The Kingdom of Love Part 9

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In the avoidance of that which we seek The sudden silence and reserve when near; The eye that glistens with an unshed tear; The joy that seems the counterpart of fear, As the alarmed heart leads in the breast, And knows, and names, and greets its G.o.dlike guest: Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?

In the proud spirit suddenly grown meek, The haughty heart grown humble; in the tender And unnamed light that floods the world with splendour; In the resemblance which the fond eyes trace In all fair things to one beloved face; In the shy touch of hands that thrill and tremble; In looks and lips that can no more dissemble: Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?

In wild words that uttered seem so weak They shrink ashamed to silence; in the fire Glance strikes with glance, swift flas.h.i.+ng high and higher, Like lightnings that precede the mighty storm In the deep, soulful stillness; in the warm, Impa.s.sioned tide that sweeps thro' throbbing veins, Between the of keen delights and pains; In the embrace where madness melts in bliss, And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss: Thus doth Love speak.


He slept as weary toilers do, She gazed up at the moon.

He stirred and said, "Wife, come to bed"; She answered, "Soon, full soon."

(Oh! that strange mystery of the dead moon's face.)

Her cheek was wan, her wistful mouth Was lifted like a cup, The moonful night dripped liquid light: She seemed to quaff it up.

(Oh! that unburied corpse that lies in s.p.a.ce.)

Her life had held but drudgery-- She spelled her Bible thro'; Of books and lore she knew no more Than little children do.

(Oh! the weird wonder of that pallid sphere.)

Her youth had been a loveless waste, Starred by no holiday.

And she had wed for roof, and bread; She gave her work in pay.

(Oh! the moon-memories, vague and strange and dear.)

She drank the night's insidious wine, And saw another scene: A stately room--rare flowers in bloom, Herself in silken sheen.

(Oh! vast the chambers of the moon, and wide.)

A step drew near, a curtain stirred; She shook with sweet alarms.

Oh! splendid face; oh! manly grace; Oh! strong impa.s.sioned arms.

(Oh! silent moon, what secrets do you hide!)

The warm red lips of thirsting love On cheek and brow were pressed; As the bees know where honeys grow, They sought her mouth, her breast.

(Oh! the dead moon holds many a dead delight.)

The speaker stirred and gruffly spake, "Come, wife, where have you been?"

She whispered low, "Dear G.o.d, I go-- But 'tis the seventh sin."

(Oh! the sad secrets of that orb of white.)


Don't look for the flaws as you go through life; And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind And look for the virtue behind them.

For the cloudiest night has a hint of light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; It is better by far to hunt for a star, Than the spots on the sun abiding.

The current of life runs ever away To the bosom of G.o.d's great ocean.

Don't set your force 'gainst the river's course And think to alter its motion.

Don't waste a curse on the universe-- Remember it lived before you.

Don't b.u.t.t at the storm with your puny form, But bend and let it go o'er you.

The world will never adjust itself To suit your whims to the letter.

Some things must go wrong your whole life long, And the sooner you know it the better.

It is folly to fight with the Infinite, And go under at last in the wrestle; The wiser man shapes into G.o.d's plan As water shapes into a vessel.


The gate was thrown open, I rode out alone, More proud than a monarch who sits on a throne.

I am but a jockey, yet shout upon shout Went up from the people who watched me ride out; And the cheers that rang forth from that warm-hearted crowd, Were as earnest as those to which monarch e'er bowed.

My heart thrilled with pleasure so keen it was pain As I patted my Salvator's soft silken mane; And a sweet s.h.i.+ver shot from his hide to my hand As we pa.s.sed by the mult.i.tude down to the stand.

The great waves of cheering came billowing back, As the hoofs of brave Tenny rang swift down the track; And he stood there beside us, all bone and all muscle, Our n.o.ble opponent, well trained for the tussle That waited us there on the smooth, s.h.i.+ning course.

My Salvator, fair to the lovers of horse, As a beautiful woman is fair to man's sight-- Pure type of the thoroughbred, clean-limbed and bright,-- Stood taking the plaudits as only his due, And nothing at all unexpected or new.

And then, there before us the bright flag is spread, There's a roar from the grand stand, and Tenny's ahead; At the sound of the voices that shouted "a go!"

He sprang like an arrow shot straight from the bow.

I tighten the reins on Prince Charlie's great son-- He is off like a rocket, the race is begun.

Half-way down the furlong, their heads are together, Scarce room 'twixt their noses to wedge in a feather; Past grand stand, and judges, in neck-to-neck strife, Ah, Salvator, boy! 'tis the race of your life.

I press my knees closer, I coax him, I urge, I feel him go out with a leap and a surge; I see him creep on, inch by inch, stride by stride, While backward, still backward, falls Tenny beside.

We are nearing the turn, the first quarter is past-- 'Twixt leader and chaser the daylight is cast.

The distance elongates, still Tenny sweeps on, As graceful and free-limbed and swift as a fawn; His awkwardness vanished, his muscles all strained-- A n.o.ble opponent, well born and well trained.

I glanced o'er my shoulder, ha! Tenny, the cost Of that one's second flagging, will be--the race lost.

One second's weak yielding of courage and strength, And the daylight between us has doubled its length.

The first mile is covered, the race is mine--no!

For the blue blood of Tenny responds to a blow.

He shoots through the air like a ball from a gun, And the two lengths between us are shortened to one, My heart is contracted, my throat feels a lump, For Tenny's long neck is at Salvator's rump; And now with new courage grown bolder and bolder, I see him, once more running shoulder to shoulder.

With knees, hands, and body I press my grand steed I urge him, I coax him, I pray him to heed!

Oh, Salvator! Salvator! list to my calls, For the blow of my whip will hurt both if it falls.

There's a roar from the crowd like the ocean in storm As close to my saddle leaps Tenny's great form:

One more mighty plunge, and with knee, limb, and hand, I lift my horse first by a nose past the stand.

We are under the string now--the great race is done, And Salvator, Salvator, Salvator won!

Cheer, h.o.a.r-headed patriarchs; cheer loud, I say.

'Tis the race of a century witnessed to-day!

Though ye live twice the s.p.a.ce that's allotted to men, Ye never will see such a grand race again.

Let the shouts of the populace roar like the surf For Salvator, Salvator, king of the turf!

He has broken the record of thirteen long years; He has won the first place in a vast line of peers.

'Twas a neck-to-neck contest, a grand, honest race, And even his enemies grant him his place.

Down into the dust let old records be hurled, And hang out 2.05 in the gaze of the world.

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The Kingdom of Love Part 9 summary

You're reading The Kingdom of Love. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Already has 618 views.

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