Xiling Empire Chapter 3

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Ch.3 Ancient Empire

My head……hurts so bad……

What happened?

I feel like my brain is glue, all kinds of stuff are mixed together. I can't find any information I want no matter how hard I try.

This continues for several minutes before I start thinking properly again.

Oh! Yes! I remembered! Before I pa.s.s out - I was standing at the entrance of the school with Qian Qian, a rich student was bullying our cla.s.smate, and we left because we don't want to get into trouble. And then??

I stared at the rich bully, and wanted to beat him up.


Suddenly, everything came back. The countdown of that mysterious "long-distancecross-spatial attack system" echoed in my mind.

"Qian Qian! Run!!" I yelled, suddenly sitting up.

"This is……the dream?" I look around, grey metal buildings are everywhere. Icame back to this strange place after I went unconscious.

I rub my forehead, looking around. There is something wrong with the surrounding. It is, kind of, dark…… So I look up……

The next second, my heart skips a few beats!

The giant metal b.a.l.l.s in the sky are so close to the ground, it feels like I can touch it. Its giant surface covers nearly half of the sky, like another earth crus.h.i.+ng down. I can clearly see the complicated metal structures on its surface. There are some towers, some silos, and some b.u.mps that look like some sort of communication equipment. But there are more black cannon muzzles as dense as forests. Between these metal facilities are big circular dents, like some sort of lifting platform or charging device. This terrifying metal forest slowly moves in the sky, silently delivering fear to me down here.

What the heck is this? Isn't this a bit too sci-fi?

No matter how sarcastic I am being about all this, I couldn't change my fate of being crushed to death by this giant air fortress. Although it's not fast enough to detect movement by naked eye, my intuition tells me that, this giant planet fortress, is still lowering.

What do I do? Run? Are you kidding? Do you know how big this metal ball is? It looks like its radius is over 1000 km! No matter how slow it's going, it's still enough to turn me into dumpling stuffing before I escape!

The most important thing to do right now is to calm down! This metal ball is falling very slowly, and couldn't crush me in a long time. Before it lands I need to find a building to hide myself. This building must be strong enough, strong enough to support the weight of the fortress that's nearly a dwarf planet.

Ya…It's more realistic to run 1000 km!

Wait…I think I forgot something…

Where are the other two metal b.a.l.l.s? There are originally three in the sky, why do I see only one? Are they hiding behind this one?

……In this kind of situation, I still think about these kind of stuff. One is enough to squeeze me into stuffing, two more will just make the stuffing more even……

Just in this flash of ideas, an inspiration flow past my confused brain. I recalled the voice in my brain when the energy current appeared in front of my school.

No matter what it is, supernatural event, superpower, it doesn't matter. Somehow, I can sort of influence the energy current and the "long-distance
cross-spatial attack system." Or, there's a big chance that I actually
activated that attack system.

It seems that there's some connection between my dream world and the "long-distance cross-spatial attack system", in other words, I can actually influence my dream world?

Yes, it must be! After all it's MY dream, I must be able to influence things in this world!

Although the theory makes sense, I'm still not confident that this will work. After all these things, I already stopped seeing it as a normal weird dream. This weird dream exceeded normal dreams by a lot, you might as well call it a supernatural even. G.o.d knows if I'm still dreaming or engulfed by some illusion, or even worse, a lightening sent me to another world—highly unlikely, the author promised not to write that topic.

Doing my best to calm down, I try to clear my thoughts, focusing on the celestial fortress that's going to kill me soon.

It is hard, because there isn't a high school course called "controlling a planet-sized fortress."

All I can do, it to repeat in my mind the idea for this giant ball to stay away from the ground.

After almost an hour, nothing happened. The only sound in this silent world is my breathing that's getting heavier and heavier. The giant fortress is obviously closer to the ground, the blurry b.u.mps on it are all clearly visible now.

Just when I was about to give up, deep in my mind I feel kind I just connected to something.


Joy filled my mind, the connection broke from my excitement.

"Focus, focus!!" I said to myself in my head, kicking all other thoughts out of my mind, doing my best to deliver my idea.

I'm not sure how long it has pa.s.sed, a robotic sound finally appear in my mind, "Received external command……authority confirmed……a.n.a.lyzing blurry command …… warning, your command will change the orbital path of the world arbitration facility, please make sure you have enough authority……second confirmation, second world arbitration facility Gaia altering orbital path……"

Following this voice, the giant ball in the sky makes a deep rumble, and starts moving up. As the rumble starts, the world starts changing drastically.

The voice that appears every time before I leave this world suddenly echoes in this world, the first time with some joy, "Found……"

And, colour emerges into this monotonous world.

Dead grey sky, now like a screen being lit, quickly putting on a blue new cover. The color that seems to complete separate from this metal world is more beautiful than any sky that I've ever seen. Far away, blurry mountains are quickly covered by bright green, giving the feeling of life every from miles away.

Around me, cold metal buildings also come back alive. A bright cyan appears on their surface with me in the center of expansion. From above, it looks like a flower opening. The fortress in the sky also changed. Bright blue colour flow over troughs on its surface, giving this giant fortress a mysterious but splendid beauty.

In less than twenty seconds, it became a wonderful, lively world. Natural scene mixed with future cities magically fits together, the scene couldn't be easily
described. I stood in the middle of this magnificent metal city, completely numb.

"What…… is this?"

I nice but emotionless voice suddenly sounded beside me, "This is the oldest and strongest civilization, the civilization that ruled many universes with its combination of magic and technologies-the Xiling Empire."

The sudden voice scared me, I instinctively jumps aside, then turn around to look at the source of the sound.

A cyan, translucent girl is floating there, her eyes that seems to have no focus turns toward me.

Ghost? Hologram?

According to the way things go, I'm guessing it's the latter…

"h.e.l.lo," I managed to put a strange expression (I hope she can tell that it's meant to be a smile from my severely twisted face), "I'm Jun Chen, em……what's up?"

"h.e.l.lo," the girl bows at me, "I am world arbitration facility No.2, Gaia. Nice to meet you, emperor."

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Xiling Empire Chapter 3 summary

You're reading Xiling Empire. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yuan Tong, 远瞳. Already has 2103 views.

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