An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 6

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“This way, Ma’am,” the guard smiled as he guided Jennafei inside the Peralta mansion. “You’re so beautiful, Ma’am.” She scowled at him. She won’t ever forget his discourteousness towards her.


The guard and his boss are just the same. Perverts.

Just because she’s not wearing her on, wearing makeup and showing her legs, the guard suddenly treated her well. If he’s not only armed with a gun, she would have punched his head to ease her irritation.

They entered the mansion and she saw the ostentatious living room. She only see on television this kind of luxurious, gigantic interiors. His family is really affluent, that’s why he acts like a brat.

Jennafei saw Dex sitting on a sofa that she thinks had been imported from abroad based on its design and workmans.h.i.+p. She’s sure its worth hundreds of peso. Same with the flashy chandelier on the ceiling must worth an amount she can’t even begin to imagine.

When their eyes met, one corner of his lips lifted while she scowled back. He stood up and put his hands on the pockets of his jeans as he looked over her.

“Come here,” he commanded hoa.r.s.ely.

She tightened her hold on the bag that is hanging on her shoulder. Aside from her interview paraphernalia, she also brought a pepper spray in case he does something to her. She knows that he’s planning something that’s why he made her go to his house. She’ll see to it that whatever evil plans he has in his mind will not succeed.

She started walking towards him. She stopped walking when she heard the doors closing. Suddenly, there was just the two of them. She felt some fear. She felt as if she was trapped inside a huge lion’s cage. And anytime, he can attack her.

“Come here,” he repeated impatiently.

She continued walking in his direction. She can’t let him see her fears. He will only intimidate her more if she shows any weaknesses. When she’s near him, she opened her bag and brought out her tape recorder and notebook where she wrote down her list of questions. “Let’s not waste a lot of time. Let’s get started. Let the interview be done now as quick as possible so I can-”

He suddenly grabbed he hand and pulled her away from the living room.

“Let go of me!” She was forcefully pulling her hand back from him but he’s firmly gripping on it. “Hey, where are you bringing me?” She felt nervous at once. A thought entered her mind. Is he going to start raping her? And after doing it, will he only let her to interview him? “You brute, let go of me! Where are you bringing me? I’ll die first before you can touch any part of my body!”

“Shut up,” he calmly castigated her. Jennafei only stopped squirming when she saw a maid in uniform standing by the door of a room. The maid greeted them.

They entered the room where she found a round table filled with sumptuous dishes. There is a candlelight centerpiece and the round table was well-dressed. There is a bottle of wine and two goblets on the table.

Were they about to have a candlelight dinner together?

Dex pulled her again towards the table. To her surprise he pulled back a chair so she can sit. She can’t believe that he can also be a gentleman despite being such a brute. “Have a seat.”

“I didn’t come here to eat with you. I just went here to get an interview.”

Dex walked towards the other chair and sat. “Well, if you don’t want to have a dinner with me, you’re free to go now.”

She snorted in irritation. She involuntarily sat on the chair he pulled for her. It seems that he will really use the interview to make her do whatever he wish.

He smirked as sign of his enjoyment from her abiding him. She looked at him sharply. She looked at the food on the table, they all look so delicious and well prepared.

To tell the truth, she did not eat anything before going here because she has to prepare her appearance. She went straight to Jaycee’s house to have him help her. She called her parents first that she will go home late tonight to finish a project in school.

She does not understand why he needs to feed her first before the interview. Is it a part of his game?

“You might as well eat plenty. So you have the energy from what we are going to do later on.”

She looked at Dex, although his lips are not smiling, she saw on his eyes that he is fully enjoying himself. All the hair on her body stood up from the impure connotation of his words. When his point of vision pointed on her chest, her heart pounded even more. She stared at the knife beside her spoon. If it’s not a crime to kill a pervert, she would have already plunged this knife in his body.

“That dress fits you. You look scrumptious,” he said huskily.

Her eyes almost fell out. Based on his words, it’s confirmed that he was really l.u.s.ting over her.

She forcefully grabbed her tableware and started eating without manners. She wants to show him that he should not be l.u.s.ting over her. She wants him to be turned off, she wants to look un-“scrumptious” in his eyes and make him back out from whatever plan he had set on.

Using her fork, she chose a big slice of steak and put it on her plate. She sliced it as her face contorted. She did not care when a sauce dabbed on her arm. She did not bother to slice it in small pieces and put it on her mouth and chewed in the speed of light. She felt the sauce dripped from her mouth to her chin but did not bother to wipe it. Using her hand, she grabbed a mouthful of rice and put it on her mouth. She was aware that she dropped grains of rice on her dress but did not care.

She looked at Dex and he looked amazed as he stared at her. As they say, it’s a big turn off on girls to eat sloppily. Even more to those girls who speak with their mouth full.

“Hmm. So delicious. The best. The chef is superb.” Few grains of rice even flew from her mouth as she spoke.

She was surprised when he guffawed.

“Fascinating, really.”

She wanted to vomit out everything on her mouth when she heard his reaction.


They left the table they ate from for  what looks like a disaster area.Jennafei can’t believe that Dex has rather enjoyed the way she ate like a pig. And even worse is that he imitated her. He even used his hands!


Jennafei saw the shocked reaction from the maids who fixed the table they ate from. It seemed that Dex has been rather turned on from what she did and his smile never vanished from his lips until they returned to the living room.

Although they are both sitting in one sofa, she put a s.p.a.ce between them. She opened her bag again to get her tools for interview. “Can we now start the interview?”

He pondered first. Then pull her hand again.

“Where will you bring me again?” Jennafei harshly asked while he’s pulling her to who-knows-where. Though she was secretly thankful that he did not pull her up to the grand staircase where the bedrooms should be at, but towards the lanai in one side of the living room wherein upon exit, there was a beautiful view of beds of flowers.

”Wait, I asked where are you going to bring me? “

Dex did not answer. He guided her to the same direction she is looking at. In the midst of darkness, there is one part of the garden that is properly lit. There is a big pavilion in there where parties should often being held at.

Upon arrival, with no permission, he held her waist and lifted her up to sit on the railings of the pavilion. She was shocked but she was unable to do anything since everything happened so fast. Suddenly, both of them are sitting side by side on the railings.

The place is quiet and cold. It is far from the people inside the house. In any case he does anything to her, they won’t hear anything. With that thought, she quickly moved as far as him as possible, until she reached one post of the pavilion. She held her bag tightly, it holds all the protection she could get from him.

She saw his vision pointing towards her legs that are showing upon sitting. Jennafei quickly hid her legs by putting her bag on her legs. He just grinned at her.

“Why do we have to go here just for the interview?” She asked in an annoyed tone.

“I don’t want anyone to hear this interview. I don’t open myself to just anybody else. Even if they are my employees, there are a lot of things that they don’t know about me.”

“Is it true that you are a very private person?” The question suddenly blurted out of her mouth.

“I hate talking and spilling about myself and my personal life. Especially to people that I don’t know.” Dex stared at her like he’s insinuating that it’s a big privilege for her to even talk to him. “Tell me about yourself.”

“What?” She stared at him incredulously. “Am I supposed to be the interviewee here?

“He snorted. “Did you hear what I just said? I don’t open-up to people that I don’t know. I don’t know you. The only thing I know about you is your name.” Dex smirked. “And how incredible you eat.”

“What is it? A trade interview?”

“Call it whatever. Now start talking about yourself before I get bored and step out of here.”

She secretly clenched her fists. n.o.body had ever dared to manipulate her like that. She just considered her scholars.h.i.+p a.s.sistance just to at least calm the rebellion in her heart. “I’m Jennafei Castro. Nineteen years old. Soph.o.m.ore in Communication Arts. I’m a campus writer – schoold reporter. I’m also a member of our school’s community service club. I was a member of Math club until I withdrew my members.h.i.+p due to schedule overload since I started working in the library as a student a.s.sistant.”

“Why do you have to work there?”

“Need to ask why?” She was not able to hide her irritation when she remembered their first encounter at the library. “I’m not as rich as you. I have to help my parents for my education. And I’m not just helping them with my tuition fee, I am also studying hard. I’m not just playing with my studies unlike other students who see the school as big playground.” And motel…

“So all in all, you have a boring life.” He just ignored the innuendo of her last sentence.

She stared at Dex. And he even had the heck to find wrong on her way of living. “Compared to your very exciting life, you will call my life boring.” She coughed. That should already be enough information about her. “So now that you know enough about me, let’s go ahead and start the interview since I don’t want to go home very late.” She was about to take out the tape recorder but he stopped her.

“I still don’t know you enough.”

He was incredulous. “What else do you wan’t to know? I already told you ev-“

“When is your birthday?”

She rolled her eyes. She can’t believe he even wants to know her birth date. “March 28. My favorite color is yellow. My favorite number is one and my motto is ‘try and try until you succeed.’” She spilled out her high school slum book entries sarcastically.

“Don’t you like sports?”

“Badminton and volleyball.”


“You mean daredevil deeds? No. I am rather conventional.”


Jennafei wants to laugh at his questions. She never imagined the campus king will ever ask these kind of questions. She never expected to talk like this. “I want to be a famous media person someday. I want to have my own TV show. I want my father to get back o work to get his self-esteem back. I want our grocery store to become a big department store. I want…” Melvin to go back to me. ”You? Do you have ambitions in life?” Jennafei asked with sarcasm so he won’t notice that she cut off her sentence.

“You can’t ask me yet. I’m not yet done knowing more about you.”

“You should have told me about this earlier. I would have brought a resume and wrote my autobiography before coming here so won’t have to give out so much effort in interviewing me.”

Dex acted like he was thinking, and ignored her sarcasm. It suddenly rained. Good thing she brought an umbrella. It has two purpose. Protection from the rain and most importantly, protection from Dex.

“Crazy wish.”


“Anything petty, crazy thing you want to experience?”

Jennafei did not understand why does he have to ask these kind of questions when he’s not even remotely interested with her answers.



She stared at the rain and she suddenly thought of Marvin. There was a time when they were walking by the streets at night when rain suddenly fell down. They were forced to go under an awning of a house so they won’t get wet. After a long time, she suggested to her boyfriend to just go under the rain so they won’t be coming home very late. Melvin refused since he has a slow resistance and it’s very easy for him to get colds. He also does not want her to get under the rain since he does not want her to get sick, he rejected her when she tried to pull him into the rain.

In her crazy mood, she disobeyed him. She ran under the rain by herself and jumped around. She raised her head and closed her eyes. She let the rain drops fall on her face. Melvin tried to stop her but she continued dancing and yelling under the rain.

She felt happy being under the rain. If Melvin has been with her in those moments, she would have been happier. She wanted to be with the one she loved under the pouring rain. She wanted to scream and jump with him. She wanted them to kiss while all wet and dripping.

He simple dream did not come true until the time he left her.

“Nothing.” Jennafei answered. Dex does not have the right to know that when her love does not even know that.

“I’m sure there is. You’re just afraid to say it.”

She just ignored what he said. She looked at her wrist.w.a.tch. It’s already 8:20 P.M. and she did not anything from him yet. “I think I’ve given you enough information bout me. It’s now my turn to ask you.”

“Have you had a boyfriend?”

She looked at Dex and found him staring at her. She felt slightly awkward with his stare. “That’s a personal question.”

“It’s just a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.”

“No, I don’t want to answer it.”

“Let me rephrase my question then.”

Jennafei held her breath when Dex suddenly moved near her. She can no longer move further since she’s already at the utmost corner. Her hand was busy looking for the pepper spray inside her bag. The moment he does anything, she won’t hesitate to spray it on his eyes. Her heart was beating so fast when she saw him look at her lips.

“Have you been kissed before?” he asked huskily while staring down at her lips.

Her eyes almost fell out of her eyes. “T-that’s very…personal!” He was starting to flirt with her!

His dark eyes went up to her eyes again. His face moved nearer. She held her pepper spray tightly inside the bag.

“You have a very kissable lips, do you know that?” Dex whispered and she had goose b.u.mps. His stare was so intense. He lifted his hand and touched her cheek. She was slightly startled. Her fingers stopped on her chin and lifted her face up. She can’t find tongue, her anxiousness was eating her that she can’t move, and his lips started to go down her lips.

End of chapter 6

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An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 6 summary

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