Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 27

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DAN: Good day sir....

_A pause,_ DAN _crumples to the floor in a dead faint._




_Half an hour later. The light has waned; the fire is lit and throws a red reflection into the room._ DAN _is lying on the sofa, eyes closed._ NURSE LIBBY _sits at the end of the sofa holding his pulse._ MRS. TERENCE _stands behind the sofa with a toby jug of water._

NURSE: There, lovey, you won't be long now.... Ever so much steadier already.... What a bit o' luck me blowin' in to-day!... Tt! tt! Pouring with sweat, the lad is. Whatever's he been up to?

MRS. TERENCE: When I walked in that door and saw 'im lyin' full stretch on that floor everything went topsy-wopsy. (_Pressing the jug to_ DAN'S _lips_) It did! The room went round and round....

NURSE:(_as_ DAN _splutters_): Don't choke 'im, there's a love....

MRS. TERENCE: D'you know what I said to meself when I saw 'im lyin'


NURSE: What?

MRS. TERENCE: I said, "That murderer's been at 'im," I said, "and it's the next victim." I did!

NURSE: So you would! Just like the pictures.... 'Old your 'ead up, love.

MRS. TERENCE (_as_ NURSE LIBBY _supports_ DAN'S _head_): Got a _nice_ face, 'asn't he?

NURSE: Oh, yes!... (As DAN'S eyes flicker) Shh, he's coming to.... DAN _opens his eyes and looks at her._

Welcome back to the land of the living!

MRS. TERENCE: Thought the murderer'd got you! _A pause._ DAN _stares, then sits up abruptly._

DAN: How long I been like that?

NURSE: We picked you up ten minutes ago, and I'd say it was twenty minutes before that, roughly-like, that you pa.s.sed away.

MRS. TERENCE: Pa.s.sed away, don't frighten the boy!... Whatever come over you, dear?

DAN: I dunno. Felt sick, I think. (_Recovering himself_) Say no more about it, eh? Don't like swinging the lead.... (_His head in his hand._)

MRS. TERENCE: Waiting 'and and foot on Madame Crocodile, enough to wear King Kong out....

NURSE: That's better, eh?

DAN: Is it really getting dark?

MRS. TERENCE: It's a scandal the way the days are drawin' in.... 'Ave another sip----

DAN (_as she makes to give him more water, to_ NURSE LIBBY): You haven't such a thing as a nip of brandy?

NURSE (_opening her bag_): Yes, lovey, I nearly gave you a drop just now---

DAN _takes a flask from her and gulps; he takes a second mouthful. He gives it back, shakes himself, and looks before him._


DAN: Yes.... Clears the brain no end.... Makes you understand better.... (_His voice growing in vehemence_) Makes you see what a d.a.m.n silly thing it is to get the wind up about anything. _Do_ things! Get a move on! Show 'em what you're made of! Get a move on!...

Fainting, indeed.... Proper girl's trick, I'm ashamed of myself....

(_Looking round, quietly_) The light's going.... The daytime's as if it's never been; it's dead.... (_Seeing the others stare, with a laugh_) Daft, isn't it?

DORA _brings in an oil lamp from the kitchen; she is wearing her outdoor clothes. She crosses to the table, strikes a match with her back to the audience and lights the lamp, then the wall lamp. The twilight is dispelled._

NURSE (_shutting her bag, rising_): You'll be all right; a bit light-headed after the fall, I expect. (_Going to the hall_) Well, got an abscess the other side of Turneyfield, _and_ a slow puncture. So long, lovey.

DAN (_sitting up_): So long!

NURSE: Be good, all!

_She bustles out of the front door. A pause._ DAN _sits looking before him, drumming his fingers on the sofa._

DORA (_closing the right window-curtains_): What's the matter with him?

MRS. TERENCE: Conked out.

DORA: Conked out? Oh, dear.... D'you think 'e see'd something? I'll tell you what it is!

MRS. TERENCE (_closing the left window-curtains_): What?

DORA: The monster's lurking again.

_Mechanically_ DAN _takes a box of matches and a cigarette from his pocket._

MRS. TERENCE: I'll give you lurk, my girl, look at the egg on my toby!

Why don't you learn to wash up, instead of walkin' about talking like three-halfpennyworth of trash?

DORA: I can't wash up properly in that kitchen, with that light. Them little oil lamps isn't any good except to set the place on fire.

_She goes into the kitchen._ DAN _drums his fingers on the sofa._ MRS. BRAMSON _wheels herself from the bedroom._

MRS. BRAMSON: I dropped off. Why didn't somebody wake me? Have I been missing something?

MRS. TERENCE: That Inspector Belsize called.

MRS. BRAMSON (_testily_): Then why didn't somebody wake me? Dan, what did he want?

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Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 27 summary

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