... (_Rising, after seeming to pull himself together_) As a matter of fact, sir, it was the disgust-like of nearly gettin' mixed up with her that was keepin' me awake at nights.

BELSIZE: I see.... You're a bit of a milk-sop, aren't you?

DAN (_apparently puzzled_): Am I, sir?

BELSIZE: Yes.... That'll be all for to-day. I'll let you off this once.

DAN: I'm that relieved, sir!

BELSIZE (_crossing to the table for his hat_): But don't try and keep things from the police another time.

DAN: No chance!

BELSIZE: They always find you out, you know.

DAN: Yes, sir. Would you like a cup o' tea, sir?

BELSIZE: No, thanks. I've got another inquiry in the village....

(_Turning back, with an afterthought_) Oh, just one thing--might as well just do it, we're supposed to with all the chaps we're questioning, matter of form--if you don't mind. I'll have a quick look through your luggage. Matter of form....

DAN: Oh, yes.

BELSIZE: Where d' you hang out?

DAN (_tonelessly_): Through the kitchen ... here, sir.... First door facin' ...

BELSIZE: First door facing----

DAN: You can't miss it.

BELSIZE: I'll find it.

DAN: It's open, I think.

BELSIZE _goes into the kitchen. A pause,_ DAN _looks slowly round the room.

(Turning mechanically to the kitchen door_) You can't miss it....

_A pause. The noise of something being moved beyond the kitchen._ Dan _sits on the sofa with a jerk, looking before him. His fingers beat a rapid tattoo on the sides of the sofa. He looks at them, rises convulsively and walks round the room, grasping chairs and furniture as he goes round. He returns to the sofa, sits, and begins the tattoo again. With a sudden wild automatic movement he beats his closed fists in rapid succession against the sides of his head._ BELSIZE _returns, carrying the hat-box._

BELSIZE (_crossing and placing the hat-box on the table_): This one's locked. Have you got the key?

DAN _rises, and takes a step into the middle of the room. He looks at the hat-box at last._

DAN (_in a dead voice_): It isn't mine.

BELSIZE: Not yours?

DAN: No.

BELSIZE: Oh?... Whose is it, then?

DAN: I dunno. It isn't mine.

OLIVIA _stands at the sun-room door._

OLIVIA: I'm sorry, I thought ... Why, inspector, what are you doing with my box?


OLIVIA: Yes! It's got all my letters in it!

BELSIZE: But it was in ...

OLIVIA: Oh, Dan's room used to be the box-room.

BELSIZE: Oh, I see....

OLIVIA: I'll keep it in my wardrobe; it'll be safer there.... _With sudden feverish resolution, she picks up the box and carries it into the kitchen._ DAN _looks the other way as she him._

BELSIZE: I'm very sorry, miss. (_Scratching his head_) I'm afraid I've offended her....

DAN (_smiling_): She'll be all right, sir....

BELSIZE: Well, young feller, I'll be off. You might tell the old lady I popped in, and hope she's better.

DAN (_smiling and nodding_): Thank you, sir.... Good day, sir.

BELSIZE: Good day.

_He goes out through the front door into the twilight, closing it behind him._

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Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 26 summary

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