Perfect Fiancé Chapter 38

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Hey everybody! It's almost Christmas! The team has been busy getting ready for that so this chapter has been pushed back a little. Therefore, we will be releasing two chapters this week (1 sponsored chapter + 1 usual chapter) and also the next (2 holiday chapters), cos it's the holidays and we wanna give something back to our dear readers! ?

So I really apologise we've not gotten to bringing out the sponsored chapter but rest a.s.sured, we aren't resting on our laurels! Much thanks again to all our sponsors who have contributed to our , you've all been awesome~

So… Here's the first of the four prepared holiday releases, Chapter 38!

Chapter 38: Dreaming Dream a little dream of me…

"That's right… It just happened and we've sent him to the hospital already. But there was a big ruckus when the ambulance came, so even if there aren't any reporters now, this won't be kept hidden for long," said Qin An somewhat anxiously.

When news of《Sunflower》first came out, it had quickly become the center of attention and the source of much discussion. However, to already have such an issue when they had just started filming, what bad luck.

"It's alright. If we can't keep it under wraps, then we won't. Let's not bother about those reporters right now; they won't dare to go too far. How is Xue Kai now?"

"I'm not too sure, I'm on my way to the hospital."

"Which one?" Lu Xi frowned slightly and started the car once again.

"The 1st City, it's not far from Shenhai University."

"Understood." Lu Xi ended the call and turned to look at the person beside him. He was thinking of something to say but Su Jin spoke first.

"Start the car."

She lifted her chin.

By the time the two of them reached the hospital, the main entrance had already been surrounded by many reporters. Many security guards stood outside the entrance to maintain order. Lu Xi made a turn, drove into the bas.e.m.e.nt carpark and directly headed to the elevator with Su Jin.

Qin An was sitting on one of the long benches set along the white walls of the corridor with his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall, frowning deeply.

Not far from him, was a long-haired lady pacing back and forth in the patient ward. Moreover, the flurried sound of her heels clicking against the floor created a feeling that could make a person feel somewhat distraught with anxiety.

"Boss!" Qin An stood up and shouted upon seeing Lu Xi walk over with Su Jin. He shot a look toward Su Jin and nodded "Miss Su."

Su Jin nodded in return, and asked, "what's the situation like now?"

"We don't know yet." Qin An raised his hands helplessly, "he was taken in but no one has come out. But Ji Min told me Xue Kai has always been anaemic though it has become worse recently. He was running a fever today, however, it shouldn't be anything big."

"Ji Min?"

"Her." Qin An pointed with his chin to the lady that was pacing about near them, 'Xue Kai's manager."

"Anaemic… gotten worse… running a fever," Su Jin's gaze became thoughtful and knitted her brows.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xi dropped his gaze to her and asked.

"Are there any blood spots underneath the skin?" She didn't reply but looked up at Qin An and asked.

"Blood spots under the skin?" Qin An repeated those words, his face filled with confusion.

"Never mind, you wouldn't know either." Su Jin lowered her voice with a sigh and shook her head, "the plot shouldn't be this dramatic right….."


"Doctor!" Lu Xi had barely spoken when he was interrupted by a female voice.

They looked at the direction of the sound, but only saw a middle-aged man in a white coat.

"Doctor, how is he? Is Xiao Kai alright?" The three people walked over and heard Ji Min ask.

"Are you related to the patient?"

"I am his manager." Ji Min hastily nodded her head.

"Manager……" The doctor seemed to hesitate for a while, "where is his family?"

"None." Ji Min answered anxiously, "he doesn't have any family. He is an orphan."

"An orphan?" The doctor distinctly furrowed his brows.

"Doctor, please, just say it." Ji Min sighed deeply, as if she was composing herself and spoke softly "furthermore, I am his girlfriend."

"An orphan……" The doctor sighed again but he said gravely "as of now, we suspect that it might be leukaemia, but the bone marrow test results will only be out the day after tomorrow. Therefore, at present, we can't confirm it yet."

"Leu……leukaemia?" Ji Min froze, then she murmured the word repeatedly as her legs gave out from underneath her.

"Miss, don't panic yet." The doctor reached out to help her up and comforted her by saying "we don't even know the results and nothing is confirmed yet. Even if it really is leukaemia, it can be cured by conducting a bone marrow transplant. Even if he doesn't have any relatives, we can go to the Data Bank of Chinese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors. Will you please cheer up a little?"

"Cheer up….." Ji Min bit down on her lower lip, straightened her back and bowed deeply, "Doctor, I'll be in your care."

The doctor smiled and nodded to her vigorously.

"Director Lu……" As she watched the doctor leave, she turned her head in Lu Xi's direction, "as you can see……"

"Let's wait for the results to be out." Lu Xi replied, "if it's not that serious, I can shoot the other parts first, if……"

He didn't even finish what he was saying but the rest of the people that were there understood what he meant.

If it was serious and considering Xue Kai's situation now, it was obviously not favourable for him to continue filming.

"Thank you." Ji Min sniffed and sincerely thanked Lu Xi.

After much time spent in the hospital, the sky had already turned dark on the journey home.

Beyond the bubble within the hospital, the news circulated around, creating a lot of hubbub. The production team for《Sunflower》had just begun its first day of shooting and an ambulance had driven to Shenhai University. Trending as news on the internet, pictures were shared here and there to the point that it had even ended up as the hottest searched topic.

Qin An followed Lu Xi's directions to release the news through the official social media channels: in three days, they would hold a press conference at Shenhai University's auditorium. At that time, they would elaborate further upon the matter then.

As expected, as soon as this message was sent, the number of comments on the internet dropped at once.

When Qin An accessed the situation, he was also slightly rea.s.sured.

On the other hand, another piece of news was going viral on Weibo.
The author of this news was a reporter of Apple Entertainment. Her authenticated ident.i.ty there was Zhou Dan.

The general content of the post was as follows…… She had found out that the main decision maker for《Sunflower》was not, in fact, the director Lu Xi, but his fiancee Su Jin. Therefore, the young master Lu had staked a thousand pieces of gold into one throw; extravagantly using such means of his in exchange for a smile from a beautiful woman. But she, the reporter, was protesting that having the 'Film Emperor' Zhuo Junan, who was neither lacking in aesthetic appeal or acting skill, brushed aside was unfair. Therefore, when they had the opening ceremony for the drama, she had questioned Director Lu Xi about this. Who knew that Director Lu Xi would not only try to avoid the answer, he had even stared at her name tag and pointed her out.

Only, she was afraid that once she posted this report, she would be summarily and unreasonably fired. This would prove that the mastermind behind the scenes was young master Lu.

The people who were leaving their comments on Weibo could be categorized as the following groups: first, the crazed fans of Zhuo Junan. When they heard that their idol had received a grievance, they were frantically at arms and unbridled. They continued sharing and commenting about the post while taking the same stance as the original blogger; taking up a do-or-die position together.

The second group, Lu Xi's fans… No, more accurately, they were the《Heart Pounding Excitement》fans. Most of them were suspicious- they felt that Director Lu would not be this sinister and continued to observe the development of the matter from the sidelines.

Thirdly, was the part of the peanut gallery that was extremely interested in the inside stories of the rich and powerful families. While sharing, commenting and forwarding this piece of news, some of them had even tagged Lu Jing, the main decision-maker of Sheng Ming Corporation.

The remaining group were the people that were slightly a little more aware. After carefully observing, oh, this was a hijack of public opinion and the target was Sheng Ming Corporations youngest master. With such little numbers, even they would not be able to handle the brainless fans. Tsk, there was no need to say anything, they could only quietly observe also from the sidelines.

Regardless of how the news had spread online, the young master Lu, who was neither ever in the mood to look through the updates on Weibo nor stayed constantly updated about it, had taken Miss Su out for dinner. Even after he had dropped her off at her home, the both of them were still unaware of this piece of news.

Mingyu Park

Under the glittering moonlight, Lu Xi held his lady's hand and walked toward the Su family's villa. When they reached the front door, Su Jin said her goodbyes, but she had noticed that the man in front of her was in somewhat of a daze.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Jin raised a hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"I was thinking about……" Lu Xi came back to his senses, he then curled his lip lightly and murmured "the impermanence of life."

The impermanence of life……

Su Jin sighed too, "who says that it's not? Generally well and healthy people who stood in front of you moments ago, in a flash could end up lying on a sickbed."

Who would have thought that this would happen? One minute she had just wanted to go on a journey away from home to drive away her cares, and then the next minute all of that vanished into thin air because of an aeroplane accident. It all happened too fast…… She did not even feel the smallest bit of pain when all of the brain activity of hers had stopped.

"Jin'er……" Lu Xi suddenly stepped forward and reached out with both hands to embrace Su Jin.

A familiar scent hit her face, Su Jin stood dazed as both of her hands held his lean waist.

"Do you like me?"

His voice rumbled from the top of her head. His low-toned voice was pleasant sounding like a symphony of cellos.

"Yes, I do like you." She bit her lip and answered without hesitation.

"Then….." He stepped backwards, dropping his eyes to look into hers as he went on to ask "do you love me?"

His voice remained the same, so much so that because there weren't any distractions around them, his voice became clearer. However, it was only in his tone that the slightest bit of extremely repressed trembling could be heard in his words.


Su Jin bit her lip and looked down slightly. The moonlight fell on her delicately long and thick eyelashes, casting curved shadows on the contours of her face.

I don't love you.

She didn't want to hurt him nor lie to him.

So she remained silent.

The final line of defence in her heart remained strong; she herself did not even know how to undo it.

Lu Xi's beautiful peach blossom eyes gradually dimmed, but they swiftly grew lively and delightful again.

His slender index finger gently lifted her chin.

In those helpless phoenix eyes of hers, that pair of peach blossom eyes looked like they reflected all the brightest stars in the universe.

Then, he lowered his head as his warm petal-like lips fell onto her forehead in accompaniment with his low and clear voice.

"Goodnight, I hope you will――"

"――dream of me."

Translated by Macey

Edited by Ely

TLC-ed by Iris

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Perfect Fiancé Chapter 38 summary

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