An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 9

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Jennafei can hardly believe that her parents agreed on Dex’s request. It’s clear to her now the reason why he helped her father get his job back and why he needed to announce it. It’s because he was plotting something. He made sure that her parents will be unable to reject whatever he will be asking.

If he was able to fool her family, she was an exemption. That’s why she confronted him right away when she volunteered to see him off their house. He said that he will start his sojourn by tomorrow as he still needs to get some clothes and personal things from his house.

According to him, he have always wanted to run away from home since his parents were not paying him any attention. It’s natural that his parents cannot watch over him and give him their attention because they were often flying to other countries for their family businesses. What’s th use of running away when they were seldom together? And why did he need to stay at their home?

Her confrontation went to nothing. She just ended up annoyed because he did nothing but smirk and mess with her. He even wanted to include her parents to his game.

When Dex went home, it was unavoidable for her parents to discuss his situation.

“Dex is so pitiful. He lives alone at their big house. His father is in the US while his mother is in Paris. No one is there to take care of him,” her mother sadly said.

“His parents are all about business and earning more wealth. Poor boy,” his father agreed.

Pitiful? It looked to her like Dex did not mind their separation at all. It seemed like he likes it better when they were away so that he can do whatever he wanted without anybody interfering with him. What was so pitiful with a guy who was showered in luxury? In her opinion of Dex’s traits, he might even be happier with this kind of set-up. She can’t say her opinions to her parents because she can’t reveal to him what kind of person Dex really is. She already introduced him as a friend and it won’t sound genuine if she’ll say her mind.

Jennafei was not sure of Dex’s intention. She can’t tell why he’s including her parents in his game. Did he feel discontent with the school as his only playhouse and what’s to play with her twenty-four-seven?

In the morning, it was very early when he came in carrying a big travelling bag. Her parents treated him very well. It’s like her parents wants to act like foster parents to what it seem like their new adopted child.

While she’s facing a new problem on how she’s going to evade seeing his face in her own house. At least, she’s confident that he won’t do any bad things inside of their house. What he’s pondering was how she’s going to act like they are friends in front of her family when she had always felt like beating him up if she’d be given a chance.

Because her parent’s full attention was on him, they did not notice that she did not wear her, she wearing make-up and a short dress going to school with Dex. She still brought clothes for her to wear in the library.

“What are you really planning? Why do you have to stay over in our home? Why don’t you go to your friends? Like Red?” She asked while they were in his car.

“Friends? I don’t have friends. I only have a friend, and that is Red. But I don’t want to stay over at his place because I don’t get along his father who is really strict.”

With his character, it’s expected for him not to have other friends aside from Red.  “That’s why you chose to infiltrate our home? I’m warning you, your ways are not allowed inside our home, or else…”

“What will you do to me then?”

She thought for a while. “Pepper spray. While you’re sleeping, I ill spray it on you.”

He left out a soft laugh. “Just make sure that I’m deeply sleeping when you sneak into my room. If I woke up and I saw see you in my bed, you will not be able o leave my side.”

Her eyes widen up. “Brute!”

“I’ve never met a girl like you before.”

“Naturally. Because I’m different from the ladies who became your ‘flavor of the week’.” She mockingly said without looking at him.

“Flavor of the week?”

“That’s how the gossipmongers in school labeled your girlfriends for a week.” She annoyingly said. She still remember the steamy scene she caught at the library before.

She heard his laughter. “They’re not my girlfriends. That’s why you don’t have to be jealous of them.”

She faced him. “Excuse me?” She can’t believe that he’s a.s.suming her jealous.

“Come on, Fei, there is n.o.body who shares me aside from you. I alone am yours.”

She stared at him incredulously. What was he thinking? She remembered what he said to Jude for the said guy to stay far from her.

“Stay away from my girl.” Did he consider them together? Her whole body s.h.i.+vered by the thought.

“You’re dreaming if you think that I want to own you.” She said as she snubbed him.

He stopped the car and parked it by the side of the road. She looked at him. She gasped when she saw that his face was only few inches from hers.

End of Chapter 9

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An Interview With a Playboy Chapter 9 summary

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