Historic Homes Part 13

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At that period the Dalton house was noted for its hospitality, and many men of national and world-wide fame, whose portraits hang upon the walls to-day, were entertained therein. Stately hospitality continually opened the door of this dwelling, to which had been brought from the treasure-laden s.h.i.+ps embroidered shawls, sheer muslins, and bright silks for the ladies, as well as rich furniture for the house. During the Daltons' life here, their house was a perfect treasure-house of wonderfully fine old furniture, now generally scattered among the descendants; but there are still kept in the mansion some wonderfully fine specimens of Hepplewhite chairs, originally owned by the Daltons.

They were lavish entertainers, these Daltons, and it was here that Was.h.i.+ngton came during a visit to Newburyport. He later writes that he partook of an early breakfast at the home of his friend, Honorable Tristram Dalton, on State Street. While he was being entertained at this meal, an imperative voice was heard in the hallway demanding entrance to the dining-room. Was.h.i.+ngton recognized the voice of his old servitor, Toffee, and requested that he be admitted. The most cordial greeting took place between the two, and the old commander gave to Toffee a silver piece which the servant wore about his neck all the rest of his life. It must have been an early breakfast, for Was.h.i.+ngton left town at eight o'clock in the morning, crossing the river at Salisbury, two miles above. This was no uncommon deviation for the president, as we find that while visiting New England he was often entertained at the houses of private citizens and personal friends.

In addition to George Was.h.i.+ngton, President Monroe, Talleyrand, Jefferson in 1784, Lafayette in 1824, John Quincy Adams, and John Hanc.o.c.k were also among the personages of note who accepted the hospitality of this house.

On September 13, 1775, Colonel Benedict Arnold, at the head of his troops, left Cambridge, dining at Mr. Tristram Dalton's on the Monday following, before sailing from Newburyport to aid in the capture of Quebec. The fleet consisted of eleven sailing vessels, which carried eleven hundred men.

In those days lavish wealth blazed in the town, and the owner of the Dalton house made the people sigh as he drove into town or to his country-seat at Pipestave Hill in his white satin lined coach drawn by six prancing white horses, with four outriders in white livery. Inside were such guests as Talleyrand, George Peabody, and even that eccentric personage, Lord Timothy Dexter, who had the ambition to figure in genteel society and cultivated as much as possible the society of Dalton. His coaches and open phaetons drawn by two or three spans of horses with the liveried outriders, after the style of the n.o.bility of Europe, were more magnificent than were those of any other citizen of the town. His sideboards were weighted with silver, and his chests filled with money, for the incoming s.h.i.+ps brought back great bags of gold realized by the sale of cargoes in foreign lands, and large amounts of money were kept in the house by the merchant princes of that day.

In addition to his large house in Newburyport, and his country-seat at Pipestave Hill, Mr. Dalton had his fis.h.i.+ng station, with boats and outfits, on the banks of the Merrimac, while his hunting-lodge was in the upper woods of West Newbury. All his surroundings were of a princely nature, befitting the fortune that he owned.

Many were the weddings that took place here, among them being that of Mary, the eldest daughter of Tristram Dalton, who, upon her marriage to Honorable Leonard White of Haverhill, "drove out" in the large white satin coach drawn by six prancing white horses with four white-liveried outriders. Later on, her sister Ruth married Louis Deblois, a prominent Boston merchant, leaving her home in the same coach.

The house itself is one of the best preserved buildings of that day. It has never deteriorated, always being occupied by people of wealth. With the growth of building in the town, the estate has become reduced, until there is now very little of the original tract left. The courtyard has disappeared, as have the expensive stables, for with the dwindling of wealth the need of them has vanished. The house, which was built in 1720, is of gambrel-roof type and a fine example of that period. The blinds are the same ones that were hung at the time when Michael Dalton built the house. Its facade, the lines of which are dignified, seems beaming with welcome.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXI.--Porch, Dalton House.]

Entrance to the house is through a colonial porch of ample dimensions, showing dentation, which is supported by Corinthian columns; the hall is lighted by a fanlight and sidelights on either side the wide, hospitable door. The exterior is painted white, as it always has been. A feature of the house is the wide clapboards. The original small-paned windows have been kept, so that the exterior remains practically unchanged. Who the carver was is unknown. It must be remembered that in those days s.h.i.+p carvers were employed to work upon the ornamentation of the s.h.i.+ps, so that it was probably some one employed by the Daltons on their vessels who designed and carried out the carving of the woodwork, both on the exterior and in the interior.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXII.--Lower Hall, Dalton House; Upper Hall, Dalton House.]

The entrance door gives into a large hall with wonderfully fine panellings on either side. Each of the three bal.u.s.ters has a different design. The stairs are box stairs leading by low treads to a wide landing, where a colonial window admits a flood of light to the hall. A second low flight of stairs leads to the second story, where the hall corresponds with the lower one. It is here the Hepplewhite chairs are found and also a wonderful picture of the late Tristram Dalton, painted later in life than the one already mentioned. The woodwork in this house is considered the finest to be found in any house in Newburyport. The hall is finished in panel effects, but the door-casings and the fireplaces in many instances show rich hand-carving.

The house contains twenty-five rooms, sixty cupboards, and ample halls, and yet even then was scarcely large enough to accommodate the Dalton family, their many guests, and their servants. Many of the latter were slaves, who in those days were kept in the household. One of them was buried on Burying Hill in Newburyport, and on a stone placed at the head of his grave is carved "Faithful Pompey."

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXIII.--Fireplaces, Dalton House.]

The living-room, or drawing-room as it was called in those days, is a large, square room that is at the left of the hallway. In this room are shown the pictures of many of the distinguished guests who in former years were visitors at the house and intimate friends of the owner. The fireplace is a large one, the woodwork hand-carved, and in the large panels above has been inserted the Dalton coat of arms. The windows are recessed, showing window-seats; each one has the hinged shutter such as was used in the early days for security, being closed and barred every night. These are still used in this same way in this mansion to-day. A feature of this room is the fine wood-carving shown in the casing of the door. At one side, hanging on the wall, is a sc.r.a.p of the old wall-paper that once adorned the wall. It is of seventeenth-century pattern, with garlands, and is finished in light colors and pink groundwork, a delicate and most unusual wall-paper. This is the only room in the house, so far as is known, which was covered with the old-time wall-paper.

At the right are double parlors which may have been used for dining-room, or living-room and dining-room, combined. Here are also found wonderful panellings, but very little of the elaborate hand-carving. All of the wood in this house, as in most of the houses of the same period, is of white pine, for this wood is considered one of the best wearing kinds that has ever grown. The timbers are of solid oak and are as staunch as they were in the days when the house was built. In these rooms have been entertained the dignitaries of the land, while in the parlor were celebrated the marriages of the daughters of the household.

The mansion has an atmosphere of attraction and s.p.a.ciousness rarely found in houses of this description. It is shown in the abundance of light and in the arrangement of the rooms, which have been planned for elaborate entertaining. At the rear of the house are the servants'

quarters. The large, old-fas.h.i.+oned fireplace, where in former days the cooking for the Dalton family was done, is now a thing of the past, modern appliances having replaced the spit and the large brick oven. The ell of the house, a part of which was removed, was originally nearly as large as the main portion. It was once used exclusively for servants'

quarters, and even then was barely large enough for the enormous retinue that was needed to run the Dalton household.

Up-stairs the rooms correspond to the large ones downstairs, with the exception that on the right-hand side a part.i.tion divides what was formerly a large room into two smaller ones. These rooms still show the same fine panelling, the old-time bra.s.s locks and hardware that were features of the house at the time of its building. They have never been replaced by modern fixtures.

The third story was used for guests' rooms, the slope of the roof being eliminated by boarding the gambrel roof so as to make square chambers.

The old chimneys, six feet square, have been taken down, and small ones have replaced them. The railing of this house, which was originally a two decker, has been removed and while not materially changing its appearance, still gives it a little different look. An iron fence has been subst.i.tuted for the old paling fence which once enclosed the grounds, while new posts have replaced the old ones. The courtyard is gra.s.sed over, also the s.p.a.ce between house and fence, and a wide, paved stone walk leads to the entrance porch. In 1796 this house was sold, together with Dalton's other residences, after he had been defeated for re-election, a serious disappointment, although his letters written at the time do not show any signs of anger or ill-nature.

The Pipestave Hill Great Farm residence was sold for thirty-seven hundred pounds, while his land on State Street brought a much lower sum.

The house was practically cleared of all the Dalton furniture, the household goods being carefully packed and s.h.i.+pped on a sailing vessel bound to Georgetown, District of Columbia. During the voyage the vessel was wrecked, and a part of his household belongings were thus lost.

Since then the house has pa.s.sed into various hands. Fortunately the different owners venerated the old homestead and it has been carefully preserved, so that notwithstanding its many years of life, it is practically in perfect condition.



Among the most prominent delegates to the convention that was summoned by the Legislature to meet in Boston, in 1787, to take under consideration the perfecting of the National Const.i.tution, we find heading the list one Doctor Thomas Kittredge of North Andover, a prominent gentleman and one whose loyalty has never been questioned.

North Andover lies to the north of the town of that name and was originally known as the North Parish. It was divided from the original town in 1709. Previous to that it had been reserved for inland plantations, all persons who settled there having three years' immunity from taxation. During that period farms were cultivated, dwellings erected, and the church built, where doctrines most severe were meted out, those neglecting to attend meeting for three months being publicly whipped. The houses erected in this village, with the exception of a very few, were not distinguished for architectural beauty or for fine or costly furniture. Of the better cla.s.s only a few remain. Prominent among these is the Kittredge mansion, which is typical of the highest development of colonial architecture in the early part of the eighteenth century. The owner was not only one of the ablest surgeons of the Revolutionary army, but a public-spirited citizen, a capable officer, and the ancestor of a line of surgeons and physicians who have done most important things in the community.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXIV.--The Kittredge House, Andover, Ma.s.s.]

The fine old house at Andover is closely a.s.sociated with the history of the family in this country. It is a large, square mansion, three stories in height, crowning the crest of a hill. It is situated far back from the main road, a terraced lawn reaching down to a colonial fence that surrounds the entire estate. Entrance is through a picket gate that swings between dignified colonial posts and which gives into a path leading by terraces straight to the house, at the rear of which the grounds extend for many acres. On them are large barns, which provide ample s.p.a.ce for cattle.

The house has sheltered many generations of the same family. It was built in 1784 by the doctor, who was one of the third generation in America, a son of Doctor John Kittredge, who came to North Andover from Tewksbury about 1741. At the time of his settlement, this Doctor John Kittredge purchased large tracts of land, covering the entire site of the present village, and lived in an old farmhouse which has only recently been torn down.

Doctor Thomas Kittredge was one of three sons. He secured a portion of the holding from his father about 1745, and on it he erected what was considered to be the second finest house that had been built in that section of the country. It was so dignified and impressive that it was surpa.s.sed only by the residence of Joshua Phillips, whose mansion was situated in the so-called South Parish of the town. In its construction skilled labor was employed, as was shown by the fine hand-carving around the fireplaces in many of the important rooms of the house. The site occupied originally many acres, including what was once known as the old training field. It was here, in the early period of our history and before the estate was used for private grounds, that the early militia were wont to gather on Muster Day, dressed in the picturesque old-time uniform. Here they performed wonderful feats of skill that were viewed by the country folk for many miles around.

On these same grounds was the first Kittredge mansion, and not far away were the slave quarters, significant of the fact that the owner of the old homestead was a man of means and also that he owned many slaves, as was customary in those days among the wealthier cla.s.s in Ma.s.sachusetts.

To-day the old quarters have disappeared, and only tradition hands down the many stories connected with their past.

The immediate surroundings of the present mansion are very much the same as when it was erected so many years ago. There have been some improvements, however, since the time when the great housewarming took place, an important event in those days and attended by friends and neighbors for miles around.

The dignified house is well proportioned, fitting picturesquely into its surroundings. The main portion is square of build; in each corner a ma.s.sive yet graceful pilaster shows hand-carving wonderfully fine in design. The windows have retained their small panes and show carved cornices. These, by their formal appearance, lend an additional dignity and carry out the scheme of simplicity evident in the handsome, well-proportioned porch, which is a feature of the home.

The main approach is through the quaint gateway in the center of the colonial fence. This gives upon a narrow path leading between tree-dotted gra.s.s plots to the main entrance. This entrance is characterized by finely carved columns that prove an admirable foil to the door of dark, panelled wood, flanked on either side by narrow lights of gla.s.s and ornamented with a colonial knocker of the hammer type. From this porch one obtains a most extensive view of the surrounding country, for picturesque vistas are found on every side.

The heavy door swings back on its strap hinges and the visitor finds himself in a wide, large hallway extending entirely through the house, dividing it in two. The interior remains unchanged, and the lofty ceilings, the great hallway, and broad staircases are in contrast to the small entry and narrow, winding stairs found in many colonial dwellings.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXV.--Hallway, Kittredge House.]

As one steps into the great hall, with its handsome, panelled woodwork and old-fas.h.i.+oned furniture, he feels no jarring note. The deep cornice showing dentation affords a correct finish to the soft-toned hangings which divide it from the wainscot. To the left and right lead fine, large, square rooms filled with the rarest models of Chippendale, Hepplewhite, and Sheraton.

The colonial staircase with its fine, hand-carved newel-post and bal.u.s.ters is at the left of the hallway. The stairs are boxed, the risers low, and the treads wide. Half-way up is a wide landing, lighted by a fine example of a colonial window, showing an arched top. Through this the sunlight streams upon an old grandfather's clock, which has steadily ticked off the hours since placed there in the early days when the house was first furnished.

A short flight of steps that turn at the right leads to the second-story hall, which corresponds in size and finish to the one below. It is finished with wonderful examples of the old masters' pieces shown in Sheraton and Chippendale design. No modern touch has been introduced to rob this home of its colonial atmosphere, and everywhere are found rich relics of a distinguished past.

The house is divided into four large rooms on the entrance floor. Here one discovers a perfect treasure trove of antiques, for in addition to wonderful furniture, there is some of the finest china to be found in the country.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXVI.--Living Room, Kittredge House; Parlor, Kittredge House.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXXVII.--Soapstone Fire Frame, Kittredge House Fireplace, Kittredge House.]

At the right is the living-room, where the woodwork shows wide panels, the fireplace having an old-time, soapstone fire-frame. Every piece of furniture is of the colonial type, the sofas being of the Empire period, and the chairs of Sheraton, showing rush bottom and often known as fancy chairs. A wonderful old cabinet is filled with relics such as are rarely found, even in a colonial home.

The parlor is on the opposite side of the hallway; the woodwork around the fireplace in this room is hand-carved, with baskets of flowers for the center ornamentation, and festoon effects on either side. It has a facing of tiles, on which are depicted Biblical scenes. The woodwork shows well planned panelling, with a deep cornice above the quaint wall hangings. The recessed windows are fitted with built-in seats and the old-time shutters which were originally used as safeguard against the Indians.

Every piece of furniture is a genuine antique, the Hepplewhite with the favorite s.h.i.+eld or heart-shaped back and straight legs, and the cozy arm-chair of Sheraton design known in this country as "Martha Was.h.i.+ngton," owing to the fact that one of this design was included in the furnis.h.i.+ngs at Mt. Vernon, all being choice examples. Equally as interesting as these fine bits is a quaint, old bronze lamp, 1820, with l.u.s.ters and gla.s.s shades. The Roundabout Chippendale chair, and the center table, with its thin top, plain tripod, and ball feet, are typical of those designed about the first of the nineteenth century.

In the dining-room, which opens from the rear of the hallway, the same dignified simplicity is a dominant feature. The furnis.h.i.+ng of mahogany, the china cupboards, and the rare pieces of Chippendale and Sheraton are worthy of their attractive setting. The fireplace, with its exquisite carving, brings into relief the fine lines of the mantel above. Rare old pewter, silver, and exquisite bits of Sheffield plate are found in the deep closets in this room.

The second story is in keeping with the good taste displayed on the lower floor. The furnis.h.i.+ngs here are antique also, including some of the best examples of four-posters to be found in New England. The fireplaces vary from the Franklin stove, to the large, open fireplaces of our grand-dames' time, with broad s.p.a.ces of panelled woodwork; the white finish, mellowed to ivory tones, affords a suitable background for the wonderful old pictures.

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Historic Homes Part 13 summary

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