Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 11

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Book 1 Chapter 11: Mutant Dog!

Ye Chen did not stop, he simply proceeded further. Unsure of what to do, Ye Zhu glanced at her brother. It would seem that he was focused on their surroundings, carefully watching for zombies that might come pouncing out at any moment. Realizing that her brother wasn't going heed the youth, Ye Zhu awkwardly glanced behind, only to find the youth running rapidly towards them.

Ye Zhu hesitantly looked away from the youth and followed after her brother in silence.

"Hey now, don't be leaving in such a hurry!" The youth caught up from behind and stood before them with his hands aloft, impeding the two from heading further. His eyes quickly swept across Ye Zhu's adorable and delicate face before darting back to look upon Ye Chen. With a smile blossoming upon his face, the youth chuckled before saying: "Bro, no I mean Brother, that's not right either, its Boss! Your martial prowess is profound, your features handsome and suave, you're definitely the ideal man in the eyes of thousands of young women and the idol of millions of newly wedded wives, an existence most prided under heaven…."

Ye Chen began to frown as he waved his hand to cut short the youth's extravagant attempt at flattery, saying: "You want me to take you in?"

The youth was taken aback, however he immediately began to laugh, saying: "As expected of someone who's a confident, stylish, distinguished, elegant, incomparably das.h.i.+ng, an unsurpa.s.sed symbol of attraction towards millions of young women……kind of man, to possess such profound vision and foresight, seeing through others with a mere glance, you are indeed THE savior of this apocalyptic world, a paragon which all men should strive towards……"

Ye Chen gave a dry cough before saying: "Sorry, I'm aware that your current lack of strength will likely lead to your death if there's no one around to look after you. It' be just like before, if not for us you'd be dead now, torn apart most likely. But, I have no use for trash, apologies!"

The youth immediately began bursting into tears, inwardly grieving: "Even if you refuse taking me in, you didn't need to phrase it in such a cruel manner…."

Ye Zhu who was more compa.s.sionate, took pity on the miserable state of this youth. Pulling on her brother's sleeve, Ye Zhu said: "Brother, why not take him in? It's rare enough to see a living person."

"Yes, that's right!" the youth nodded exaggeratedly, inwardly he felt this kind and adorable girl exuded the benevolence of a G.o.ddess. He immediately faced Ye Chen saying: "I'm not some trash; I'm capable of a ton of things."

"Oh?" Ye Chen glanced over the youth with indifference before saying: "Let's hear it then."

The youth gave it a thought before pointing a finger at himself saying: "I graduated university with a Liberal Arts Degree; therefore I'm especially fluent in the art of communication. I'm even somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to computers. At one point, I was the state's enterprise head of division, another job I had was……"

Ye Chen turned around and suggested to his sister saying: "Let's have fried potatoes for dinner tonight."

"Sure!" Ye Zhu obediently nodded her head.

"We can have it with some chili sauce on the side, it be even more appetizing." Ye Chen reminded.


The youth was so shocked that he felt his tears welling up again, he felt his morale plummet under the relentless indifference exuded by this callous stranger, his was simply being completely disregarded….

Ye Chen took his sister by the hand and circled around the youth, continuing onwards as though he had never encountered the person. The youth stood there in silence with his head held low and fingers dug deep into his palms. After resolving himself, he raised his head to face Ye Chen shouting: "If you take me in, I'll do anything!"

He was completely out of options….

After witnessing Ye Chen's unbelievable prowess, he knew that going alone into this zombie infested world meant certain death! Most likely he'd be torn apart by the zombies or die a slow excruciating death from starvation hiding in a room.

Therefore, his best chance of surviving this disaster was being taken under the wing of someone formidable. Ye Chen clearly fits the bill in this situation and is currently his best and only option.

Hearing the youth's pleading cry, Ye Chen ceased advancing. Ye Zhu who was standing beside him, glanced at her brother's face only to find an expression coloured with indifference.

After a few moments, Ye Chen entered into a room and grabbed a kitchen knife. Tossing the knife in the youth's direction, he turned and immediately left.

The youth picked up the knife and stared at it, clearly at a loss. Right at this moment, he heard Ye Zhu giggling before saying: "Hurry up already, or else the zombies might get you from behind."

The 'zombies' she was referring to were clearly the nightmarish monsters that plagued this world. Upon hearing the girl's words, the youth immediately awoke from his stupor. With renewed vigor, the youth rushed over to catch up with uplifted spirits. Following behind Ye Chen, he couldn't help but feel the ice between them as he glanced at this formidable stranger's back. As a person who never had any trouble communicating with others, the youth couldn't help but feel at a loss at his hesitance to utter a greeting.

Noticing the awkward demeanor of the youth, Ye Zhu giggled saying: "Don't mind my brother; he's always been like that."

The youth could only smile bitterly in reply.

Blinking her large, fascinating eyes, Ye Zhu curiously inquired: "What's your name?"

Hearing her question, the youth seemed to awaken from his previous shock. With a smile blossoming upon his face, he introduced himself saying: "My surname is Bai, named Long. People call me Xiao Bai Long! Qing University's modern age man of unparalleled charm Xiao Bai Long in the flesh. Hm, this place seems unsuitable; I'll sign you an autograph at my latest convenience. Eh? Don't walk so fast, wait for me…."

Ye Chen glanced at the young man, eyes filled with a discerning glint.

Someone who can maintain such a cheerful smile even in the face of such a desolating apocalypse must be made of sterner stuff. It was this very reason which made Ye Chen decide to take him in.

After pa.s.sing by the corner, Ye Chen gave a hand gesture indicating his intention for the group to stay silent.

Ye Zhu obediently kept her mouth shut; she knew that her brother only gave orders when he sensed danger. On any other occasion, he'd do little to restrict his little sister.

Bai Long didn't understand what was going on, so he asked: "What's up?"

This caused Ye Chen to frown visibly.

This terrified Bai Long causing him to clam up immediately. For some reason, he was traumatized when it came to facing the intimidating man before him, it might be witnessing the sight of him slaughtering the zombies, or the cold and emotionless way he was refused before….

With a single stare from Ye Chen, Bai Long could feel his heart go into rapid convulsion. Perhaps he had upset the man into considering abandonment. Realizing his current predicament, Bai Long's face became sullen with despair as he placed his pleading gaze on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen impatiently rolled his eyes, in a low voice, he whispered: "I'll go scout ahead, you guys stay put. If a zombie comes, Bai Long, you'd better defend my lil' sis!"

Bai Long felt the heavy pressure lift from his heart, with a relieved sigh he declared: "But of course! With me around, your sister will absolutely not be exposed to any danger whatsoever!"

Ye Chen nodded before turning to his sister with a glance that suggested "Take care." he firmly gripped his fireman's axe and advanced forward. As he proceeded down the blood stained corridor, he came upon a room with its door slightly ajar. The silence that surrounded him was so profound that he could even hear the sound of a falling needle.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Chen kicked the door wide open. Sweeping the interior of the room with a glance, he immediately spotted a lion-sized creature resting on the floor. It had coa.r.s.e, pitch black fur and four razor sharp claws.

"It was indeed a mutant dog." Ye Chen's gaze was overcome with seriousness. From the sour stench that wafted in the air, he could tell that there was a mutant dog roaming in the vicinity. It was a distinct odour emitted by mutated creatures.

"ROOAR!" the mutant dog had awoken after detecting Ye Chen's presence. Turning its ma.s.sive head, it glared menacingly at him whilst baring its gore encrusted canines. Not only were there bits of minced flesh, but entrails dangling upon the corners of the mutant dog's gaping maw.

Ye Chen's brows began to crease as he inwardly cursed the owner who had brought their pet dog into this hotel. This mutant dog must have previously been a cute and lovable dog that was transformed into this hulking monstrosity due to the effects of the virus. Its strength level should be around that of twenty men!

A dog's specialty was its sense of smell!

Under the virus's influence, its sense of smell must have been sharpened considerably. However, its innate strength could not possibly measure up to that of a mutant ant. In fact, in the later stages of the apocalypse, you'd be hard pressed to find a monster more fearsome than a mutant ant, there were few that could measure up indeed….

If an equal sized lion and ant were to battle, the one to die would undoubtedly be the lion!

Although this mutant dog was no match for the previously encountered mutant ant, for the current Ye Chen, it was a formidable foe indeed. Even if the difference in strength was negligible, there was still a huge gap between them!

The reason was, a dog's movements and reaction speed were innately superior to creatures of similar strength level, including a human's!

What's more, dogs naturally possessed lethal weapons in the form of its fangs and claws. Under similar constraints, a man trying to best a dog was quite unfavourable!

Ye Chen had little other choice.

Suddenly, the mutant dog began to rapidly enclose upon Ye Chen. It descended before him faster than the blink of an eye. Its speed was no doubt around 100m/2s, far surpa.s.sing Ye Chen's speed by 2 seconds.

What kind of phenomena was running at the speed of a hundred meters over two seconds?

Closing such a distance would be effortless; it'd be over with a 'whoosh'.

With cold sweat beading down his forehead, Ye Chen clenched his fingers around the fireman's axe. As the mutant dog neared, he sent the axe forth in a devastating cleave, kicking up a gust of howling wind.


With a flash of its body, the mutant dog evaded the blow. Circling behind Ye Chen, it unleashed a swipe of it deadly claws.

Translator's Notes:

Bai Long's name means white dragon. His flattery sure is something else….

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Dark Civilization Volume 1 Chapter 11 summary

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