The History of Dartmouth College Part 37

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Nor should we forget others who have left a lasting impression upon the jurisprudence of New England, and indeed our whole country. Among them Samuel S. Wilde, who had few peers as an advocate in Maine, or as a judge in Ma.s.sachusetts; Ezekiel Webster, who as lawyer and statesman left a monument in New Hamps.h.i.+re which shall never crumble; Richard Fletcher, "whose legal, clear, distinct, and precise statement, closely reasoned argument, and conscientious mastery of his subject, adorned the bench no less than the bar;" Joseph Bell, who as advocate and legislator, in ability as in station, towered above most of his a.s.sociates; Ichabod Bartlett, "the Randolph of the North," who could measure swords with Mason or Webster or Clay, without either s.h.i.+eld or shame; and Joel Parker, who honored alike the bar, the bench, and the lecture-room.

As members of one branch or the other of our National Legislature, we record other honored names in alphabetical order:

Samuel C. Allen, who voted _alone_ in his place in Congress, in favor of suffrage without regard to color. Helium Allen, Lemuel H. Arnold, Samuel Bell, Samuel N. Bell, Silas Betton, Abijah Bigelow, John Blanchard, Daniel Breck, Elijah Brigham, David Brunson, Joseph Buffum, Dudley Chase, Daniel Chipman, Martin Chittenden, Daniel Clark, in every public position a leading spirit, Judah Dana, Samuel Dinsmoor, Daniel M. Durell, Ira A. Eastman, Thomas M. Edwards, Walbridge A.

Field, Benjamin F. Flanders, Isaac Fletcher, George G. Fogg, Sylvester Gilbert, Calvin G.o.ddard, Daniel W. Gooch, John N. Goodwin, George Grennell, James W. Grimes, pioneer statesman of the far West, Matthew Harvey, Henry Hibbard, Henry Hubbard, a man of rare abilities and influence, Jonathan Hunt, Luther Jewett, Joseph S. Lyman, Asa Lyon, Rufus McIntire, Charles Marsh, George P. Marsh, the honored son of an honored father, Gilman Marston, Ebenezer Mattoon, Jeremiah Nelson, Moses Norris, John Noyes, Benjamin Orr, Albion K. Parris, James W.

Patterson, whose eminent abilities and elaborate culture have placed him in the foremost rank of the present generation of New England statesmen, Charles H. Peaslee, Edward C. Reed, Erastus Root, Joseph Richardson, Eleazer W. Ripley, equally fearless as a soldier and a statesman, Ether Shepley, alike conspicuous for mental and moral powers, John S. Sherburne, George A. Simmons, who by his own efforts attained rare eminence, Peleg Sprague, Samuel Taggart, Amos Tuck, a pioneer in philanthropic politics, John Wentworth, who in large measure maintains the reputation of an ancient and honored family, Phineas White, Leonard Wilc.o.x, Charles W. Willard, Hezekiah Williams, and William Wilson. To which should be added the names of James C.

Alvord and Sylva.n.u.s Backus, who were elected to Congress, but did not live to take their seats.

When Daniel Webster entered the American Senate, five of its twelve New England representatives were Dartmouth alumni. Their labors in Congress form a part of the history of every Administration of our National government.

Amos Kendall, beside large usefulness, in other spheres, was an honored Cabinet Minister.

Amos T. Akerman has been similarly honored, as Attorney General of the United States.

The names of Charles B. Haddock, George P. Marsh, George G. Fogg, and Edward F. Noyes, deserve honorable mention in connection with public service abroad.

The names of Samuel Dinsmoor, the younger, John Hubbard, Ralph Metcalf, Peter T. Washburn, Nelson Dingley, and Benjamin F. Prescott should be noticed, as State Governors, in addition to several who have added this honor to others, of which we have already made mention.

In Judicial life many names attract our notice beside those, which have been mentioned in other connections; among them Nicholas Baylies, Nicholas Emery, Nathan Weston, Ira Perley, Jonas Cutting, Benjamin W.

Bonney, Isaac F. Redfield, Robert R. Heath, Andrew S. Woods, William H. Bartlett, John S. Sanborn, and Benjamin H. Steele, of the deceased, and William G. Woodward, Timothy P. Redfield, George F. Shepley, James Barrett, Jason Downer, Jonathan E. Sargent, Lincoln F. Brigham, Oliver Miller, and Charles Doe, among the living. Nor should we forget that of living members of the American Bar few names have been honored more in the East than that of Charles B. Goodrich, and few names have been honored more in the West than that of James F. Joy.

Dartmouth has contributed largely to American Education.

Bowdoin's first two presidents were Joseph McKeen and Jesse Appleton.

Thomas C. Upham was one of its honored Faculty for more than forty years.

Oren B. Cheney was a leading founder of Bates College, in later years.

James Marsh, John Wheeler, and Joseph Torrey were successively presidents of Vermont University, and each left upon it a most valuable and durable impression.

William Jackson and Thomas A. Merrill inscribed their names indelibly upon the foundations of Middlebury College, which numbers Benjamin Labaree and Calvin B. Hulbert among its honored presidents.

Zephaniah S. Moore, as president of Williams College, gave to it the fruits of his valuable experience at Dartmouth, and materially enhanced its usefulness; nor should we omit the name of its earnest friend and guardian, Alvan Hyde.

In naming the leading founders of Amherst College, Professor Tyler does not hesitate to place first, Rufus Graves, and next, Samuel F.

d.i.c.kinson. The value of Dr. Moore's services as first president has been referred to in a previous chapter.

A record of its obligations to Professor Nathan Welby Fiske is a material part of its history.

The biographer of George Ticknor says no one contributed more than he toward the impulse which has resulted in Harvard's progress during the last half century.

Amos Kendall was the honored founder of the College for Deaf Mutes at Was.h.i.+ngton.

John M. Sturtevant has an honored place in the history of education for the Blind in the South.

Jonathan P. Cus.h.i.+ng resuscitated Hampden Sydney College when life was nearly extinct, and made it again "a power in the land."

Philander Chase, in founding Kenyon and Jubilee Colleges, gave to the Episcopalians of the West two of their leading literary inst.i.tutions.

John M. Ellis founded Illinois College, which, with the influences that centered around it, in large measure "gave character" to the State.

Not less plainly did he write his name upon the foundations of Wabash College, and not less plainly have Charles White, Edmund D. Hovey, and Caleb Mills written their names upon the superstructure.

A proper estimate of the valuable labors of Joseph Estabrook, Stephen Foster, and George Cooke, successively presidents of the College of East Tennessee, can only be made by those who are familiar with the history of the inst.i.tution.

Drury College, so admirably located, bears the impress of Nathan J.


Beyond the Rocky Mountains, Samuel H. Willey and George H. Atkinson will ever be honored among the leading founders and guardians of the College of California, and the Pacific University.

No history of American education will be complete which does not portray the earnest and valuable labors, in numerous other collegiate inst.i.tutions East, West, North, and South, of a long roll of Dartmouth alumni; among them, beside many others, already noticed, Joseph Dana, James Dean, Josiah Noyes, Frederick Hall, George T. Chapman, James Hadley, Rufus W. Bailey, Benjamin F. Farnsworth, George Bush, Cyrus P.

Grosvenor, Oramel S. Hinckley, Samuel Hurd, Caleb S. Henry, John Kendrick, Charles D. Cleaveland, Leonard Marsh, Forrest Shepherd, Charles B. Dana, Nathaniel S. Folsom, Jarvis Gregg, Milo P. Jewett, Diarca H. Allen, Kendrick Metcalf, Jacob H. Quimby, John B. Niles, Daniel F. Richardson, Amos Brown, Calvin Tracy, John C. Webster, Edmund Q. S. Waldron, Augustus Everett, Erastus Everett, Jonas De F.

Richards, Abner H. Brown, Henry L. Bullen, George P. Comings, David Dimond, Charles H. Churchill, Amos B. Goodhue, Joshua J. Blaisdell, Artemas W. Sawyer, Mark Bailey, Gideon Draper, Joseph O. Hudnut, Henry E. J. Boardman, Charles S. Farrar, Nathan S. Lincoln, John Ordronaux, John M. Hayes, Daniel Putnam, Martin H. Fisk, Isaac A. Parker, Ephraim March, William E. Barnard, Ambrose W. Clarke, Amos N. Currier, Richard C. Stanley, Albert S. Bickmore, George S. Morris, and John W.

Scribner. It is hardly possible to overestimate the influence of these men in shaping the thought and life of our country.

If we turn to academies we find that Mark Newman, Osgood Johnson, and Samuel H. Taylor, especially the two latter, were largely instrumental in placing Phillips Academy, at Andover, at the head of such inst.i.tutions in America. Few schools of the kind have a more brilliant record than Kimball Union Academy, and few American educators have acquired more permanent renown than Cyrus S. Richards.

The labors of Amos J. Cook at Fryeburg, of John Vose at Atkinson and Pembroke, of Andrew Mack at Gilmanton and Haverhill, of John Hubbard at New Ipswich, of Ezra Carter at Peacham, of Clement Long and William Nutting at Randolph, of James K. Colby at St. Johnsbury, of Ebenezer Adams at Leicester, of Proctor Pierce at Deerfield, of Caleb Butler at Groton, and Benjamin Greenleaf at Bradford, const.i.tute a vital portion of the history of academic education in New England. Nor must we forget that such men as Albert C. Perkins, at Exeter, C. F. P.

Bancroft, at Andover, and Homer T. Fuller, at St. Johnsbury, are still laboring in this important sphere, while Hiram Orcutt is performing valuable service in a somewhat similar sphere at West Lebanon.

Worcester Free Inst.i.tute is under large obligations to Charles O.

Thompson and John E. Sinclair.

If we turn to the metropolis of New England we find that John D.

Philbrick has made her schools and school-houses in their leading features models for a world, fit successor to Elisha Ticknor, the leading founder of her primary schools, and Caleb Bingham and John Park, who in large measure revolutionized female education in America.

Beaumont Parks taught successfully for forty years in Indiana and Illinois; Charles E. Hovey founded the Illinois Normal School--worthy followers of Daniel Story at Marietta, the pioneer professional teacher of the West.

John Eaton, as Commissioner of General Education, has stamped his name, indelibly, upon our country's history.

In Literature, Dartmouth has a worthy record.

In Philosophy, the names of James Marsh, Thomas C. Upham, and Caleb S.

Henry, command universal respect.

In History, the names of George Ticknor, Joseph B. Felt, Joseph Tracy, George Punchard, Samuel Hopkins, John Lord, and Edwin D. Sanborn, will live as long as our language.

In Scientific popular literature, the names of Abel Curtis, who is believed to have given to America its first English Grammar in a separate and distinct form, of Caleb Bingham, who followed in his footsteps and enhanced the value of his work, of Daniel Adams, who gave to the world the invaluable Arithmetic, of Benjamin Greenleaf, whose mathematical works have added materially to the usefulness of his long and busy life, of Charles D. Cleaveland and Alphonso Wood, are stars of the first magnitude.

In Periodical literature, the names of John Park, David Everett, Thomas G. Fessenden, Asa Rand, Russell Jarvis, Absalom Peters, Nathaniel P. Rogers, Ebenezer C. Tracy, Amasa Converse, Henry Wood, Nathaniel S. Folsom, Alonzo H. Quint, and Henry A. Hazen, deserve especial notice.

In Polite literature, the names of Nathaniel H. Carter, Charles B.

Haddock, Rufus Choate, George P. Marsh, Richard B. Kimball, and John B. Bouton, command universal admiration.

The writings of Samuel L. Knapp, Henry Bond, and Nathan Crosby are valuable contributions to American Biography.

In Professional and Cla.s.sic literature, the alumni of Dartmouth have done a good work. We can only glance at leading names, many of which have been mentioned in their more appropriate places. Among them are Asa Burton, Jesse Appleton, Ebenezer Porter, Samuel C. Bartlett, Alvah Hovey, Luther T. Townsend, Isaac F. Redfield, Silas Durkee, Edmund R.

Peaslee, W. W. Morland, F. E. Oliver, Jabez B. Upham, Edward H.

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