Xiling Empire Chapter 4

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Ch.4 Ok, you win

Ah? What did you say? This is going too far! Although this dream is
impractical enough, this is still too unnecessary!

Although… I already can't see this as a normal dream

I am filled with shock and confusion, but she didn't give me the
time to question. She continues, "World Arbitration Facility had already made
the best judgment according to your ident.i.ty and authority . According to the
latest database……" Her image suddenly shakes, and she starts speaking quickly,
"Abnormality observed in highest authority individual, cross spatial
connection interfered……Calibration of connection coordinates failed……sorry,
emperor, our absolute spatial distance is too far, connection is breaking…… we
will…… go……rescue……#@#%……$$#$%……"

The image starts shaking violently, like television under severe
signal interference. At the same time, she starts speaking some language I
cannot understand, it kind of scared me.

"Hey! What happened? You are not broken, are you?"

No one answered me. The hologram shook a few times, and
disappeared. At the same time, the whole world returns to silence. The only
difference is that the world turned from grey to all kinds of colors.

"Jun, are you OK?"

Qian Qian's voice brings me back to reality. I shake my head for a few times. I am standing at the school entrance, everyone is panicking over the "burning" of someone,
Qian Qian is shaking my arm and calling my name anxiously.

She saw me wake up, kind of relaxed her whole body, and asks, "Jun, what happened?? Why are you suddenly standing still and not replying?"

"Oh, nothing, day dreaming……"

"Day dreaming? Haven't seen anyone day dreaming like you……" She obviously doesn't believe me, but chose not to ask too much. "Let's go, we're gonna be late."

I followed her, but my brain is functioning like crazy.

Obviously, after so much time in my dream, it's only one second in reality - this is nothing weird, I'm more concerned about the context.

The ancient xiling empire, and what the mysterious girl told me hints that my exploration of my dream seem to take a big step forward, but actually all I got was more
confusion. What does my dream mean? What is the "xiling empire"? What is that
attack today? Superpower? Supernatural event? Everything becomes a mist, making
me even more confused.

After all that happened, it's impossible to treat it as simply a dream.

"Jun, what happened? You are not paying attention the whole day." On the way home, Qian Qian anxiously asked.

"Nothing," I give her a big smile, "You know I am always absent-minded."

"Really just absent-minded?", Qian Qian obvious isn't convinced, "Are you sure you are not
thinking about a girl?"

"Let's switch our topic……"

"Ok, next topic, what's the name of the girl?"

"Qian Qian Xu, happy now?"


It's really weird, these flirting words lost all its meaning from out mouth. Is it really
because we know each other too well, so we always feel like we are around a
family member?

Jing needs to work, she will probably be home late. After dinner, I go back to my room to a.n.a.lyze things that happened today.

An hour later, I'm still confused, so I decided to connect the "dream" world.

Maybe the few previous connections strengthened the connection, this time I easily connected
to it.

The first thing after I connect, I asked about the "xiling empire."

"xiling home star receiving external command……authority confirmed……converting into long distance command mode……uploading summary instruction set."

Umm, this time the terms seems to be a bit different…… Make sense, as the world gradually wake up, it's normal that things I receive also change, but……

Thing I receive are obviously too abnormal.

Long-distance cross-spatial attack system, this I already know, pa.s.s

xiling legion teleport system……what is this?

Parswell's Psionic energy recycle system, what does it even mean?

xiling Directional Celestial Object Annihilating Cannon…Judge, this name is a foul, kick it out

Pandora Military Fortress……Is this what a normal teenager should know?

Spatial Vibration Matrix……Ok, can't there just be one thing that I could understand? These sound like weapons of those big head alien in those cheap science fiction movies.

As more and more information enter my brain, I have no time to complain.

The giant information flow stopped acting like a peaceful river. Suddenly increasing
information rushed in to my brain crazily. I feel like I'm in a swamp, slowly
engulfed by "information mud"; or in a tornado, blown away by "information
wind". Gradually, my brain stopped trying to a.n.a.lyze whatever entered my brain,
it just blindly absorbs whatever enters. I felt sharp pain at the beginning,
but soon I am completely numb. Only one thought remained in my head: I'll soon
become an idiot if this doesn't stop.

I can't recall exactly how much time has pa.s.s before the information transfer is completed.
All I know is I am at the edge of mental breakdown.

What an unbelievable amount of data. My brain is filled with all kinds of things, I
don't expect to remember anything else from now on.

But I soon realize that those information don't work like normal memories. They are
strictly categorized and stored in my brain, so I can call them out whenever I
need to, just like how files are stored in computers.

Whatever, after all that happened, I no longer get surprised that easily.

This kind of storage has its advantage, it is easy to search, and it will never be mixed up
or forgotten. But the disadvantage is also obvious. I need to know something is
in the database to search for it, I can't have something float through my mind.
In other words, unless I intentionally use the database, I would not know one
single thing in it.

So, should I look through these data thoroughly……or should I call that process scanning? My brain has been changed into a weird status.

Luckily, only these external information are stored this way, my original memory is not
changed. At least I don't need to worry about being turned into a robot.

But, the amount of information is far beyond my estimation. I managed to go through one third before I lost interest and jump straight to the last message.

"After a.n.a.lysis of above reason, the possibility of unable to execute current instruction set is 99.999999999999999……%"

So many nines!

s.h.i.+t, are you kidding me? After all I did, and nearly killing me with your amount of
information, you tell me at the end that this is a list of defective product?

I don't care what your "xiling Empire" is, you have to pay the price for fooling me. I'll……

Well there's not much I can do……the only connection xiling empire has with me is my dream. It hasn't even appear in real world except the energy current at the school

mmm……The energy attack……I think I just saw it in the defective list……

……Ok, you win……

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Xiling Empire Chapter 4 summary

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