An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 15 Part2

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Dex groaned at the sight of his cousin and his friend kissing each other after exchanging I love yous. "I'll die of cheesiness here,"

Dex joked and tapped Red on the shoulder wearing a smirk. His friend went with the crowd and cheered. "Come on, man, let's get out of this crowd. I think there will no longer be any running. So basically, this party will be boring all throughout."

(T/N: So I think out of the celebrant run away during the first engagement party…)

"You're lucky Hazel did not catch you."

"I don't care even if she sees me. She knows I no longer have any interest with her. It should be you hiding because you're her target and not me."

"d.a.m.n that crazy woman. I'll stay here then. I'm safe here."

There were located at the front together with Dex's parents and Kimberly's parents. (Names of other characters in other books in the series are mentioned) All of them wore smile on their lips. "Oh c.r.a.p. This place is so full of cheese.

Red laughed. That's the reason why they chose to separate from their friends. Not because they were afraid they will look like outcasts because all of them were married while only the two of them were single and don't have any plans on getting hitched, but because they don't want to be made fun of to be the next to get married.

"Bear with it, man," said Red.

Blue and Kim went to the center and danced. Afterwards, the host of the event announced the dance hall open. The couples stood up and danced in the tune of the slow and romantic music.

"By the way, bro. Have you seen Jenna yet?"

He glance at Red. "Who?"

"Jenna Castro. Don't tell me you forgot about her already?"

"She's here?"

"She's actually there." Red mouthed the location.

He watched her smiling dreamily while looking at the couple on the stage. She was beautiful even from afar, more beautiful than the last time he saw her on TV a year ago. He never got the chance to meet her again after his graduation. He never meet her parents again too. It's only Jonas who he get to see because he's sometimes in the audience of PBA. (Philippine Basketball a.s.sociation)

He could say he missed her, and looking at her now, he knew he still wanter her.

His forehead creased when he noticed the man she was standing with. "He is the man beside her?"

"Allan, photographer." Red answered while looking at the stage.

"He doesn't look like a photographer, He, in fact, looks familiar."

Red glanced to the direction Dex was pointing at. "Oh, that's Jude. Jude Casas. Our previous teammate who only lasted for two months. He looks a lot better now, right? Because he's now a big time. In fact, he has a business deal with Blue."

Dex frowned.

"Holy s.h.i.+t!" Red seemed to remember. "Wasn't he the one you fought with in the past? What is wrong with my memory these days?"

Jude. It's the guy who had the guts to oppose him in college. There were in the gym during a practice game when Jude suddenly spoke with him.

"Dex, stop what you're doing to Jenna."


"Jenna is a decent woman. Stop playing with her. Stay away from her."

"Who are you to order me around?" asked Dex in a threatening voice.

"I'm a n.o.body. I know I have nothing in compared to you. Your family owns this university. But I can't just let you do what you're doing with Jenna."

"Do you have feelings toward Jenna?"

Jude did not answer immediately but when he gave his answer, it fired up his temper even further. "Yes."

Dex grabbed Jude's jersey s.h.i.+rt. "You are the one who should stay away from Jenna. She's mine. Do you understand?"

Jude smirked. "She doesn't like you. In fact, she hates your guts. She's only enduring your company because of the interview. She won't fall for you even if you threaten to kick her out of school."

"Oh? What if I kick you out instead?"

Jude momentarily paused but smirked right after. "Okay, it has been my plan to get out of this school after this semester. Then kick me out. But since you will be kicking me out anyway…" Jude suddenly punched Dex right on the face.

They fought n the middle of the basketball court. Dex did not receive much injury but  a bruise n his right cheekbone and stomach pain because of Jude's kick but he showered Jude bruises on his face. Jude was never seen after that. He just heard that he dropped out afterwards. He dd not wonder why they dd not receive complaints from Jude's parents or filed plaint in the court because t was Jude who started the fight in the first place.

Dex's mood changed. "Why are they together? How are they related?"
He heard Red exhale some air from his mouth as if laughing. "Is that jealousy, bro? I though you said Jenna was no special girl? She's like one of those women you dated you got tired of right away? That's what you said four years ago. Why do you suddenly sound different and seem likely to kill Jude through your glare?"

He ht Red with a sneer. "Answer my question. How are they related?"

"Nothing… yet." Red was obviously taunting. "They just met after four years. Jude just arrived from the States. So if I were you, 'll do my move now before Jude takes away Jenna from you."

When he looked at her location again, he caught her looking in their direction.

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An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 15 Part2 summary

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